The Flying Spaghetti Monster

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Laurie McGinness
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The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Post by Laurie McGinness » Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:20 pm

Non surfing, but I came across this in my professional reading and couldn't resist it.

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Post by Bear » Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:38 pm

So stupid... probably something to do with Michael Moore!

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Post by Clif » Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:13 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

saw that the other day. gr8 stuff. hardly stupid at all, or you referring to Intelligent Design Bear?

of which you wouldn't agree with right, being a science bear and all :wink: :?:

i saw HIM once, he had visited during the night. left a sauce stain on my shirt. it was a sign because it was shaped like HIM. do do do do do do do do

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Post by dammit__01 » Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:34 pm

well im a firm believer god is rubbish like sure there may be something i believe that life cant be all that we see but god to me sounds like rubbish so for all we know in the next 1 million years they will find a book about humpdy dumpdy and he will be there new leaver who sacrafised himself for us....well i think they should teach theory of evolution the real way

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Post by Shaunm » Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:48 pm

My daughter goes to a Catholic school @ Wahroonga and went to a primary one and was taught evolution is fact.
Science question for Bear, I went to a private school in WA and during biology we were taught about how cats always land on their feet. Being in year 9 we discussed this with some year 10 students who claimed it to be false. THe science block was 3 stories we were on the second level, they were on the top level, when we saw what looked like the school mascot, a cat, sail past our window. We looked out and sure enough it was Wesley, well used to be anyway!
So is there a height where this theory fails, do they reach terminal velocity quicker than us, or is the landing on the feet a myth started by someone observing their agility?
Last edited by Shaunm on Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Clif » Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:01 pm

i bet kitty is now enjoying the great pasta sauce in the sky.

long live the spaghetti monster

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Post by munch » Tue Jan 31, 2006 4:29 pm

Shazzam wrote:I went to a private school in WA and during biology we were taight about how cats always land on their feet
Dr Karl has dealt with this in depth in one of his earlier books :arrow: check it out for youse answers to youse question :!:
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Post by Beets » Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:30 pm

Shaunm, as munch mentioned Dr Karl goes thru it in depth...
but to give you the gist, its basically cos cats have the ability to twist on their own axis as they fall due to their flexibility.
They also have a lower terminal velocity than humans and can survive even when hitting the ground at this speed.
Interesting fact: the most dangerous height for a cat to fall from is around 7 floors - the cat gets to terminal velocity but doesn't have enough time to deliberately spread itself out to slow down a bit.
So effectively, a cat is more likely to survive if thrown off the hundredth floor, than the 7th.

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Post by Lucky Al » Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:34 pm

Don't forget Gambale's (1998) experiments, which showed the popular belief about cats to be true for drop heights ranging from six feet down to two feet, but not true for a drop height of one foot.

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Post by Bear » Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:36 pm

Shaunm wrote: Science question for Bear,
Science question for me.. Im flattered! Unfortunately I never did biology so I prob couldnt help you... Terminal velocity is reached pretty quickly though so thats prob one reason why kitty went bye bye! I am not sure but the rule that a cat lands on its feet would probably apply to most extremely flexible animals!

As for intelligent design.... well I have to say it definately shouldnt be taught as a logical theory. It can be taught in like bible class or something but not in Science.
Very simple reason why

Evolution has evidence that can be experienced by everyone! Go to google and search for fossils or whatever and you can see timelines of bones that definately morphed from one animal to another over a long time.

Now Intelligent design cannot be proven TO EVERYONE! The reason I say this is that religion is often followed as certain people experience different events. Eg some people look at a piece of toast and see god, others look and see vegemite. Because "GOD" really has no evidence of his existence apart from people "feeling him" etc then it cannot be prooven!

You teach maths because we know 1+1= 2. If someone said 1+2=16 cause in a book written 1700 years ago it says so and the church promotes 1+2=16, you would never believe it AND it would never be taught! Thus I believe personally that you should only teach children things that can be prooven with evidence A, B AND C.

Anyways Im ranting... Im thinking my phd in Archaeology will be on the greek and roman worlds influences on the bible.. in the sense that the bible and Christianity spawned due to Greek/Roman Myths!

Funny considering I believe in god!!!

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Post by Lucky Al » Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:43 pm

The fact that box jellyfish have twenty-four eyes, four parallel brains and sixty arseholes might seem to constitute evidence in support of the FSM fellow's argument. Anyway, let's hope his efforts help bring America back from the edge of complete insanity.


Post by fong » Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:19 pm

i'm just buying into this thread 'cause i recken it's a great topic heading :D could used a poll thu laurie...get u act together :twisted:

i dunno if bear 9egghead) is right or not :?

puts forward a constructed argument :!:

now wheres hawkeye :wink:

i dunno :arrow: end of the day....or was that the start...wat came 1st bears head or the egg :?:

p.s sometimes it nice to have something/someone to believe in :arrow: real or can b a help :wink:

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Post by Bear » Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:38 pm

Why the hell am i suddenly an egghead?!?! I am not quite sure where this all came from with the bear the scientist thing.... But ill give my opinion when asked... or not!

Merkin was that a joke?

Fong im not saying people shouldnt believe in God, just saying evolution belongs in science class, devine stuff in Religous class.
Some aspects of religion is good... some of it is some of the most terrible things i have heard... eg Hey people in africa, dont wear condoms they dont work AND GOD HATES THEM! Oh by the way have you heard of the thing called AIDS... No?!? well whatever!
Also we cannot keep looking at things in a christian view... our country and the world is becoming such a mixpot of people and religion it would be nice if schools taught all types to children.

And im not that big headed.. i just have a healthy self esteem! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Post by fong » Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:07 pm

all good egghead...mean bear :lol:

like i said....just buyin in 'cause topic heading was irresistible :arrow:

we all want know :arrow: u didn't answer the :?:

wat came 1st.....bears head or the egg :?

p.s did u check the link at start....or where u to dissappionted in lack of a poll :cry: greeks had a god 4 everyday the wk :wink: got a fav :?:

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Post by infectious » Wed Feb 01, 2006 6:55 am

there is no theory of evolution, just a list of animals chuck norris lets live!
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Post by Johnno » Wed Feb 01, 2006 7:28 am

See a lot of that when you put gold tops in the spaghetti sauce.............. :shock: :lol: :lol:

Laurie McGinness
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Post by Laurie McGinness » Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:12 am

I'm glad you got some amusement out of that! Intelligent design is the modern equivalent of the saucer shaped Earth theory...which was what the flat Earthers came up with to explain the horizon. If you're interested I'll post it on Surfline and you can compare the guess would be 60 - 40 to the new flat Earthers.

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