Surfing with the Spirit

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Post by Meataxe » Tue Nov 01, 2005 1:21 pm

Easy tiger!

Actually I've often thought that, in the absence of a defined religion, for surfers the ocean feeds a kind of spiritual hunger. For those that do follow a religion, surfing is a perfect complement.

If prayers not your thing, I think sitting out in the water is an awesome place for contemplating some of the big questions.

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Post by Hawkeye » Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:43 pm

smnmntl wrote:Yeah....fair enough....I agree, it's good to be sitting out there and pondering the imponderables. But my point is that this guy sounds like one of those Christians who try to get their message across by acting all cute about where they're coming from. Like those annoying Hare Krishnas who come up to you at the train station and say gday mate, howzit going, like they want to have a conversation about nothing in particular, but actually they're just softening you up so that you'll buy some horrible dharma sticker for your car window.

Maybe I'm paranoid - DEFINITELY I'm paranoid - but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. I'd be interested to know if this guy is a Christian. If not - my apologies. But if he is....mate, just come out with it OK??
Great point. I couldn't agree more.

I hate it when people do it to me, and it's the last thing I'd want to do to somebody. Two reasons:
* It's a failure of integrity (reason enough never to do it)
* It leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the victim, as they recognise they've been manipulated.

What does that do to any point you're trying to make when they find you out (which they will)? They can't hear what you're saying because what you are shouts too loud.
Last edited by Hawkeye on Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Bear » Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:03 pm

smnmntl wrote: Oh really? A lot of your non-Christian mates pray before they go in the water? that sounds like (a) bullshit and (b) a Christian being less than honest about where he's coming from and why he's asking if anyone prays. If there's one thing I hate, it's God-botherers who aren't upfront about their religion.

OK so where are all those non-Christian surfers who pray before they go in the water? Come on guys, we'd love to hear from you.
A lot of your non-Christian mates pray before they go in the water? that sounds like (a) bullshit and (b) a Christian being less than honest about where he's coming from and why he's asking if anyone prays.
HI SMNMNTL! My name is Bear, you have met me before and yes I still think your an idiot! :P
Matt87 is one of my best mates and is my surfing buddy.. I am his non-christian friend who prays! In answer to your second question... Yes you should think before answering otherwise people will come along and bar you and then you like look a right royal dickhead for picking an argument about an innocent question!!!

Ok so lets start from the start and move right along... Matty boy is a religious bloke.. but after boydboarding with him since i dont know probably early/mid 90's to today not once has he tried to convert me or anything like that. He has other mates who I have met who are religious and some that arnt who still say a quick how you doing before surfing!
He was just curious about religion in surf culture... its not like he is coming out saying any of you should believe in it, nor would he do it! Look back at his posts mate and you tell me he is going to come out and start preaching he has been nothing but just curious! So stop.. read a post once in a while... get a brain and come back and chat with the big boys before you decide that the whole world is about you and if someone asks what religion you are it doesnt me he wants to convert you! Okkk gooodd!!!

How am I a non christian yet still pray. I believe in god mate, I believe he helps us out and all that stuff... i dont however believe in the church or in the bible! I dont think god dislikes homosexuals and people who get divorced or people who have sex before marriage. So technically I dont really belong to a religion as I am not within a set of defined rules that make me christian or catholic or whatever! I can choose my religion and I dont associate any of my beliefs with a certain school.. i never preach to the world(except kinda above i guess...) I just think that there is a controlling force, and praying before I surf makes me feel safer in the water, more confident in my abbilities and also makes me think how I am lucky enough to actually enjoy it!

So mate just relax.. dont go all of the handle are start freaking out and why not post a constructive comment... in the words of dr dre as I have been quoting recently...
"'Smoke some with your dog
No stress, no seeds, no stems, no sticks!
Some of that real sticky icky
A little weed, put it in the air"

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Post by Hawkeye » Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:28 pm

hey Bear

Goes to show I shouldn't assume.

I was about to edit my post to add the thought that even so, may be matt87 just has christian mates from maybe an Assemblies of God background. But then I saw yours.

You've cleared it up enough for me. And profuse apologies to matt87.

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Post by Bear » Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:43 pm

Stress less dude... i spoke to him on the phone a little while ago and he didnt really care too much about all the crap people are saying... he was just curious!

All i can say is all the people he and occasionally I surf with who are religious are awesome blokes who dont preach or anything, they are top blokes!

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Post by Bear » Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:29 am

this topic now fades in the wind...

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Post by scroopulis » Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:13 am

In answer to the question......

No i don't......

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Post by Bear » Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:35 am

wanto wrote:mate, he's only had 2 posts .. how are people meant to draw a conclusion from that? and yes, this topic did sound to me like a preacher's intro. glad thats not the case.
Funny how you say its hard to draw a conclusion from it yet you and smnt and others already did draw a conclusion that he was preaching. I mean I am not sure how from "do you think about god" that you get someone preaching!

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Post by munch » Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:54 am

wanto wrote:
Bear wrote:Look back at his posts mate and you tell me he is going to come out and start preaching ..
mate, he's only had 2 posts .. how are people meant to draw a conclusion from that? and yes, this topic did sound to me like a preacher's intro. glad thats not the case.
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Post by oldman » Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:07 pm

Bear said
So stop.. read a post once in a while... get a brain and come back and chat with the big boys before you decide that the whole world is about you and if someone asks what religion you are it doesnt me he wants to convert you!
You seem to have some anger issues to deal with there Bear. Complaining about others over-reacting while you go off the deep end is a little, um inconsistent.

It has been my experience that nobody ever asks you what your religion is without there being a sub-text, i.e. conversion.

It's a reasonable assumption to make.
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Post by unmployed » Wed Nov 02, 2005 12:31 pm

I think your wasting your time thinkin bout ficticious charecters... its like me thinking about uni-corns..

Well thats my point of view "watch me get attacked"

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Post by eggsta » Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:05 pm

Mate if someone came up to you on the street and goes "how are you today, just wondering if you think about god?" I would seriously be thinking
A: aahhh sh*t, here we go another jesus freak
B: how much change do i have in my pocket?
C: here comes a conversion attempt..

P.s I think religion is out of control, that is just my opinion, you guys think what you want just dont come and ram it down my throat. (not that you guys are or anything..)

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Post by Longygrom » Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:38 pm

Wanto- "It sounded like a preaches intro"

What preachers do u listen to?

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Post by Bear » Wed Nov 02, 2005 2:18 pm


Okie dokie I feel i should defend myself.
The reason why I stepped up in this topic is that my mate got blasted for no reason. People here are saying if someone comes upto you and asks your religion or whatever they are probably going to convert you, yeah when people do it on the street chances are they are trying to make you join a church or whatever.

These are public forums, where people have asked all sorts of questions in the past, I just dont see how you all turn on this one cause it has to do with religion. I wrote that massive message as smnmntl was out of line in my beliefs, instead of cussing why not just ask a serious question back... or making a comment like everyone else did above withput being super accusational.
Granted i went of the handle and tried to prove my point a little too much but you know I just didnt see the need to just go all out at a guy asking a serious question with no little subtle undertones...
Go ahead fellas line me up in your sites and take a hit... Yeah i have an opinion and yeah ill voice it, as they say treat people how you want to be treated... and thus if your acting like a dick, ill treat you like one thus some of my messages.
I dont care what any of you think about me, but matt87 is one of the nicest blokes I know and I stood up for him and thats why i did it.


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