Ebay Bargains thread
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Re: Ebay Bargains thread
easy search for bargain surfboards on sale from clueless people is "surboard cm". it'll work on facebook, gumtree, probably any site's search function. you'll encounter people with adverts whereby they've taken out the measuring tape and given you the drill on sizings because they're baffled or ignorant of those strange pencil marked numbers on the bottom of the board. western sydney you'll get a high hit rate. but it's not limited geographically, i've sniped bargains before from the eastern and northern beaches using the same keyword search.
steve shearer wrote:full dionysian hand jive body torque
steve shearer wrote: science > feels
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
FB marketplace advert for decent looking older Nigel Beckham performance longboard twin fin.
Sidders $530
https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/it ... 217919951/
Sidders $530
https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/it ... 217919951/
steve shearer wrote:full dionysian hand jive body torque
steve shearer wrote: science > feels
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
$850 for a new(ish) 7’0” Malcolm Campbell shaped bonzer looks like a very good deal (true Ames fin included)
Looks like a Russ Short with a swallowtail
https://www.gumtree.com.au/web/listing/ ... 1331023673
Looks like a Russ Short with a swallowtail
https://www.gumtree.com.au/web/listing/ ... 1331023673
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
The bronzers with the two long side fins just look wrong. Much prefer the aesthetic of the 5 fins.
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
Anyone tried the Alpha Omega bonzer twin?
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
No, but read of a review somewhere by a former pro who said it was a bit difficult to ride.
Edit: this review
https://www.surfline.com/surf-news/boar ... ega/150988
Edit: this review
https://www.surfline.com/surf-news/boar ... ega/150988
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
it’s a sick looking board, I’d get one.
There’s a goofy footer his sixties that surfs North Maroubra point on one. He’s surfed there for decades, bald bloke kinda short, you may have seen him before.
Stylish pendulum-like surfing rail to rail. nothing ever looks forced, just lets the board run. He maintains a narrow posture and surfs the board forward of the tail from the mid section. Looks very smooth.
steve shearer wrote:full dionysian hand jive body torque
steve shearer wrote: science > feels
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
Appropriate time to post the brazo pumping a mini-mal at Maroubra to understand your definition of style.
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
Sounds like it would be good for small to medium winki based on that review.channels wrote: ↑Sat Jan 11, 2025 5:52 pmNo, but read of a review somewhere by a former pro who said it was a bit difficult to ride.
Edit: this review
https://www.surfline.com/surf-news/boar ... ega/150988
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
I think it's something interesting, but not something I'd ride around here.
Re: Ebay Bargains thread
lol. Don’t worry mate, I’m sure he’d surf rings around you. I’ve seen pics of him on the same shit heap mini mal carving big chunks out of solid overhead indo reef breaks.
And said older bloke on the Campbell bros twin would also show you up, no probs. He’s got great style, always looks totally in sync with the wave, no wasted movements, ever- never oversurfs the board, highly efficient.
Carry on…
steve shearer wrote:full dionysian hand jive body torque
steve shearer wrote: science > feels
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