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Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:29 pm
by Yuke Hunt
guard wrote:Chickens and shit? you are one hell of a lame douchbag.

I was dumbing down what a foamball is for idiots like yourself. I wasnt bagging out kelly slater, i was saying he wont be able to do what some bodyboarders can.
You wont ever either. its simple physics it can not be done.

You are proving yourself to another smntl yet not nearly as funny, maybe funny in a fawlty towers loser weirdo type of way.
You just get funnier and funnier … your face must sport a permanent frown from the constant befuddlement and confusion that reigns supreme and constant inside the underdeveloped brain that rattles like a lonely rock inside the empty truck tray you call a head.

I particualy like this one … You wont ever either … its better in full though … I wasnt bagging out kelly slater, i was saying he wont be able to do what some bodyboarders can. You wont ever either. its simple physics it can not be done … go and put the shovel back in the shed … you've already dug a decent enough hole for yourself … thank god for sheltered workshops ... safety scissors and shoes with velcro …

You have a serious problem with self esteem if you have to keep reminding other people how good you think you are ... or are you just trying to convince yourself.

This tasty little entree of insecurity goes fantastically well with an overcooked sense of self importance stuffed into the freshly butchered bowels of the english language and sauteed in the juice of a complete lack of reality … serve this with a side helping of no eye deer and wash the whole tasteless debacle down the gullet with an immature bottle of glass half full stupidity … for desert we recommend a large helping of humble pie.
brendo wrote:womble, theres only one narrow minded ignorant arogant red neck e warrior around here....and thats you. youre posts are constant dribble with no respect for others points of view. you seem to be stating youre claims in youre own little swingin dicks comp that puts your pissant ego at the top of the realsurf heap.
in another thread i made a comment about the goldie paddle out, which a few agreed with what i said, then you come out and carry on like a 10yr old calling me the village idiot. wow! a random middle aged dingbat, with a penchant for writing shit poetry has insulted me e warrior style. :shock:

now before you go and write a farken boring post about what a cockhead i am, like the manchild you are,ill offer you a better option. CALL ME. 0425342293. and no DO NOT send e warrior texts, grow some farken balls and call. tell me where you want to meet me and say youre shit to my face.
i wont reply to any further posts from you trying to save face on here by trying to belittle me, you middleaged manchild...step up ADMIN, BAN ME NOW!, this isnt me being an e warrior, this is real :twisted:

and in your quest to be real surfs ultimate swinging pics as gaurd has said or fark off you kook.
sure, 15yr old boogers piss me off as much as the next bloke, but i know a few lids who charge, and ive got respect for those guys.

marcus, if youre reading this, this carnt is one of the reasons the forums are on the slide, just ban him and his ip address would ya? do us all a favour..... :idea:

im waiting womble....the silence of my phone is deafining
Um ... I think you may be the one without respect ... in respect to the other post in question ... your post here is proof of that ... the content of which is rather creepy in a violently unhinged kind of way.
Its the other post that has you riled ... not this nor any other ... I'm sure you will get over it in time ... its not often I get invited out ... thanks for the invitation ... :roll:

The dishes are done ... :shock:

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:21 pm
by lessormore
I tried it as well, but all I got was the answering machine at Kens Karate Klub! :shock:

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:22 pm
by jimmy
Ringmaster wrote:
brendo wrote: CALL ME. 0425342293. and no DO NOT send e warrior texts, grow some farken balls and call. tell me where you want to meet me and say youre shit to my face.
Oi Brendo.

Wrong number mate. I just called it out of pure curiosity and some Indian sounding bloke called Calvin answered :shock:

Reckons he's never heard of 'Brendo'.

Disclaimer: It's been pissing down all day here and the surf is 1 foot onshore poosing p. Yep...I'm bored. Keep on truckin blokes............
Thats quite amusing Ringo.. Just out of interest mate.. What were you gonna say if Brendo did answer?

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:31 pm
by Cpt.Caveman

I'm surprised this has distracted you guys enough from bagging out Roy and his tanker ships... Seems rather serious for some...

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:51 am
by Yuke Hunt
You wont get a happy snap … give up on that line … but keep up the judgemental surfing analogies … its your game not mine … I'm quite happy with my achievements in surfing … but thats my business … one thing you may not have noticed is I don't do the blow hard bullshit … I'll leave that to you.

I am glad that your dream life is coming together … one day the real one might reap some fruit as well.

Pompous … yes it does come across that way … see you aren't a perpetual looser … you've had a win.
Obnoxious … never … but patronising towards idiots … hey … i'm communicating with you … wow two out of three.

This thread had pretty much run its course … you've had nothing to contribute to the discussion for quite some time … but marlin brendo … the wild one … has upped the game … unfortunately in doing so he lowered the tone with his mobile phone … I want to stop … but like anyone that is addicted to slow moving dopes its hard to quit ... I'm trying … yes in more ways than one … its a long road … and we're taking it step by step … day by day … one opinionated turd at a time.

Last drinks gentlemen ... the bar is shutting ... the bistro is closed and as mentioned earlier this evening ... the dishes are well and truly done.

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:32 pm
by jimmy
I am curious as to why this thread is still going.. Especially after the comments/rules that Josh and Marcus have made lately..

I love a good stoush but honestly guys this is going nowhere. It seems to be a chest thumping exercise at best and to be honest Matt I'd let it go because your aren't doing yourself any favours mate..

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:05 pm
by lessormore
somedays ya just can't see the forest for the trees!

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:26 pm
by marcus
womble, its simple
if you don't play by the rules, your out.

i have been asking the bodyboarding regulars for a replacement for me for years now, none have put their hand up.
I have asked coops this weekend, haven't heard a reply.
then they have to get the ok from Don.

If you can think of anyone willing to put up with the shit you and many others do to those forums, that will get the OK from Don, then i will gladly hang up my Mod mouse.
I didn't come to realsurf to be a babysitter for grown men.
I came to learn from more experienced wave riders.
To have a laugh and to find out what the surf is doing.

you and others have ignored my requests to obey the rules.
So an option was given to me to enable forums permissions.
a group has been blocked from the bodyboarders section, i think i will remove some names as after talking to some they are actually alright people and deserve yet another chance.

that's what has happened.
the old way was deleting every post. i don't have time for that, and it appears you dislike that option.

now i should apologise to the other short boarders that are regulars to this forum, i don't have much business being in here other to answer wombles post and occasionally learn from you guys.
Sorry for the interruption.

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:01 pm
by Dingus
marcus wrote:Womble, it's simple:
If you don't play by the rules, you're out.

I have been asking the bodyboarding regulars for a replacement for me for years now, none have put their hand up.
I have asked Coops this weekend, haven't heard a reply.
Then they have to get the ok from Don.

If you can think of anyone willing to put up with the shit you and many others do to those forums, that will get the OK from Don, then i will gladly hang up my Mod mouse.
I didn't come to Realsurf to be a babysitter for grown men.
I came to learn from more experienced wave riders.
To have a laugh and to find out what the surf is doing.

You and others have ignored my requests to obey the rules.
So an option was given to me to enable forums permissions.
A group has been blocked from the bodyboarders section, I think I will remove some names as after talking to some they are actually alright people and deserve yet another chance.

That's what has happened.
The old way was deleting every post. I don't have time for that, and it appears you dislike that option.

Now I should apologise to the other short boarders that are regulars to this forum, I don't have much business being in here other to answer Wombles post and occasionally learn from you guys.
Sorry for the interruption.
Alright, Marcus, I tried to clear up most of the errors - it's at least a good start. If I could say anything it would be that capitalisation is an issue. There may be a problem with applying the correct past tense in all situations, but that's a small point.

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:13 pm
by jimmy
^^^^^ 8) 8) Now that's a funny!

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:01 am
by JET01
You guys need to relax a bit...

Go and have some sex and release some tension...

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:06 am
by daisy
guard wrote:i feel a little bad i slept with a girl my brother liked this morning
uh, pics or shut the fcuk up? :twisted:

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:18 pm
by The Oracle
^^^^^ huh?? WTF just happened???!! I just checked the govt bus timetables to plan my route to Retravision to watch and you go and do that... disappointed. :(

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:13 pm
by Cpt.Caveman
I reckon the people having the most fun in a surf are the ones that just go out and do whatever they want regardless of the sheep around them and the reactions they get from other people. The only people who care about what they are surfing is everyone else, and they're just out there to have a ball...The people that I have met who approach surfing in the ocean in this way and were having the most fun at the time were bodysurfers and kneeboarders funnily enough, haha :)

There's no wrong type of board to ride, just wrong choice of equipment for the conditions at hand...

I'm still prejudice about SUP's and longboarders who sit way out from the pack and snake every single good wave that comes through without giving everyone else a turn.... Scum! The rest of you are alright if you know how to share and be humble...

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:29 pm
by Deesee
Hey i reckon we settle this by looking at the combatants photo's of them riding waves then voting on it. I'm keen to see some good pit riding shots - post away (Marcus and Guard get some barrel action pics online).

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:06 am
by Skipper
gray brigade.jpg

Re: Henny Penny and other lunatics

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:18 pm
by marcus
ive never been tubed
ive seen it on tv once but never seen it live