So, how was your weekend ?

Can't find the right forum, then post your general surf-related remarks here!

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Post by Buff_Brad » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:51 pm

kreepykrawly wrote:
Buff_Brad wrote:
It's "Crystal" you uneducated and unsophisticated yob. Hooked you in with the Cafe Sydney bait as's quite in but of-course your first choice was....blah blah blah big man.

Hate to say it KK but even with the Opes disaster and stock market collapse I'd still have HEMROIDS........well let's not go there. That really is PILLOWBITERSville.

Hooked again. :roll: As if I didnt know how Cristal is spelt you idiot. FCUK YOU ARE UPTIGHT! Must have a really small willy Kreepy. :lol:

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Post by Buff_Brad » Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:59 pm

ric_vidal wrote:Fight, fight, fight :D

I’ve got my money on Optimus Prime.
It's actually Opes Prime ric (unless your joking like I was with KKocher) but dont worry Im fighting it all the way........trouble is the ANZ bank have plenty of ammo......much more than Buff_Brad unfortunately. :cry:

But we are gonna win hopefully...... I just feel it. Stay tuned.

Ringmaster for abusing you in the last post or two I'd rather come down for a surf on the Vicco coast and buy you a bottle of "CRISTAL" (if you know a place we can find it ha ha) than waste a bottle on that volatile clown from Mona Vale. :twisted:

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Post by Tinkerbell » Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:36 pm

Wow Buff Brad, I love a man who loves his bubbles, "Cristal" "Crystal" ... i'd be happy with "veuve". Good luck with the Opes debarcle, I've been keeping a close eye on it, as a pretty special friend of mine has been hit with it....

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Post by kreepykrawly » Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:05 am

I see you’ve assigned yourself the label “psychology expert”. With more and more people engaging in anonymous active on-line forum discourse we have been forced to rely more and more on the actual words/sentences that have been written….since we cant see the expression on the face of the person we are communicating with we reserve our judgment for that individual solely on what they have said..

Unfortunately for some of you…some of us have cottoned onto that idea.

This growing trend in “psychologyism” all started when some cleaner working in a psychology clinic stated that “you criticize those things in people that you really see yourself to be”

So with that statement taken aboard by the proletariat.

1) people who hate racists where now … in fact…..racists
2) people who hate rude and arrogant people where in fact rude and arrogant people themselves
3) people who hate thieves where in fact thieves themselves
4) people who hate violence where actually violent themselves
5) people who hate pedophiles where in fact pedophiles themselves
6) people who cant understand the attraction of “bum munching” the same sex do in fact like bum munching themselves.

Ringer I’m not really too much into shampoo myself unless of course I’ve won a fistful of dollars down the tracks or celebrating a “plummeting”

Do you really expect anyone to believe you now.
You where caught out…..trying to be a “posh expert”….and failing miserably…the same way you failed in life…and the same way you’ve recently failed financially…the same way you’ve failed in relationships.

You just keep on making the wrong calls.

Go on mate ..take the plunge…it’s the only way out.

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Post by Buff_Brad » Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:09 am

kreepykrawly wrote:Coops
I see you’ve assigned yourself the label “psychology expert”. With more and more people engaging in anonymous active on-line forum discourse we have been forced to rely more and more on the actual words/sentences that have been written….since we cant see the expression on the face of the person we are communicating with we reserve our judgment for that individual solely on what they have said..

Unfortunately for some of you…some of us have cottoned onto that idea.

This growing trend in “psychologyism” all started when some cleaner working in a psychology clinic stated that “you criticize those things in people that you really see yourself to be”

So with that statement taken aboard by the proletariat.

1) people who hate racists where now … in fact…..racists
2) people who hate rude and arrogant people where in fact rude and arrogant people themselves
3) people who hate thieves where in fact thieves themselves
4) people who hate violence where actually violent themselves
5) people who hate pedophiles where in fact pedophiles themselves
6) people who cant understand the attraction of “bum munching” the same sex do in fact like bum munching themselves.

Ringer I’m not really too much into shampoo myself unless of course I’ve won a fistful of dollars down the tracks or celebrating a “plummeting”

Do you really expect anyone to believe you now.
You where caught out…..trying to be a “posh expert”….and failing miserably…the same way you failed in life…and the same way you’ve recently failed financially…the same way you’ve failed in relationships.

You just keep on making the wrong calls.

Go on mate ..take the plunge…it’s the only way out.
For starters you fcuking psycho who are you talking to? Coops Ringmaster , me ....... no it's YOU. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITE ON HERE. Soldier of Fortune in Angola??? .....pleeeeeease even it were vaguely true it's so UNCOOL to talk about and brag about that shiit.

YOU are the one that constantly bags out homosexuals which gives me great pleasure in denouncing you as a closet gay man dissatisfied in his marriage (oh yeah to a gorgeous woman of German? Dutch? whatever hereitage another big man, big note blah blah......) YOU with you bomb avatar denoting some sort of wild volatile explosive toughness but when you posted that lame video of you dropping in on some guy at NN you went straight in to the beach???

KK - you are a frightened gay wannabe. But it's because I think you have a good heart that I bother with you at all.

And Tinkerbell wanna hook up? You sound hot! And thanks for the Opes support.

Finally Ringmaster I'd be happy with a couple or six/12/24 Coronas too pal. Maybe one day. I'm sure you know all the sick spots down them ways.

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Post by kreepykrawly » Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:56 am

Actually I just react to you and that rent boy of yours…“save seal rocks” constant referral to having sex with other men at the slightest point of provocation.

That’s why you and him get constantly warned and/or banned by forum moderators

That’s the bottom line.

....and yes that referral to "posh expert" was obviously directed to you. The rest was just a generalization.
I exposed you for being a fake and you tried to booolshit your way out. It's so obvious to everyone except you.

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Post by Buff_Brad » Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:42 am

kreepykrawly wrote:Actually I just react to you and that rent boy of yours…“save seal rocks” constant referral to having sex with other men at the slightest point of provocation.

That’s why you and him get constantly warned and/or banned by forum moderators

That’s the bottom line.

....and yes that referral to "posh expert" was obviously directed to you. The rest was just a generalization.
I exposed you for being a fake and you tried to booolshit your way out. It's so obvious to everyone except you.
I actually didn't - it was to bait you and get you to use your big angry tough red letters - worked a treat. You are so predictable. BUT even if I did happen to genuinely mistakenly spell Cristal Crystal it HARDLY compares to the;

1. Soldier of Fortune wank wank.....bullshit as well....

2. My wife's a glamour from Eastern Europe - well maybe true but generally if one has to boast about it well all the boys know the answer to that one.........probably a dog. (meant in the nicest possible way to Mrs Kreeeeepy Krawback)

3. Fighting prowess.....big nothing...big fat nothing.

4. Surfing above.

5. And lately licking Nick C's a.rse saying you saw him there and here that he cant escape your prying eyes.....what the fcuk? dont you have a fcuking life of your own.???

You should be the one jumping from the bridge loser.

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Post by Buff_Brad » Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:55 am

kreepykrawly wrote:Actually I just react to you and that rent boy of yours…“save seal rocks” constant referral to having sex with other men at the slightest point of provocation.
And interestingly it seems you bring up the "sex with other men" theme the most on here. It's what you fear the most isnt it Kreepy?? It's your Room 101. It terrifies you. All poofs should be beaten to death right? Kill em all!!!It's just plain wrong... Those inner feelings are frightening. Lying awake at night thinking thinking thinking

Just come out us all a partly have already with your stupid haircut. Not hard to go the distance now. Then the nightmares will subside and you'll be comfortable with yourself finally.

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Post by ric_vidal » Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:11 am

Buff_Brad wrote:
ric_vidal wrote:Fight, fight, fight :D

I’ve got my money on Optimus Prime.
It's actually Opes Prime ric (unless your joking like I was with KKocher) but dont worry Im fighting it all the way........trouble is the ANZ bank have plenty of ammo......much more than Buff_Brad unfortunately. :cry:
Carn Buffy, you might want to get out more, seems like I am on a different plane. Or maybe you should just settle down, have kids, then you will understand how demented life can really be or just Google Optimus Prime.

Multimillionaire friend of my brother’s took on ANZ (or one of the other banks) won a protracted court case, then they took it to appeal and had it overturned. Broken and broke.

Good luck taking on a bank, deep pockets could be a prerequisite.

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Post by Buff_Brad » Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:51 am

ric_vidal wrote:
Buff_Brad wrote:
ric_vidal wrote:Fight, fight, fight :D

I’ve got my money on Optimus Prime.
It's actually Opes Prime ric (unless your joking like I was with KKocher) but dont worry Im fighting it all the way........trouble is the ANZ bank have plenty of ammo......much more than Buff_Brad unfortunately. :cry:
Carn Buffy, you might want to get out more, seems like I am on a different plane. Or maybe you should just settle down, have kids, then you will understand how demented life can really be or just Google Optimus Prime.

Multimillionaire friend of my brother’s took on ANZ (or one of the other banks) won a protracted court case, then they took it to appeal and had it overturned. Broken and broke.

Good luck taking on a bank, deep pockets could be a prerequisite.
Oh right "Transformers" yeah never saw it.....twas a couple of hot girls in it hey ....... is that why you took the kids to see it ric???

Deep pockets - a definite pre-req. And like your brother's friend - no guarantees hey. Fcuking banks so want it all their own way.......happy to lend to everyone and anyone when times are good then no fcuking way once the tide turns and their re-discount spread increases and then its doors shut. Fcuk I might have to hire out our "Soldier of Fortune" to take out Mike Smith. :twisted:


Post by aine » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:00 am

wow - handbags at dawn laydees! :lol:

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Post by ric_vidal » Thu Apr 24, 2008 11:42 am

Buff_Brad wrote:Oh right "Transformers" yeah never saw it.....twas a couple of hot girls in it hey ....... is that why you took the kids to see it ric???
Just saw parts of the DVD, one of the kids was pretty obsessed when young.

What’s the saying in the trade BB, “your first loss is your best loss”. Get out, move on, good luck.
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Post by Grooter » Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:33 pm


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Post by AlbyAl » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:57 pm

Hatchman wrote:Image
That's exactly right. And where do we eat popcorn? At the movies watching a FICTION. This is a comedy of scribes projecting their stuff onto web-personae. How in the hell do any of us know exactly what sort of person is behind the posts? Ultimately we don't: so - although it's fun to debate and poke fun at and joust - when it descends into 'Flame-on' posts, it's really a bit sad.
I mean, I bet nobody in these threads guessed that I'm a nubile 22 year-old babe who writes posts with only the sheerest of red lingerie on - and even then I have trouble not squirming out of them, while nestled in my leather high-backed executive chair reading thrilling things about thrusters and warm beaches from all you fit tanned surfie boys. Mmmmm.
Last edited by AlbyAl on Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ric_vidal » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:07 pm

AlbyAl wrote:I mean, I bet nobody in these threads guessed that I'm a nubile 22 year-old babe who writes posts with only the sheerest of red lingerie on
Nah AA, we knew. :shock: :D

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Post by Chamberess » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:26 pm

Red lingerie :roll:

Well my life just took a whole new direction in the past week. After 4 years of being commitment phobic I am now officially in a relationship :shock: (The commitment phobic in me has been tamed)

Ironically, had the worst hangover in years on the weekend. Started drinking after work, then at dinner, again at movies and finally kicked on to a bar. If you are going to be hungover, the Hilton is by far the best place to do it. Best sleep i've had in years.

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Post by AlbyAl » Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:52 pm

Come on - throw us a bit more Chamberess!

I've revealed some ... now just imagine me and you together (or, rather, let all THEM on these threads imagine it!)...

In a new relationship are we ... at the Hilton... (well forget him!!)

I could slither out of this leather executive chair, shlurp on some body lotion, pluck a bit (here and there) and pull on those skin-tight worn jeans and ... meet you at the Hilton to talk about girl-surfing stuff - or science and philosophy if you like - all innocent of course ... Ever thought about, er, 'switching teams' for a bit ...

PS - I've just had a change of heart - congrats Chamberess on your new relationship thingy - you must be sick of the scribes in these threads and their lewd and lascivious suggestions - I feel all guilty sitting here in this lingerie, and it doesn't even match the grey stubble on me chin ... forget what I said!

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Post by kreepykrawly » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:07 pm

Summary so far in the last 2 pages(so far up to this point) of thread called “So, how was your weekend?”

1)I have homoerotic fantasies
2)Buffoon Brad is penniless(and uncultured)
3)Tinkerbell wants to drink shampoo with the Bumster.
4)Ringmaster is in fact not P diddy
5)AlbyAl likes to wear ladies lingerie
6)Hatchman loves popcorn
7)Ric loves watching Transformers in moderation
8)Salty is concerned about Matt
9)aine wants me to smack the bumster with a handbag
10)Merkin has shares in Retravision
11) Chamberess is in a relationship
12)Spoon thinks we are like a divorced old couple
13)petulance fantasies involve strippers called "krystal"

I give up !

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