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Re: ?

Post by Beerfan » Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:03 am

Parallel or slight side cut? Looking freaky mate, should be fast. No fins?

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Re: ?

Post by pridmore » Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:39 am

parallel, sidecuts, chines, rolled vee, singles , doubles, its all there......no fins as such....

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Re: ?

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:35 am

haha holy crap! Looks great!

Looking for a bit more grip with the flyer/bump?
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Re: ?

Post by pridmore » Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:23 pm

yeah, rode a wegener sea glass the other day, swapped my FFF with another guy and it was interesting to feel what design features do what, its one thing to know the theory behind design but when it is finless, it changes things alot, by removing the fins you have less drag which creates a faster board but the lack of hold needs to be gained elswhere ( it can be cotrolled by weight and good positioning by the surfer but is extremely hard and not user friendly for most ).... but in saying that, the way I want to ride these type of boards is not standard surfing, so I dont want the equivalent grip that fins supply, I want just enough to hold a line, just enough to get some down the line projection without the board slipping out from under me, so it is a challenge but each board I have made has worked, and I have learnt each board and riding them 90% of the time means my surfing is tuned into them, not even sure exactly where I am heading with it, have a few ideas of what I believe is possible and it is just so much fun riding totally new designs and surfing a new way, I have used the words refreshing and addictive to describe it...also surfing with fins has become dull for me, especially in less than ideal conditions, dunno if thats good or bad, where do I go from here, what if this becomes dull ???..... :roll: 8)

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Re: ?

Post by diggerdickson » Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:32 pm

surf mat :wink:
no, Im not a surfer, Im just a garbage man".

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Re: ?

Post by Topher » Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:41 pm

Hey Mark - by way of comparison how would you say your finlessy things compare to the Wegener? It's not easy for most of us to try one of yours.....but some stores might have sea glass demos. I saw a bloke riding a sea glass down the coast and it looked fun, but bloody hard.

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Re: ?

Post by pridmore » Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:20 pm

no point comparing coz I am only gunna seem very biased to my shapes....I had the board testing day to let people try them and my other shapes, great success....and lots of fun.....I am not trying to make mine go like his I believe, I'm throwing in more tricks and on my own little trip with it really, thats why I even put tiny fins on mine, not trying to fit into the finless category really, but really enjoying the lack of fin and control that proper fins give, so basically dont wanna compare coz they are different...but I will say the other guy seemed to enjoy mine right away and surfed better , faster with more spins on mine, but again they are different ...I'm not trying to sell them or market them...I know if I could get a demo in shops all round the coast, I'd sell plenty but then again, I dont have the power of a mass producing global company....and thats just the way I like it..... :roll: but then if they were to offer me a million, I'd have to think about it.... :roll: :roll: :roll: for me it is a different way to ride a wave, a way that is extremely fun for me, so I'll continue to shape and surf them until I get excited bout something else....I do have some out there plans on where I wanna take this...time will tell.... 8)

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Re: ?

Post by Topher » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:20 pm

Yeah cool. By the way I have just picked up a smorgasboarder with the little reviews your ff and dim sim. That dude defo preferred your finger to the others. Good work!

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Re: ?

Post by Trev » Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:30 pm

Topher wrote:Yeah cool. By the way I have just picked up a smorgasboarder with the little reviews your ff and dim sim. That dude defo preferred your finger to the others. Good work!
Where'd you get the mag, Topher? Newsagent? Or surf shop?

You aren’t the room Yuke You are just a wonky cafe table with a missing rubber pad on the end of one leg.

I still don't buy the "official" narrative about 9/11. Oh sure, it happened, fcuk yeah. But who and why and how I'm, not convinced it was what we've been told.

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Re: ?

Post by pridmore » Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:56 pm

most surfshops Trev, the guys who own it were at my board testing day, and mags were there too....
they have a web-site and you can contact them about mags, it is free too....Dave lives not too far from you actually, Curried me undies .....you can see it on-line too Trev..... 8)
new issue out March....

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Re: ?

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:52 pm

I'm thinking of making another board in my shed soon. It'll be ready by the time my knee is okay to surf again hopefully.

Its going to be a finless experiment.

It'll be something around 5'7", low profile rails, wide tail. I'm going to try something really wild on the bottom which will drive me crazy trying to glass it (I'll be using UV cure for sure).

Okay, picture this. If you've seen one of Derek Hynd's finless boards this will make more sense. It'll be flat at the widepoint and rocker apex, around there a small belly concave will be starting and widening out like an elongated triangle. Instead of being an oval concave, it will be two straight angles like a reverse vee or giant single channel. It'll widen as it does out the tail, leaving extra edge on the rail. It will release into a hard angled swallow tail/raptor tail or whatever its called. Starting where you normally would have fins, out on the rails will be some hard circular channels releasing into the vee concave thingy in the tail.

I might even try to smack some fin plugs in just in case it works with fins too. Might even put some tiny training wheels in like MP.

ANyways,, thats my idea. Might be a bit ambitous, but I reckon if I take my time and think each step through long enough it'll come out okay.
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Re: ?

Post by pridmore » Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:04 pm

I wanna see pics as it comes to life....what sort of planshape ? volume ? rocker ? how do you want to surf it ? great stuff mate, good to see you havin a go at something so out there and ambitous.... 8)
reckon if you can pull off the shape and crazy bottom, you might wanna let someone else wrap it up....but if ya game.... 8)

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Re: ?

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:53 am

pridmore wrote:I wanna see pics as it comes to life....what sort of planshape ? volume ? rocker ? how do you want to surf it ? great stuff mate, good to see you havin a go at something so out there and ambitous.... 8)
reckon if you can pull off the shape and crazy bottom, you might wanna let someone else wrap it up....but if ya game.... 8)
Probably a good idea about the glassing MP, I just imagined myself taking days and days to get the shape right, to f8j39439uck it up during the glassing. I would devastated. haha!

The planshape will be pretty wide with long parallel style rails. Maybe not as parallel and wide as a simmons, but kind of in-between that and a fish. I'm figuring the more extended rail-line it has the better.

Volume again I'm not too sure about. I know I'll want to take this out when the waves are really average for a bit of fun. I'm thinking 5'9" x 21" x 2 3/4". I'm worried about too much volume making it hard to control though. What do you think MP?

Rocker will be a gradual rocker curve but still very flat. I don't want it flat as a board, but I'll give it some nice gradual rocker curve.

I'm still mulling over what sort of channels/water redirection I'm going to use on the bottom. Everyone seems to be doing their own thing in that area, some start wide in the middle and pinch near the tail, some start narrow in the middle and widen to release near the tail, some stay mostly parallel with the rail-line... I'll have a think about it.
Davros wrote:Ego saved - surfing experience rubbish.

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Re: ?

Post by pridmore » Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:58 am

any movement on the creation as yet my friend ? 8)

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Re: ?

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:46 pm

No, I won't be able to get started for a couple of weekends and even thing I might be losing the garage I'm going to use.

Maybe Craig won't mind me using his workshop overnight on the weekend or something. I'll have to see what I can manage
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Re: ?

Post by pridmore » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:13 pm

currently workin on an order for a guy who wants a Fish-Finger but he just wants me to go for it and have fun with the shape....haha, love these ones :D might flick ya some pics Captn.... 8)

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Re: ?

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:45 pm

Yeh, go for it!

I've been looking at pics of heaps of different finless boards on google images, and man there are a lot of different variations. They all seem to concentrate on the same thing, try to re-direct water with channels, grooves and narrow deep concaves (tunnels?). Some start wide and pinch towards the tail, some start tight and open up getting near the tail, some are straight up-and-down with the stringer, some run parallel to the planshape curve.

So many options I could go crazy with experimentation!
Davros wrote:Ego saved - surfing experience rubbish.

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Re: ?

Post by pridmore » Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:06 pm

but as you know, mine arent totally finless, I like to have the option to add a few little keels and different fins of varying shapes and are generally really small or dont have much area...there is sooo many options like you say...so go forth and create and try some idea you may have....really depends on how you want it to ride really.... 8)

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