Miller F-Skate - feedback?

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Miller F-Skate - feedback?

Post by buzzy » Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:35 am

One part of my quiver is a Munro "retro fish", which is a bit of a cross between a modern shortboard and a fish. It has more of a late 70's early 80's template if I can rememer back that far with accuracy. I like the extra bouyancy of the boaerd and it's relatively flatter rocker makes it go faster...indeed I find this board faster in a down the line wave than a true Fish (I surfed a retro fish and a DVS back to back on the same break one day to check - sad I know). That's all good. The bad is that when fading from the top to go into a stally kind of bottom turn it always seemed to catch an inside rail. I've softened up the edges (they're typically hard all the way through) on later boards and the problem reduced but didn't go away. I don't seem to have the same problem on other boards. Plus on the downside I got a huge pressure digg...let's call it an unwanted concave...on the base when I accidentally stored something else on top of it.

So, I see the Miller F-skate has a really similar outline to the retro fish, with the same thruster fin set up and with hard rails in tail and soft railes elesewhere. They seem like they may be the basic same concept with the potential to avoid the "trap" I've seen on this board....Not dissing the Munro by the way...I've ordered 4 because I like them...but just wondering if someone local can do something even better.

So, any feedback on the pluses and minuses of this board?

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Re: Miller F-Skate - feedback?

Post by Davros » Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:07 pm

Grant Miller is a great bloke to have a chat to about his boards and will give you a good technical explanation on why he thinks his boards work well without laying a heavy sell on you (you may already chatted).
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Re: Miller F-Skate - feedback?

Post by Cuttlefish » Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:24 am

You'll find the F-skate will happily go vertical and rail catching will not be a problem.
I'd give Grant a call as he may have a board you could take for a surf or two.
Then you can give a review on here.
Me. I love my F-skate.
Too bad he doesn't do EPS and carbon fibre.
Only a rat can win the rat race.

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