Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by Beerfan » Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:41 am

ric_vidal wrote:Hey beerf, how they hangin’?

Tangent… (without any knowledge of what you are riding) at some point in time try a 6-7" cutaway with larger side fins. Generally works well.

Hate the feeling of a longboard fin too far forward, loose alright but minimal drive.
Hey ric, im leaning more towards just a single. I know what you mean about too far forward. I like lots of drive in my boards.

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by bigwayne » Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:31 am

mr wanderer, one appreciates your candour and it most assuredly welcome as is your ignorance expected, mr wanderer, one is HRH bigwayne and as such have an ego to match. a few thinly veild pertinate questions can reveal much about a person ability to do their job correctly mr wanderer. and might one say mr T handled it with aplomb i doubt that big mr T needed your help but there you have it . one does and will continue to lets say "stir the pot" and maybe a few inquireies your goodself mr wanderer, and you would have understood the juggernaught that is bigwayne! but alas you chose to base your opinion on hearsay rather than fact ,but said facts they are hard to obtain are they not mr wanderer???. and just to set the record straight mr wandrer one has no need to "formulate attacks" one is bigwayne and to formulate anything other than the next scentence. its ok though mr wanderer , it is a thankless role taken on by ones goodself , my concerns are far outweighed by those of my loyal subjects and when one champions said concerns one is expecting to cop some flack. the use of name calling is not waranted mr wanderer it only serves to show your level of education

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by kayu » Mon May 16, 2011 1:20 pm

Hey Bwayne , if one posts using too many 'ones' , one is in danger of giving other ones the impession that one has little ability to count past the number 'one' . One needs to expand ones numerical vocabulary to give other ones the impression that one can count......just trying to help.. :)

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by bigwayne » Wed May 18, 2011 8:12 am

mr or mrs yu , thank you for bringing that to ones attetion , but as HRH bigwayne, one thought that one was the one!!!??? one is number one , is there a number more than one?? oh thank you mrs bigwayne , one has just been uncerimoniously told by the higher power, minister for war ,and chief financial officer of the juggernaught that is bigwayne that there is indeed another number! apparently its 4 or 9 or something like that but one wont split hairs. one still likes the number one and one will always love one

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by kayu » Thu May 19, 2011 11:09 am

bigwayne wrote:mr or mrs yu , thank you for bringing that to ones attetion , but as HRH bigwayne, one thought that one was the one!!!??? one is number one , is there a number more than one?? oh thank you mrs bigwayne , one has just been uncerimoniously told by the higher power, minister for war ,and chief financial officer of the juggernaught that is bigwayne that there is indeed another number! apparently its 4 or 9 or something like that but one wont split hairs. one still likes the number one and one will always love one
!!!!! One thanks one for ones honest and humble reply Bwayne! :) This one suggests one should give consideration to changing your monicka to HRH Bwone !...appropriate, given your fondness for the number "one" ( read = only ever got to see "one episode of "The Muppetts" )....unless of course, one simply has a hard-on the future king of England !.... :lol:

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by bigwayne » Fri May 20, 2011 7:20 am

one will assume its mr , mr kayu , as your only self appointed royalty one thinks that you are besmirching ones bigwayneness! now refering to ones goodself as a childrens toy is close to the proverbial bone, and using swear words like "hard-on" does not impress one. so if you could refrain from using these terms of endearment, , and requiring one to change ones name is nearly enough to get your goodself sent to the colonies where you shall do hard labour untill your timely death . your feerless leeder , mr kayu , has a soft spot for roguish behaviour but our digressions from this thread will lead to nothing .

so mr kayu , plase refrain from being too friendy with ones goodself as one has to appear to have a certain amount of aloofness! one is HRH bigwayne not Bwayne and most certainly not bwone so in the future curb your enthusiasm for the one and only HRH bigwayne

although one does like "slumming it" with ones admirers and various hangers-on

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by kayu » Fri May 20, 2011 4:28 pm

Bwayne ( short for Bigwayne) , it's obvious that one's oneness is one hell of an important thing to you. If one chooses oneness to be ones number one thing in life, this one hesitates to argue or criticize.... Once one makes one's choice , one should be free to do as one wishes... 8)

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by bigwayne » Sat May 21, 2011 4:08 pm

thankyou mr yu and hallelujah, somebody out there is understanding of the complexities of ones existence and the bigwayneness of it all ??!! oh and mr yu please dont shorten ones name to please your goodself it sets a bad example to the rest of bigwaynes admirers and various hangers on.
now one feels that we are not long for this thread if these digressions continue . if you wish to fall at the feet of the juggernaught that is bigwayne , you are more than welcome to start a thread about ones totally (un)questionable knowledge on all things surfing or even the long forgotten craft of macrame ( in which one holds a black belt) then feel free to do so but this thread is about fins and not ones goodself even though one is ones favorite subject.

this was bought to you by an ever so thoughtful HRH bigwayne

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by kayu » Sun May 22, 2011 6:20 pm

one more thing Bwayne..........................whats a fin ?

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by bigwayne » Mon May 23, 2011 4:24 am

mr kayu one has no idea no idea at all :shock:

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by bigwayne » Mon May 23, 2011 4:10 pm

mr ngo , one has found that the "football" to be quite an exeptional fin when used in bigger surf as your goodself said it seems to negate turbulance and gives good drive off the turn. have never used it with side bites so will definately give it a try!

this was bought to you by an exited to try new things HRH bigwayne realsurfs answer to kelly im bald slater

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by kayu » Tue May 24, 2011 6:58 pm

this was bought to you by an exited to try new things HRH bigwayne realsurfs answer to kelly im bald slater[/quote]
Bwayne , it's a performance enhancing haircut , to reduce wind resistance in heavy offshore winds, therefor allowing an earlier take-off than his competitors......works well with or without tattoos....

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by bigwayne » Wed May 25, 2011 2:45 pm

mr kayu , are you implying one lowers oneself to mark such a fine example of human flesh ? one should think not ! . anyhoo have only been bald once when one was but a wee lad and cared not for it . as far as helping with take offs , who do you think the worlds best turn to when they cant seem to get their tecnique right ? who is theonly real "pro " on this site ? (big thankyou to mrs bigwayne) , one is the one remember ?!!!

as for trying this fin set up , th waves at the royal local where not up to ones expectations today , after all one is pro , but as soon as one can get a moment away from admiring ones handsomeself in the mirror one will give , among other things , his totally (un)questionable critique on this set up and report back post haste ! , one knows all of his loyal ( and some not so) subjects await this golden nugget of faeces , um , information , this will benefit humankind , as nearly everything one does , does.

this was bought to you by HRH bigwayne , longboard pioneer , fin placement technician and all round ladies man


Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by Beerfan » Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:45 pm

I bought a bag instead of a fin ( thank god, my garage is packed with crap ), and moved the dolphin fin back a bit. Seems a good compromise. Board going very well, drops down the face beautifully. I love it!.

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by bigwayne » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:44 am

good morning loyal subjects , having just finished with this fin placement conundrum , one is happy to report that one tried said setup and found it a little "tight" in the turns , even when moving the fin all the way foward . although it was on a larger day , and have worked out ,through sheer brainpower, that sidebite only realy help to give a bit more drive and response in smaller conditions around the 2-3ft, unless of course the fin setup is in thruster configuration , on the larger waves onesself found that he was getting all the drive and response that was needed with the "football" fin. that being said it was on a low volume "comp"mal . then moved on to an "allround" more volume board, and found almost the same thing exept of course the different board size 9'6" 22.5 3 1/4 for the "allround" and 9'1" 19.5 2 5/8 for the "comp" so there you have it a sterling job done royaly by HRH bigwayne fin placement tech , and high performance coach of (il)repute and all round nice guy


Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by Beerfan » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:09 am

I don't think i'll bother changing fins, the board is going awesome. I have no trouble with lack of drive at all, and turning the board is a breeze, the narrow tail and roundish bottom seem to work well for turning. Haven't been surfing my other boards for a while, and though i haven't been getting heaps of waves, when i have i've managed to get head high and decent shape. Steep drops are no problem either. Longboards rock!, though im keen to get my little eggy twin out again soon.

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Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by Lard Lad » Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:41 pm

[quote="WANDERER"][quote="bigwayne"]mr G what can one say to that? you have made yourself abundantly clear that you will weild your inconsiderable weight to make sure that dons little boat dosent take on any water! like the lap dog you seem to be . holding such a lofty position must be very important to you because of the abillity you have to censor dont let this percieved power go to you head ( it seems that you are already headed in that direction) is your job to moderate or stand like a surly bouncer at the door of a seedy nightclub and tell everyone how important you are? thats if the rumblings over at SWELLNET are to be believed ! now i know the culture over here is, lets say toxic, so is this the reason that people who want to post on SWELLNET are from here originally and use different monikers through feeling that they will be dumped by your goodself ? why can one not speak ones mind if one feels the need (not withstanding abuse)? all these questions one has that one suspects will not be answered because of the removal of threads read censorship. once censorship starts its very hard to keep it at an "acceptable" level mr G ! and to that end it matters not the amount of posts that you have mr G it will always fall to common sense ,do you have that mr G ? lets hope so . untill you can explain the reason that you have for this censorship and removal of threads i will have to assume (and i know what assuming does) that you are a little man who percieves he has a big stick to weild and that gives you permission to exist in cyberspace one on the other hand does not just exist in cyberspace![/quote]

There's some pretty harsh and might I add unfounded accusations in amongst that dribble big wayne;
[quote]abundantly clear[/quote]
As he should, this is Don's house, the rules are clear, fair and reasonable and I think Trev is providing more than enough leeway to anyone who cares to test the boundaries.
[quote]lap dog[/quote]
LoL - Trev aint no ones bitch, just a well adjusted gent who's decided to take on some responsibility when others wish to cast it aside and act like selfish arseholes.
[quote]lofty position[/quote]
Ha - a thankless role, taken on by someone whose concerns extend further than their own and in such a role that he may cop some unwarranted flack.
[quote]it seems that you are already headed in that direction[/quote]
evidence would help here but I'm guessing this is an opinion that's based on hearsay rather than fact, facts are stubborn things.
[quote]moderate or stand like a surly bouncer at the door of a seedy nightclub and tell everyone how important you are?[/quote]
evidence/facts - still stubborn are they?? just another "ZOMG!!!!1!!!1!! stop the censorship!!!11!! / Trev is a nazi" bandwagoner?? I'm tipping you formulated your attacks in complete abscence of any supporting material...
[quote]thats if the rumblings over at SWELLNET are to be believed ![/quote]
whoop - there it is, some whiney little mongs have got hold of your rather sloppy ear, see this is where facts and evidence would have been handy.
[quote]why can one not speak ones mind if one feels the need (not withstanding abuse)? all these questions one has that one suspects will not be answered because of the removal of threads read censorship. once censorship starts its very hard to keep it at an "acceptable" level mr G ! and to that end it matters not the amount of posts that you have mr G it will always fall to common sense ,do you have that mr G ? lets hope so . untill you can explain the reason that you have for this censorship and removal of threads i will have to assume (and i know what assuming does) that you are a little man who percieves he has a big stick to weild and that gives you permission to exist in cyberspace one on the other hand does not just exist in cyberspace![/quote]
blah blah blah and all the rest of that garbage: translation = I could have been a smart man as I have purported to be, however I have decided to base my opinions and views on the angles and agendas of the feeble minded selfish scum bags that I have allowed to take residence where my own analysis and reasoning is supposed to be...

You're well and truly barking up the wrong tree bigwayne, had you at least a minimal level of self respect you may have considered searching out the truth, sadly your laziness is here for all to see in your ridiculous accusations based on speculation and second hand self centred agendas.[/quote]


Re: Experiences with LB fins, hatchet, axe, fatboy etc??

Post by Beerfan » Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:14 am


I got this 10'' Shapers australia Big kahuna the other day. Its massive compared to my 8'' fin!!. Took it out in some shoulder high windswell. I thought it'd be drivy but stiff. It was definately drivy, and seemed to give the board more glide, but it wasn't stiff either. Wasn't as manouverable as the normal 2+1 setup, but i could still turn the board alright. Im loving it!!!

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