getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by alakaboo » Wed May 15, 2013 9:40 am

Fong just get a 8'6 diamond pin high performance mal with cork deck and cedar base.
Wide point bit forward with decent nose rocker.
2+1 fin setup

Pick it up from your place in a month.

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by chrisb » Wed May 15, 2013 10:34 am

I'm a bit "older", reasonably fit, and in UNCROWDED conditions I'm fine on my shorter board (7') and catch the waves just before they break.

However, in crowds the guys on mals (and now also SUP's :evil: ) simply paddle 10-20 metres further out and are up and on the waves before I have even turned to paddle. Even when there's no mals or SUP's there's little chance of competing for waves against fit 20-somethings who are half my age. :(

........that's why in crowds ie. most of the time on Sydney weekends, I use a 9' mal.

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by swvic » Wed May 15, 2013 3:50 pm

I'm 50 and my mainstays are a 5'9" x 191/4 pointy nose tommo and a 6'2" x 19 JD step up. Both paddle about the same

Not super fit, but still reasonably flexible which I think is a key. I stretch every day. Main issues for me are my left shoulder and right wrist. Shoulder reduces my capacity to get super paddle fit so I hope it doesn't deteriorate too quickly because the idea of a mal still has zero appeal

Most of my surfing mates are mid 30s which probably helps. I often have 3 hr surfs, but 2 days of that in a row makes the shoulder pretty sore
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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by Natho » Wed May 15, 2013 8:13 pm

Fong, what the f^ kk are you doing. Firewires, mals? I can't bear to watch anymore.

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by seedy » Wed May 15, 2013 10:34 pm

[quote="fongss"]if it wasn't for huies cork decks.....I would been out the surf two years ago :!:

my knees are shot...u get that from the second row :wink: ]

what happened to make your knees a problem at 40. serious question.
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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by Rustt » Thu May 16, 2013 7:49 am

I can still out paddle most of the mal riders in my area on my 6'5", because they got a mal instead of getting fitter. Though , I am only surfing the waves they surf, to keep fit enough to surf waves I'd never see them out in.

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by carpet » Thu May 16, 2013 10:02 am

Fonngs,im also 50yrs and have been riding longboards when conditions suit since my mid 30s,i also ride a dvs twin keel fish and a hp shortboard and i have to dispute the argument these boards ruin your surfing,in fact they help it as you can surf more often and stay out longer in poor conditions rather than giving up on a undervolumed shortboard designed for average to good waves,no fun,
I suggest you get a shortboard with more volume,maybe from an older shaper who is in the same boat,ie slowing down,ageing,eg Miller,Mitchell rae etc,but if you want to keep the enjoyment factor have a fish and a mal as well.Checkout Grant Millers website as he goes into your dilemma and what he says makes sense!!! His powerglide model is a cracker board,it surfs off the tail like a shortboard,paddles like a demon and noserides.
You will enjoy your surfing and stay paddlefit for when waves come,it doesnt have to be one or the other. :-D-:

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by Trev » Thu May 16, 2013 3:59 pm

Fong, Ledge71 (Mick) surfs both very well. Shortboards by choice but give him 30 minutes on a mal and he's right at home again.
You aren’t the room Yuke You are just a wonky cafe table with a missing rubber pad on the end of one leg.

I still don't buy the "official" narrative about 9/11. Oh sure, it happened, fcuk yeah. But who and why and how I'm, not convinced it was what we've been told.

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by diggerdickson » Fri May 17, 2013 12:33 am

Ive seen ya surf fong, you still go good mate, but I understand where your coming from.

I have the luxury in that I don't surf in crowds anymore, so I can catch a wave, then relax and get another, no hassle, no stress. Im stuck on a shorter board than I would like and I want to go longer, plus Ive got a few more years on ya mate. Im thinking 6'6, cork as well one day.

Don't think I will ever go long board, or its just that im not thinking that way, I have just changed the way I surf and im still loving it, actually surfing better than I have in many years with the lines Im seeing and smoothing things out, not as up and down but enjoying it more. That's mainly cause of the places im surfing and the total lack of crowds :-)(

You will always have the days that require a short board, always :-D-: Though living where you live and surfing where you surf its a bloody hard call...... For if you don't enjoy the ocean then whats the bloody point mate.
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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by diggerdickson » Fri May 17, 2013 12:39 am

plus hueis mals are a thing of beauty................ I reckon anyway, would be fun but you will always have the short board backup when its really going off..
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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by PeepeelaPew » Fri May 17, 2013 12:28 pm

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by JaM71 » Fri May 17, 2013 1:48 pm

Legion wrote:Same age fong, prolly not as injured. I'm going more refined than ever these days. But I work pretty hard at fitness.
I think that's key, the older you get the harder you have to work at fitness. I am fitter and surf better than I did 10 or 20 years ago so believe that the 3-4 gym sessions a week pay off.

Chia seeds in a glass of water is good for arthritis
Burpees will help a slow/decrepid pop up
Chin ups for improved paddle strength

Don't forget to surf and stretch regularly preferably before and after surfing and before you sleep.
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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by Beanpole » Sat May 18, 2013 8:15 am

See told you so, fongster.
Just flog yourself harder in the gym. :roll: :roll: :roll:
Obviously your assessment of what your injuries are and the effect that has on your surfing aren't relevant to these guys.

I find it funny this threads in the log section. I can understand the response if you posted it in shortboarding.

Just tossing up whether I take out the 7'11"mini mal or my 6"6' quad at the moment.
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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by Natho » Sat May 18, 2013 11:17 am

Same for me. I'm 38 and feel fitter than ever and am now riding less volume than ever. But I have had to make sure I incorporate fitness as part of overall lifestyle. Its been easier for me I guess in that fitness has been a big part of my life for many years, and I never let it go.3-4 cross fit/ circuit type training sessions per week plus cardio such as soft sand running on off days. Riding less volume has also improved my surf fitness far more than I ever thought. I just need to stretch more ( something I have let go) and surf/ paddle more.
There is light at the end of the tunnel Fong but you have to be prepared and want to work hard at it. The later you leave it the harder it will be.

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by Beanpole » Sat May 18, 2013 12:52 pm

Sorry there Natho but I was being sarcastic. Great if your 38 with no ongoing injuries. A bit different once you pass 50 and every five years past that means an increasing likelihood of old injuries coming back or progressing to something more serious. Its called aging. Yes you can achieve a lot with exercise. No you can't expect to regain everything. 50 is a big one for most people physically. 40 sure if you've never been hammered in some way, 45 okay. Checking out old surfers generally its knees especially if they've played football, shoulders from paddling (I've got a spur on my spine which hurts like buggery if I overdo it and makes push ups, chin ups or anything similar out of the question) and of course going deaf from exostosis.

The problem is if you are 30 or 40 you basically don't believe that this will happen and that hard workouts will cure everything. The other factor is as you get older you usually have less time to embark on an extensive fitness program. I've basically learned to ignore fitness advice from anyone younger than me unless they really seem to understand these issues. More interested to hear advice from people older than me who still get out in the water and surf well on any surfcraft.
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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by Natho » Sat May 18, 2013 12:58 pm

Yeh sure, I didn't know we were talking the big 50 here. I'm fukd if I know what I will be like at 50?

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by PeepeelaPew » Sat May 18, 2013 2:06 pm

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Re: getting old, dont want struggle on a shorty

Post by unclethirsty » Sat May 18, 2013 3:08 pm

You're absolutely right Beany,after 50 every 5 yrs another wheel falls off.Turned 60 last yr and I can't believe how much harder,than when I was 50, it is to stay "surf fit" I get to the gym do spin classes, weights classes, yoga, laps at the pool and its still getting harder to pop up mainly, gives me the shits! Yeah the old injuries come back to haunt you me, three broken arms, broken leg,collarbone,hip replacement ,extosies removed both ears,stiches everywhere including nuts,and just recently heart operation.But I still love getting in the surf, just got out after 3hrs at Palmie (Sydney).
To answer the initial question I, and many other guys, would say to give Grant Miller a call, I recently picked up a 7'5"HP Powerglide & an 8' powerglide, both go unreal, throw 'em around and noseride 'em & i"m 6' 100kegs & been surfing 50 yrs.So at your age just get just get a custom board a bit longer & thicker. Don't bitch now wait till you get to 60!! (then get a longboard)

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