Winter Guns... Wherefore art thou ..?

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Re: Winter Guns... Wherefore art thou ..?

Post by oldman » Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:43 pm

steve shearer wrote:He also said the same thing on a Bali blog post he wrote.

Fcuk I hope it doesn't go into mass circulation. I want the herd to remain on their undergunned indo guns when it's pumping.

Another reason, which he alludes to and has been thrashed out on here a bit, is the whole volume question.

Volume has become a bit of a touchstone for surfers, in the sense that you find the "correct" volume for how you surf and then you stick with that, through shortboards, guns etc etc.

I've always called total bullshitt on that want a range of volumes in your quiver depending on what conditions you are intending them for.

This constriction of surfboard dimension according to a correct volume is just caca thinking.

But again, for purely selfish reasons I hope that realisation doesn't attain popular acceptance.
Fark, not this again.

God forbid that a surfer should have information about his board that is highly relevant to how it will go.

Why, oh why, would you assume that because volumes are now displayed on boards that the corollary is that everyone will assume that one volume fits all.

As though one length fits all.

Get over it already. Having a volume number on your board is hugely useful to thinking surfers, and a complete con to numbskulls, just like every other aspect of design, life, love, humanity, work.
Lucky Al wrote:You could call your elbows borogoves, and your knees bandersnatches, and go whiffling through the tulgey woods north of narrabeen, burbling as you came.

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Re: Winter Guns... Wherefore art thou ..?

Post by tootr » Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:09 am

parmenter widowmaker, please report to the wishlist!

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Re: Winter Guns... Wherefore art thou ..?

Post by LPJ » Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:34 pm

wATched the shredshow HK ep. on youtube. I haven't seen that many in the water myself, but I kinda see what you guys are getting at now. He does say you gotta surf a lot of boards to understand volume, but follows that with "finding your optimal volume..." and implies the only reason his mate's mate didn't have fun in the surf is cos he doesn't have the right volume. He seems a little hesitant to spruik the 1-8ft surfable call, but doesn't actually say why.

Anyway don't wanna hang shit on the guy, just wanted to say how these vids, with clips of ando surfing, can be fed from en masse. 'Advanced' surfers asking in the comments if the 5'8 is right for them, without any discussion of wave type/conditions, etc.

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Re: Winter Guns... Wherefore art thou ..?

Post by Beanpole » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:12 am

Coastalwatch recommended a McTavish Mal as the board of choice for today :-?
Yes, well overhead and blowing a gale. Think Ill drag the mal out for a spin.
Put your big boy pants on
I mean, tastebuds? WGAF?

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