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Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:26 am
by speedneedle
Hey Legion - that's a sterling review!

Made my day, thanks. I'm amazed that we have yet to hit the wall with smallness for you.

I've gotten ever super-paranoid about my packaging now though. As if it was'nt already OTT.

Steve's Wizard - 6'4 of crispyness...

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:29 pm
by DV8
Legion wrote:Today was the third on Lenny. Yesterday was a bit more sizey so I opted for the drive of the Slayer. After about two weeks of absolute drought I was rusty, but the Slayer felt way too big. You've ruined me again. Today was only 1' or less but Lenny goes awesome. Such quick, tight turns. It does feel to have more float, I'm not sure how. Super fun. I need to try to take it out in some 3-4' and see how it goes. It feels like it might suffer a bit of lack of drive in lined up conditions (compared to a board with any reasonable rail length). But I might be imagining it and will have to see. And I want it to stay in the pocket anyway. Even it is not a point wave gun, it is everything we discussed in the brief and more. So loose and quick. Just what I wanted for peaky beachbreaks. It feels awesome to manouevre around the water. So tiny and hardly there. Feet position in exactly the right spot each time. Turns on a dime when you want to scramble for a wave. Superlative, superlative, etc, etc.

Slayer is now my big wave gun. I suspect Lenny will be good up to head high or more and then Slayer takes over up to double OH. I'm now wondering what to do with Sinistral, given my new found love of shortboards. Even in super grovel conditions I'm loving them. Lenny surfs like a groveller but it has no business doing so, with a paucity of foam. Those guys talking about sinking under boards - Lenny floats me a couple of inches above my belly button. Perfect.
Whats the sizes of the slayer and Lenny ?

Link ?

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:32 pm
by PeepeelaPew

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:24 pm
by DV8
Legion wrote:6'1" x 18 3/4 x 2 5/8"
5'11" x 18 1/2" x 2 5/8"

Search for "slayer josh dowling" and "kilmister josh dowling" and they should show up, otherwise I can find them if you can't.
Argh those ones ....... Thanks Legion !

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:02 pm
by PeepeelaPew

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:12 am
by Beerfan
I believe on both of my JD's I could have went smaller, like maybe 10% less foam. I feel no real negative with them though, I love both of them. One thing is for sure, JD has cured me of my foam addiction. Super light boards that aren't corky, just light, fast and my fat arse simmonsy kinda thing turns ridiculously well, like it does quick redirections crazy well. Did i mention it fkkukk ing flies?. I deadset feel like a much better surfer on that little board. I hope to get on a more standard shape from josh when my knee allows :).

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:20 pm
by channels
Reading Legions post I realised I hadn't given JD adulations and congratulations for the outstanding he made, I sent him this feedback about the Vector on page 93:

Expectations and thoughts:
Opened the box and was pumped, looked beautiful and crafted immaculately. It sat in my lounge room for a few days and the more I looked at it the more concerned and anxious I was getting. I was worried if it had enough volume and the rails in the mid section looked a touch sharp. Concerns were all gone after riding!

The surf:
Today at Long Reef, midday glass off and minimal crowds surprisingly and head high waves. Paddled well, and waiting for waves, the float while sitting was equivalent to my 6'6" despite being slightly thinner and 2 inches shorter. My first epoxy board so the additional float was great. Rides were great, it held in beautifully on two late drops that would normally have smashed me. On my backhand, bottom turns have more drive and projection while top turns are easier and sharper. On my forehand, trust in the rail and fins saw me recover from a late drop and power out to the face. Forehand cutties felt precise and sharp. Might be the shorter length, fins, rocker or tail volume but the board feels more manoeuvrable/looser but hasn't lost any drive at all.

Board is a cracker, really happy with it. Thanks again!

After a few more surfs, I'm loving the twang of the rail stringers through a turn and the lower volume but better float.

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:07 pm
by speedneedle
channels wrote:On my backhand, bottom turns have more drive and projection while top turns are easier and sharper. On my forehand, trust in the rail and fins saw me recover from a late drop and power out to the face. Forehand cutties felt precise and sharp.
So many nice ride reports! I had to stay away for a while so as to let my swollen head go down.

Thanks fellas - go get a awave for me - I've been out 7 months now with the gimp-arm, awaiting surgery after dislocating my shoulder three times. So unfunny - I can shape but not surf. Punishment!

But here's "The Wizard" - 6'4 x 20 1/2 x 2 1/2

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:23 am
by Beerfan
Like the deck and the bottom josh, purty!. I'm using the thought of another JD as motivation to fix this buggered knee. Round tail quad I'm thinking, reasonably normal plan shape. Shock horror!!

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:13 am
by speedneedle
Beerfan wrote:Round tail quad I'm thinking, reasonably normal plan shape. Shock horror!!
Normal!? Who does normal around here!!!

Like this one -

Dan's Scythe - 6'3 x 19 1/4

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 10:19 am
by Beerfan
Love the 5'10" flex tail you're doing as well josh. Noice!

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 12:10 pm
by PeepeelaPew

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:31 pm
by speedneedle
Tropical? Where are you? Oh I hate you anyway!!!

But no, I'm happy to hear it.

Here's a rare stock board. I had a blank I cut too thin for DV8, so I went to town on it.

The "Ukelele" is 5'10 x 19 1/2 x 2 3/8. Flextail.

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:37 pm
by PeepeelaPew

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:58 pm
by diggerdickson
That clinker bottom josh is just sex on a stick mate, beautiful.....

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 3:24 pm
by speedneedle
Legion - Dead Dingoes arse is one I haven't heard. WA/NT thing p'raps.

I got these pics from Tonga. Chas Egan on his 5'3 JD Crop Circle.

Clear water one me hankering for surfing again. At last I have the date for my shoulder surgery, so the reanimation is in sight now!

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 4:25 pm
by Beerfan
Awesome pics josh, you must be stoked!.

Is the op soon? How long will you be out of action for?. I may potentially be back in the water for spring, and I've got a little pile of cash that should grow bigger after tax time that will need redirecting, if you know what I mean!!.

Re: Josh Dowling Designs

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 8:41 am
by speedneedle
Hey Beery - Yeah, two weeks. I got fed up with waiting - after six months I was notified that I was on the waiting list...wait potentially a full year more!

So I've bitten the bullet to go private.

The plan is that I'll be out for two months, heal while the weather is cold, then fitten up ready for goodness in spring.

A few orders are on hold, no biggy. I'll be gagging to get back into my life, so get your thoughts together for dimensions.

Digger might like the sexy channel-bottom all finished. Last custom out the door before the Op.