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Looking warm for Sydney

Post by Spoon » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:29 pm

CSIRO didn't exactly come across with a happy cheery outlook for the future of Sydney. Narrabeen and Collaroy named as the "hotspots" for swell surges. No water, hotter than some town out northwest now. And this is all aparently starting to get extreme in 25years :shock: If city folk haven't already started to head bush I reckon they will start shortly. I kind of like the appeal of a few acres, rainwater tanks, vege patch and some chooks. But which way, north or south. :?:

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Post by mattspew » Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:34 pm

North will have more rain for you to catch in your rainwater tanks according to the scientists.

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Post by snakes » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:55 pm

Don't believe the hype :idea:

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Post by Johnno » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:11 am

Head south that is where the action's at .............. :wink: :lol:

No offence snakes, are you blind. Sure this is a slow occurrence but it is accelerating.

I'm just a bloke that has observed a lot of changes in my life time. I am neither an academic or a scientist but am now hearing things that confirm things I have known about for the past 30 years which is why I live where I do.

I am fortunate in the knowledge that Climate Change will have little impact in my life time but will severally impact on following generations.

We have now been in drought for over 15 years. We have had 2 good years of rain in that time. The last was 2000/2001. Being on tank water you notice these things. Driving through this area at the moment it looks green but look at the soil and it is dry.

The river systems on the east coast have not had a good flush out in years. The Nambucca River is silted up at the mouth to the extent that only a tinny can get out which saw a drop in tourist numbers this Christmas. Yes their has been flooding up here in that period but it has been localized from one area to another unlike in the 60's and 70's when the whole coast was subject to flooding on a more regular basis. And due to this sand movement along the coast has slowed, and in this area it is noticeable as the reefs and beaches are more reliant on that sand movement. There are spots up here that have not worked now for a few years as the holes in the reefs are not being filled in.

And these are just localized observations but then you look at what is happening around the globe to see that various species of plant and wildlife that are either disappearing from areas or moving into new areas in search of food and water.

Eskimos are reporting that they are now seeing plants grow in areas that previously never been seen before. Killer whales are now being see further north and there is a whole host of other species on the movement around the globe. Polar bears are now endangered with the further problem that their has been a marked increase in the number that have had to be rescued this year from falling through the ice.

It was report last week that Sweden's glaciers lost overall 1.6m of ice in the last 12 months and both polar caps have shrunk and Greenland has report above average temps this winter.

These are but a few of the may changes that are taking place around the globe at present.

But then again it might be just hype and the movement of the 'Doomsday Clock' 2 weeks ago was just another stunt.

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Post by chopescahrger » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:12 am

i dont know how they can say this
i just got back from vietnam and it is so polluted and dirty its crazy
and australia is like heavan compared to that so how can there be such a dramatic change here and u dont nething about wats going to happen there in asia

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Post by rae » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:41 am

All i can say is i wouldnt want to be living in one of the waterfront homes by various beaches. Apparently all the nutty maths people for insurance companies had predicted a massive storm in 8-10 years which will do a whole lot of damage... Even that aside, given everything else people are saying, i still dont think i'd be wanting to own one of those houses!

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Post by macgreggor » Fri Feb 02, 2007 7:53 am

You all owe it to yourself to at least get a copy of "an inconvenient truth" by Al Gore, It's a good starting point. It is the subtle changes that are telltales, like why a certain wattle in my backyard which indicates it's flathead time bloomed in early July last year instead of late August. It really amazes me how as surfers most of us have such a complete lack of understanding and awareness of the subtleties in nature. How many of us can tell of the next change in weather by simply observing high cloud patterns as a basic start? Mate I've got shitloads to learn but like me ol boy scout motto says, "be prepared", get educated, and pull your heads out of the sand.

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Post by yanks r us » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:07 am

snakes wrote:Don't believe the hype :idea:
How can you not when it has already begun..

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Post by cs » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:48 am

Have a read of "the weather makers" by Tim Flannery. It's alot more in-depth than Al Gore's movie.
Only one of the houses on the Narra beach front has storm damage insurance, its got rediclously deep piers...

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Post by SAsurfa » Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:05 pm

Snakes, seriously you sound like good old Johnny H, but now he's changing his opinion and becoming a greeny because he knows where the votes are, there are little changes that if you look even over the last year you can spot, and it is only going to get worse as the current carbon in the atmosphere is from 20 or so years ago, hence there is a buffer of around 20 years until we see any improvement if we start today, so their is still worse to come.

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Post by Nick-W » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:41 pm

Why must everyone refer to Tim 'shove it up your arse' Flannery.

Wait til tomorrow, the paper should advertise it, its a big report that shows more plausible findings

Tim Flannery suggests that the ocean will rise by "8 storeys"....
This report suggests 45cm in one hundred years

Sure the earth is warming, but do you think it has never warmed before?

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Post by yanks r us » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:50 pm

considering nick, the top 10 hottest years have included the last 9 years. And your question you pose is rather useless.

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Post by Hawkeye » Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:04 pm

I went to see An Inconvenient Truth. I found it absolutely compelling.

Sure, the science doesn't have a lot of detail, but I don't know who could have sat through it if it did. However, that doesn't mean the science isn't there - it's out there in spades if you want to dig.

Three things connected the dots for me.

Firstly, the independent science pointing to global warming being human-caused is virtually unanimous once you subtract the noisy minority funded by the fossil fuel industry. Interesting parallels by the way between their campaign to discredit global warming and the tobacco industry's use of doubt a decade ago to discredit what we now take for granted as fact.

Secondly, the chart comparing atmospheric CO2 levels with global temperatures going back several tens of thousand years to the present day, based on ice core samples.

Thirdly, the photography of glaciers comparing their state of a century ago to today. Glaciers are big and slow-moving. They don't go from hundreds of feet thick and kilometres long to nothing in the course of a summer. It takes a long-term trend over decades.

With the atmospheric CO2 chart, the moment he got on the cherry-picker and pointed to how far above the normal historic level CO2 levels were forecast to be in the near future based on current fossil fuel usage and trends was one of those :shock: moments.

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Post by SAsurfa » Fri Feb 02, 2007 3:21 pm

You are right Hawkeye, there is much more depth to go into than the movie could explain, I have not seen it but I have just completed a subject at Uni called Global Climate Change and the Earth currently is supposed to be in a cooling stage as over the last 15million years we have gone from no ice caps to intermitent ice caps, ie present in winter but not summer, to permanent icecaps and this melting off the icecaps is not good, it is abnormal looking at past data, and the current predictions for the future is increased cea levels, but not to 8 stories :roll: , more chaotic weather, and greater variations in climate.

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Post by bryce2099 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:22 pm

im no scientist and all that but i kind of agree with snakes, think about all the other extreme weather changes this world has already experienced like ice ages and stuff.think about sid the sloth :lol:

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Post by bryce2099 » Fri Feb 02, 2007 5:23 pm

ps i didnt read the other posts coz i couldnt be bothered-too long etc :) so if someone has already dogged me yeaaah.forget my last post haha

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Post by oldman » Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:37 pm

Hawkeye wrote: Firstly, the independent science pointing to global warming being human-caused is virtually unanimous once you subtract the noisy minority .......
No doubt about it Hawkeye. That's amazing! It's also true.

I have also seen changes in my lifetime, but you can't really extrapolate that to climate change. The 50's to the 70's have been shown to be a time of unusually high rainfall for south east Australia, so my baseline was not a typical period of weather.

So I wonder, still I wonder, who'll start the rain!

You may read that to think that I am a doubter regarding climate change, that would be wrong. I am a much greater doubter of scientists than I am a doubter of climate change.

Much of the debate is not about whether there is climate change, only about whether it is anthropogenic or not. The latest IPCC report will say that it is 90% likely to be anthropogenic.

You had better hope that it is, because otherwise we are witnessing a change of climate that is caused by things unknown, perhaps just the rhythms of Gaia, and may just make the human race a distant memory.

Cheers, and have a lovely weekend.

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Post by snakes » Fri Feb 02, 2007 8:44 pm

Ok, here's how it is for those of you who have been blinded by the media & political scaremongering.

1./ Everything goes in cycles. That means that the sun has warmer periods as well as cooler periods (just like the oceans do). This is reflected on the Earth with average temperatures increasing & decreasing over time.

2./ Carbon Dioxide is NOT the main greenhouse gas to be concerned about. Water vapour holds far more latent heat than CO2 (why does it feel hotter when its humid :idea: ).

3./ Trees absorb CO2 and put out Oxygen last time I checked. Therefore the more CO2 in the atmosphere = more Oxygen for us Humans to breathe.

4./ The heat energy absorbed by CO2 is mostly passed through the atmosphere into space at night i.e. temperatures go up during the day & back down again at night. This has been scientifically proven & bursts the myth about CO2 being the main source of global warming. So there's no need to stop using your petrol/diesel fuelled car or coal powered power station just yet.

5./ NZ & Antartica just had their COLDEST winters on record. Funny how you didn't hear much about that on the news :roll:

Now some links for all you doomsayers :lol:

Ignore the Gore http://epw.senate.gov/pressitem.cfm?party=rep&id=264777 Renowned Scientist Defects From Belief in Global Warming – Caps Year of Vindication for Skeptics

The Greenhouse conspiracy http://web.ukonline.co.uk/Members/ad.jo ... nhscon.htm
an edited transcript of the Channel 4 documentary "The Greenhouse Conspiracy".

Climate Science http://www.climatescience.org.nz/ Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get :!:

Ray Evans' 'Nine Facts About Climate Change' http://www.lavoisier.com.au/papers/arti ... nfinal.pdf a response to the hysteria and superstition in Australia which the media encouraged following the Stern Report issued in London and former US VP Al Gore's repeated visits to Australia.

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