East Timor

Wondering if there are surfable waves someplace you've never visited? Or have you had an injury and want to compare experiences? Do it here!

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East Timor

Post by MAKC » Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:13 pm

Hi there.

I've got a friend teaching in East Timor and am thinking to go visit in May / June.
Am thinking to throw in a couple of boards and try to find waves.
Are there some on the southern coast?
Or anywhere for that matter?

I read somewhere to look out for crocs... yikes!.

Any help on the waves front much appreciated.

[email protected]




East Timor returned

Post by MAKC » Fri Jun 17, 2005 12:44 pm

Just in case anyone else is interested.
I went to ET with a board and just carried the f*cker for 2 weeks.
I did see some swell down (only 3ft)on the South coast but it dropped too fast for me to even find somewhere to get in.

The other turn-off is that the South side of the island is where all the saltwater crocs are and everyone is fairly paranoid about them. I reckon if you had some time and got a boat and did a trip along the coast you'd definately find some wave action on the south side.(don't worry about the crocs: they're hopeless at cutties).

ET was fantastic place although roads, food, accom etc is still pretty thin on the ground. Great to be giving some $$ to a people with over 30 years of shocking political strife and personal trauma.

Anyway, would love to hear from anyone who has more luck than me over there wave-wise.


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