Seeya Sebaz

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Seeya Sebaz

Post by BA » Fri Apr 29, 2005 3:25 pm

All the best Sebaz. Thanks for the reports over the years. You helped a lot of people, that's the main thing.


Post by sebaz » Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:38 pm

For all those that are legitimately interested in why I've left read on.

I'm quite happy for this to be aired publically. Excuse my spelling its not the greatest..

Wonder how long it will stay on the forum before it gets administered off...

The bottom line is Crew, Don is intent to exploit Realsurf and will suit himself.

If that your definition of a "community" then fine.

Personally I got sick of not getting responses and being exploited while others gain wealth off the hard work of others.

Despite the fact that I actually work for a telco and have nearly 10 years experience in IT my comments and involvement have been ignored.

Its not everyday that someone offers to put a free broadband connection with a Live camera at a beach just cause they want the best for the "community" is it? Well that was ignored...

Its not everyday that someone comes along and goes, hey, I could half your costs of traffic and content. That was ignored...

Jesus, I designed the comms network that is Coastalwatch so I think I've got half an idea what I'm doing... regardless ignored....

Why? I'll tell you why because the bottom line is its Don singular vision and only what Don wants ever sees the light of day on realsurf.

9 years. Where is the site now? I'll tell you. Right where it was 9 years ago.. It the most dated surf page around.

Don't worry the new face realsurf is coming in a month or two. But have we the reporters had much input? I wouldn't know.

I wasn't even invited to the meeting... and Don has my mobile number so its not like can't contact me is it??

The problem with having a community that has a dictatorship is its not a community. Or a sports club or anything else... seriously crew could you have the wool pulled any further over your eyes by this guy?

Don is exploiting the efforts of others for his and a very select few who can call their work "fee for service" and have it endorsed by Don get anything at all. The reporters get nothing. Always have and I fear always will. It Exploitation with a capital E.

A lot of you don't know but way back in the begining we were offered over 500,000 US for realsurf for its demographic coverage. Realsurf is or at least was the second most popular water sports site in the country.

At that stage no one could get Web based surf reports off the ground economically in Oz and realsurf was the only site that worked because we all did it for free.
9msn the works, they all had a go and failed. But even back in those days in the Dotcom boom it was decided that 500K wasn't enough and it was turned down by Don.

2 years later it was worth nothing. 6 years after that (today) and due to the fact that its been around the longest it still has a strong following.
Well you could argue it belongs to all those who've contributed to it over the years. Yes Matt, even you mate ;-)

So how much has been raised in the "friends of realsurf" campaign??

In excess of 80,000 dollars oz at least. I don't know the exact figures because Don never releases them to anyone but a few people who are personal friends and who I assume for that matter Don trusts. These are the "fee for service crew"

I put it to you Don to release the figures publically for all to see. Its their money. Tell them where it going.... It certainly isn't going to the people who report on the beaches. The people who I'd argue most people who contributing to friends of realsurf would like to see the money go to. running the site of course needs to be handled so keep it real in your reply to this.

I put it to you its being handled badly right now.

You say you now make a partial income from realsurf.

Well.. I'd say thats true but you also have had almost every cent that you've ever spent on realsurf paid back to you while almost all others have not only been given anything for their efforts in lining your pockets, and you've failed to even recognise their efforts beyond a crew email you send every 3-6 months and the occasional get together.

I've helped you with you current advertising through my connections in the surf industry.

I've helped you with your technical questions including things like firewalling and other questions regarding what other successful web facing businesses are doing.

You were quite happy to take all of my input and what did I ask for in return?
Apparently you have amnesia or are some what dilusional, cause I never actually recieved any of your correspondence you mentioned that you've been sending to me so... so I'll say it again,

A asked to be involved in direction.
A asked you to re-evaluate you current costs to benefit the site (never asked you to question helpful relationships so don't go there)
A asked for you start acting like this is a "community" and share what happens with Realsurf with those that give its life heart and soul, the reporters.

I doubt you'd understand australian centric localism and what it can take to report at some beaches in sydney. especially not from a camera mounted behind a telescopic lense as is current for you. Do you even give a shit? Ho wnuch shit do you think Macka cops down at the Bra? I bet you don't even know..

The bottom line is you believe this "community" is yours to exploit and I put it to you that you are.

Publically prove me wrong if you want. I'm quite happy for the figures to tell the story so how bout it. If you have nothing to hide PUBLISH THE ACCOUNTING OF REALSURF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have no intention of ever sharing anything with any of the reporters no matter how long they assist to build the popularity of the site and contribute their time and effort in the process.

Why did I stop reporting. Because I want nothing to do with being exploited, blind or otherwise thats what it is.

And I can tell that you don't really give a shit mate.

You haven't even called me to ask why or to say thanks or anything.

After 9 years of loyalty and committment to Realsurf I see and now so do others exactly what you think of Reporters mate..

Aussies have a word for people who are like that.

P.S I'm sending a copy of this Letter to the forums to 2 editors of surfing publications as some way to let those that aren't online exactly what you're up too.

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Post by tiger » Sat Apr 30, 2005 9:18 pm

Most of you prob aren't aware, some will be, but I used to contribute to the site as a reporter on the sunshine coast. I started off just doing a few guest reports, and e-mailed Don to see if he wanted to give me a spot on the frontpage. He responded and said yeh, and gave me the details for access and a spot on the front page (funnily enough it's still up there even though I haven't reported for about 6 mths, what does that tell ya about how much "hard work" they put into this site). To tell ya the truth I don't even think they know I've gone. During my time on the site I was a reliable reporter and took pics virtually every day. Not once during the duration of my reporting did I ever receive any kind of thanks, not a solitary e-mail. I was doing the reports just 'cos it involves a few hobbies of mine that I enjoy i.e. surfing, photography, surf forecasting etc. I certainly didn't want any monetary reward or anything, just a pat on the back and maybe a free t-shirt. But the only way I could get a t-shirt was to contribute $75 to the RS slushfund (and most of you have no doubt seen the t-shirts, mmmm bet they cost heaps). I started thinking the site was on the nose and thought "fark this, I'm wasting my time and energy", and decided to pull the pin on my reports. There was a fair bit of debate about the site at this stage, a lot of people disgruntled about the way the site was operating. I'm usually not one to waste my energy on these kind of things, and decided to keep my opinions to myself. But upon reading Sebaz's response here, and seeing that the hand is being put out for donations again, I felt it appropriate to say something now. I wasn't involved in the site for as long or as intricately as you were Sebaz, so I can imagine your disappointment towards the site and the people who run it is greater than mine, and understandibly so. With another fundraiser proposed I think people should think long and hard about where there moneys being spent. There's always talk of improvements to the site, but so far nothing's come of it. Unless you consider an online shop as an improvement, I consider it as more of a revenue raiser. So that's my 2 bobs worth, I'll stop rambling and let you consider the situation.


Post by phil_mckrack » Sun May 01, 2005 10:18 am

Its taken you this long to figure out that your money is doing nothing? No offence or anything but guys, at least you've realised and doing your best to alert everybody now.

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Post by Larry » Sun May 01, 2005 10:39 am

In the years I've been involved with Don and with this place I've put up hundreds of stories ( mostly old dribble) and thousands of reports, and all I've ever got for it is 1 dinner and the occasional thanks mate from his nibs ! - and if I was asked to do it all over again I would - and I wouldn't expect as much in return next time -

Sebaz and Tiger - It's ok to quit lads - but it's not ok to go on a whinge trip - you blokes are spending too much time looking over your shoulder - try looking ahead, because that's the direction you should be heading....

It's been nice knowing you


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Post by zzz » Sun May 01, 2005 11:07 am

Larry wrote:In the years I've been involved with Don and with this place I've put up hundreds of stories ( mostly old dribble) and thousands of reports, and all I've ever got for it is 1 dinner and the occasional thanks mate from his nibs ! - and if I was asked to do it all over again I would - and I wouldn't expect as much in return next time -

Sebaz and Tiger - It's ok to quit lads - but it's not ok to go on a whinge trip - you blokes are spending too much time looking over your shoulder - try looking ahead, because that's the direction you should be heading....

It's been nice knowing you

Did sebaz contribute to the site for over 9 years? And when he say's he's going its just a thanks and see ya later? From the perspective of a non-involved bystander this seems rough. Maybe appropriate in the harsh realities of a commercial world - but when somones given their time voluntarily for that long it doesn't paint a great impression that they're so easily sent on their way.

When tiger was contributing to this site he was providing a hell of a lot of useful information as well. The site although it has reports from all over, is a bit Nthn Beaches centric, so regular reports from up north go a long way to expanding the involvement of surfers from up north. As a shaper he also provided a lot of really useful information in the forums.

Sounds like if a couple of simple words of acknowledgement were sent in his direction from time to time and he might still be around as well ...
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Post by seedy » Sun May 01, 2005 1:38 pm

hey Larry stick Don's cock back in ya gob and shut the fcuk up ya arse licker
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Post by collnarra » Sun May 01, 2005 1:44 pm

Hey Seedy,

Thanks for the contribution mate. You really added something to the discussion. Well thought out, too.


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Post by seedy » Sun May 01, 2005 2:05 pm

u nob gobblers couldn't care less whether people contribute or not. u don't even notice and that's what all the fuss is about aint it. ya need ya heads smacked together
last laugh's on the smartarse

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Post by Larry » Sun May 01, 2005 2:30 pm

Fair enough zeds - but what you may not know is that Don put out an invite to as many northside reporters as would want to come, to have a feed on him about a couple of weeks ago - He also let all of us know what was in the plan for the site for the second half of this year -

This was the big item on the dinner list - long awaited improvements - a major upgrade - a positive sign to all last years givers that the money was being used - all the stuff that seb is busy complaining about...

Don also asked that if anyone wanted to lend a hand they should let him know ..

Well, Seb never made the free feed , .. and he never replied to the ask for assistance in the space provided - now he's playing at being pissed off and he's on the rooftops doing it - full f.cking volume.

He's whinging zeds - and young seedy needs a dose of real life don't you reckon - beats me how girls can write like that - never happened in my day


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Post by zzz » Sun May 01, 2005 2:48 pm

yeah laz I understand - there's two sides to every story - though sebaz isn't the first person to fall out of favour with RS, there's been issues from various reporters, picture posters, etc. over the time. I seem to recall that there's even been times that you've felt a bit put out in relation to the stories and a lack of recognition thereof?

Probably would be issues better handled privately amongst those that are involved in the site though and not on the public forums so arguably a poor option by sebaz. Pretty hard for us onlookers to get the full story.

In relation to the spending of funds issue, I personally couldn't care if its spent on beer and drugs as long as the site stays running, though I wouldn't have minded a quick note of thanks for the dollars that I did throw in.
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Post by Larry » Sun May 01, 2005 3:07 pm

You ain't wrong there zeds - A bloke is up to 2am on a monday morning and half mum's Traminer is gone and all there is to show for it is Scoresby in the back of a ute in Byron trying to hide from a bunch of rabid f.ckern Queenslanders -

or let me put it another way, although a little late for this debate.

The only way I'm able to satisfy my large ego and write dribble on a regular basis is because you blokes have pulled the finger out and thrown money at RS on a regular basis - and I'd like to thank you for doing so - I only hope that you were able to crack it for the odd smile from time to time.

The ony problem I can see in the future is when you'll be asked to pay $110 for a fully illustrated publication of 'all' said dribble in the next 18 months

jes kidding



Post by sebaz » Sun May 01, 2005 3:54 pm

Well, Seb never made the free feed , .. and he never replied to the ask for assistance in the space provided - now he's playing at being pissed off and he's on the rooftops doing it - full f.cking volume.

Larry you don't seem to be hearing me... (Do you and Don take the same medication or what?) I wasn't invited to the get together.

For the record I'm actually not pissed off. A little mistified definately. Hurt by what has happened and the lack of care factor. Yes.
Full tilt angry.. over a surf report.. give me break...

I really couldn't give a rats about the 1 eyed politics.

I aired this for 1 reason only. So that the viewers of realsurf (the real surfers!!) know the truth about what happens.

Best of luck with your "dribble" as I think you put it mate. Hope that works out for you..


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Post by zzz » Sun May 01, 2005 4:30 pm

so, sebaz, after 9 years of reporting on the site, and now having left, has Don, Col or anyone given you a phone call at all about it?
"Stay happy and everything will be perfectly all right"... Jack Norris


Post by sebaz » Sun May 01, 2005 5:43 pm

No, they haven't..


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Post by macca202 » Sun May 01, 2005 5:52 pm

nor has Don replied to any of your comments, even the long post above that you posted in Dons 'floors open' thread.


i love controversy :lol:

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Post by collnarra » Sun May 01, 2005 6:09 pm


PM me with your number. The first thing I did when I saw your note on the front page the other day was send you an email. It bounced back.

That goes for the rest of you. If there's a problem, PM me and I'll try to do something about it. OK?

This sort of discussion is - at least from my POV - really good for realsurf. Why? Because an open society is all about debate, criticism .. heck, it's often about being REALLY FUCKEN PISSED OFF. The more criticism the better. The only thing that shits me is when idiots like seedy come along and add nothing to the debate. Seedy, were you dropped on your head as a kid, mate?

Criticism isn't deleted from these forums or from the front page. The only stuff that gets deleted is offensive material (and yep, I am an arbiter of that I I've tried hard lately to be more relaxed about what goes on.)

Tiger, you mentioned something about the lack of work at this site, given that your report space was still up and you hadn't reported for yonks. You know what? Norris probably thought that you were busy, and you'd come back to it.

The world's divided into people that think the best of others, and those that think the worst. I tend to be one of the latter. I've got extremely low tolerance for idjits. Norris, for better or for worse, falls into the first camp. It explains a lot about this site, and about the little tag that's at the bottom of the front page. It's worth reading. Optimistic, naive, but heart felt from the Norris camp. As for me? You can all get fucked. <grin>



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