OMG OMG Queensie Bombie Today @#$%&#$!#^#$5#^!#%

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Post by Nappy » Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:36 pm

salty wrote:
you can go somewhere else?

...and Salty plays the perfect hand...

}ok lame Av/poker joke.

2nd Reef
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Post by 2nd Reef » Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:37 pm

kreepykrawly wrote:cheers salty
i love exposing these twats. Its just a matter of time. :D
Yeah, the world is just full of phonies, eh Holden?

Yeah man its up to you to show these phonies for the average surfers that they are. F*ck yeah!

Dont forget to surround yourself with a bunch of arse-licks and lapdogs on your journey. So much for the ol' Lone Wolf stance, eh Holden? Well, I guess every homey needs a posse. Dont forget to throw 'em a bone every now and again to make them feel included in your cyber-notoriety.

Dont forget that logic and rational are thinking are overated. Yes they are!! Humour and wit are too. Its very lucky that these are traits you have in minimal quantities Holden. No, the way to win arguments is with big, dumb bombastic language. If someone dares come at you with a logical argument ASK TO SEE THEIR PHOTOS!! If they blink, and say 'huh?' then they are a phony, and you have won the argument.

You used to be a good fighter. Remember that? Well not everyone else does. Make sure they never forget.

The only things that matter in this life is being able to surf good and fighting. If someone cant surf or fight, then what good are they? Dont let anyone try to trick you with intellect or cerebral word play. You may not understand it and this would reflect bad on you. What would the lapdogs think if they see their demigod get confused? Dont take the chance, just punch the phony.

Use your posts as excuses to show more photos of yourself. No-one has seen through the ruse yet.

Same as that old post where you, ever so cleverly, asked people for advice on your next adventure all in a bid to brag to them how many other adventures you'd had. So clever!! And didn't the lapdogs just, well, lap it up!

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Post by andycumo » Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:54 pm

hats off the mr kreepy krawley.
in cyclone wati we paddled out to nth steyne had it bullshit with not many out
yesterday avo i tried to paddle out to where they were towing in at south narra, no such luck unfortunatly missed out on some epic waves!

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Post by kreepykrawly » Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:58 pm

the great judgmental 2ndreef writes his synopsis on KK.
The reality of it is that i like nothing more than to expose some of the top shelf hypocrites that float around these type of forums.
If that means posting some lame arse vid of myself as bait.... so be it.
Who was the first to judge me?
answer. You and PDK/special Kook.
People like you live a life of lies. Your "turn the other cheek" attitude in life doesnt really stand up to any rigorous testing .
As Ric stated " your better than that"..but in my eyes your not.
In context of what im saying NC once said on here " how the mighty have fallen" to best describe the logical meltdown all the "holier than tho" contributors on here experience under the hand of the KK.

P.S your infatuation with me is cause for concern.I will let you know that i am hetro and in a perfectly happy relationship..

P.S thanks andycumo :wink:

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Post by 2nd Reef » Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:36 pm

So you brag about yourself as the baddest-arse, bully-boy thats ever thrown a snap-kick.

You jump at every opportunity to tell everyone you have a psyche degree.

Many times you bang on about your adventures completely unprovoked.

Always you post photos of yourself surfing.

And all this is in the noble cause of rooting out phonies from the forum?

Sorry mate, dont buy it. You're a braggart and a bignoter. Bury it under any sort of humour or social experiment you think people will fall for. Thing is you want people to see your photos, and you want people on here to think your a hard man.

I couldn't give a f*ck. And it's the last you'll hear me say on it. As RV said I'm above it, and he's right. I've got bigger fish to fry than cyber bully boys on a forum. I usually refrain from these types of slanging matches, but this week I've had plenty of internet time and pulled you up on your game. Been fun too. But from now on I'll just laugh from the sidelines at your pitiful attempts at playing biggest and baddest.

Continue on with your noble cause Holden......

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Post by kreepykrawly » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:06 pm

2nd Reef wrote: . I've got bigger fish to fry than cyber bully boys on a forum.
like who :roll: .
No doubt you would be the sort of person that would use the Internet as your prefered choice of medium to do it. A Gutless ,faceless forum member that i would bet my life would not say any of what you said to my face.
You go on about my "lap dogs" can you imagine if i got all of NN surfers on here to back me up. This wouldnt be called realsurf. It would have to be renamed RealNarrabeen...but I personally like the Jackie Chan vs all the bad guys challenge.Im kinda selfish. I like the defending myself from all angles challenge that some of you people put me through.
Your just another lab rat :lol:
Ive got this funny feeling that i will come across you one day. It's a small world.

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Post by crack » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:31 pm

Looking into 12ft+barrels from 15 feet away is a beautiful thing

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Post by kreepykrawly » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:41 pm

2nd Reef wrote:Velzyland in the late 90's. Everyone was warning me off surfing there "Just leave that wave to the brothers". But, f*ck, it's a fun wave - double-up, barrell, cutback, double-up barell etc.. So I was racing in having quick sessions, talking to no-one, and racing out.

During one session a young lid rider took exception to me. He was about 16 y.o and about 100kg. To cut a long story short, as I was trying to paddle away he cracked me in the back of the head. When I turned around he cracked me in the front of my head - right on the beak. Then he just laid in and I couldn't do a thing. Every set of eyes in the line-up, on the beach, and in the park was waiting for me to fight back. If I did I really would have been in strife.

I paddled to the beach, looked around and did all I could not to say anything. Walked up the beach out of sight, then absolutely pissbolted to my car. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong skin colour.

Have also had a run in at North Narra after a f*ckwit dropped in on me. I gave him a serve. Just a mild serve. And he chased me out of the water and into the carpark. Geez he was an aggro prick. I shoulda just kept my mouth shut.

Now its so much clearer. Bwa hahahaha

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by 2nd Reef » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:00 pm

You've been searching through my posts all that time?

I posted that years ago. Get a life!

You think I've arced up cos of that? I should let you know it's cos of some disrespectful comments you made a few weeks back. But just like I said in that quote above I will confront people even if they are bigger. They might wanna settle it with fists but I'll confront them.

So now you know my name. You've seen pictures of my face. And you know I'll say anything I wrote on here to your face.

What time do we meet at Retravision?

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Post by special_k » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:19 pm

kreepykrawly wrote:
You sound very confused. like your sexuality. No wonder your so angry.Maybe you and colonel fiction can hook up.
I love you Kreepy Krawly .... I really do.


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Post by Sausage » Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:43 am

kreepykrawly wrote:
2nd Reef wrote:Velzyland in the late 90's. Everyone was warning me off surfing there "Just leave that wave to the brothers". But, f*ck, it's a fun wave - double-up, barrell, cutback, double-up barell etc.. So I was racing in having quick sessions, talking to no-one, and racing out.

During one session a young lid rider took exception to me. He was about 16 y.o and about 100kg. To cut a long story short, as I was trying to paddle away he cracked me in the back of the head. When I turned around he cracked me in the front of my head - right on the beak. Then he just laid in and I couldn't do a thing. Every set of eyes in the line-up, on the beach, and in the park was waiting for me to fight back. If I did I really would have been in strife.

I paddled to the beach, looked around and did all I could not to say anything. Walked up the beach out of sight, then absolutely pissbolted to my car. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong skin colour.

Have also had a run in at North Narra after a f*ckwit dropped in on me. I gave him a serve. Just a mild serve. And he chased me out of the water and into the carpark. Geez he was an aggro prick. I shoulda just kept my mouth shut.

Now its so much clearer. Bwa hahahaha

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nice work KK, expose the kook. Beaten up by a dick dragger, thats shameful.
Man up and have a go you cyber sissie.

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Post by Sausage » Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:44 am

special_k wrote:
kreepykrawly wrote:
You sound very confused. like your sexuality. No wonder your so angry.Maybe you and colonel fiction can hook up.
I love you Kreepy Krawly .... I really do.

Im sure theres a g.ay forum on the internet somewhere, why dont you go find it.

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Post by kreepykrawly » Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:59 am

wanna meet at retravision and talk about this :lol: :lol: :lol:
2nd Reef wrote: I was going for a surf at Sandon point. Sandon Boardriders had a comp on and warned me off surfing out the back. So I was just gonna surf the inside, but instead of paddling thru the hole in front of the shacks, I went to jump from the rockshelf about 50m up the point from the shacks.

I walked up to the edge, waited for a wave to cover the shelf below, then leapt. Alas, my leggie was caught around rocks. So as I projected out, my leggie pulled tight and my board went backwards from my hands. I hit the water without my board and immediately started getting washed down the point. But my leggie wasn't gonna come free and I was anchored to the shelf. Whenever a wave washed out I tried to stand up using my free leg, but the next wave would wash in and I'd lose me footing. Finally got to where the leggie was caught, set it free and started drifting down the point on my, now beat up, G&S twinnie.

All this to howls of laughter from the f*ckers in the comp tent.

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Post by ric_vidal » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:52 am

Sausage wrote:Beaten up by a dick dragger, thats shameful.
Man up and have a go you cyber sissie.
Would you hit a 16 year old kid snag? :x How about steal KK’s kid’s 3'6" shortboard and get pounded? :D

To use your vernacular, a dick dragger, is one thing but one with a tribe is another, no?

What’s the expression again...

Shakespeare, in Henry IV, Part One, 1596:

Falstaff: 'The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part I have saved my life.'

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Post by offshore1 » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:13 am

If it ever gets to a point where we no longer feel free to admit our frailties, gaffs, stuffups, misadventures; I'll no longer have any desire to come to these forums ( and don't say, "So much the better!" :twisted: ).

Funny stories, reefer, we've all got 'em :wink: >

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Post by BA » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:16 am

The Bombie's not really breaking today. Not big enough.

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Post by crack » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:47 am

Whats the best swell direction for it

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Post by Revolution » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:08 pm

So let me get this right KK, you drop in on someone, kook up the wave, then run away to shore to your mates so the person you dropped in on cant confront you. 2nd Reef however gets dropped in on, doesnt like it, confronts someone whom could kick his ass, nd leaves once he realises its going to end up where he doesnt want it to , and you dare to call him the pussy? I think i know who i have more respect for...

Oh and for the booger, by the way it sounds, he was at a heavily localised spot, was the odd one out, and if he hit the KID (so many reasons not to just from that word alone) he wouldve been pounced on by a bunch of 30kg overweight ogres like yourself.

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