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Post by staunch » Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:22 am

Went to the " Off the lip " amatuer film night at Beach Road hotel Friday night proudly sponsored by REALSURF ! A very good night, laid back vibe, lottsa effort from the aspiring film makers and a good mix of families having dinner, grommets and old salties etc BUT at end of night eight police and sniffer dog charge through the crowd acting like a bunch of stormtroopers. They drag this guy out who seemed bemused by the attention ! I am not a drug user BUT we need to resist these heavy handed techniques. I suggest we start fingering the man... If you know a policeman/woman, politician or anyone that wears a suit who has ever used a drug in your presence fax the police ombudsman from an anonymous site detailing your experience. Cops would be better utilised trying to stop REALCRIME not harrassing a bloke who might have had a joint three hours prior and scaring/scarring the bejesus out of a forty year old taxpayer who has taken his 15 y/o son along to an event that was probably as drug free as a church social.

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Get over it !

Post by pagoda » Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:30 am

I was there and though they were a bit over the top the cops do a good job and the joint smoker should have got a couple yers in the big house.

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Post by WANDERER » Mon Feb 07, 2005 11:36 am


I went to the opera house on da weekend and saw a bunch of yuppies who were quite clearly up to the eyeballs on coke. But you'll never see sniffer dogs at places frequented by the affluent...

NSW Govt and police are doing very little in the way of endearing themselves to the community, I am at the point that i will not offer any assistance to the law in any circumstance, they need to clean up their own house before they start harrasing people for smoking joints, something thats been going on for over 30 years. If they really want to make a difference they should be going around to pubs and clubs on the weekend enforcing the responsible service of liquor act! that would have a much more positive effect on the community and prevent a lot of unneccessay violence / deaths. Of course Alcohol is a very profitable and taxable resource for the NSW Govt so they don't wanna rock the boat in that regard.

all this freedom that governments the world over are claiming they are trying to protect SEEMS TO BE DISAPPEARING MORE AND MORE EVERY DAY:


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Post by zzz » Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:01 pm

How's the irony - only the other week I was complaining about realsurf advertising an event where young people were being encouraged to come along and promote cigarette smoking - something known to have no positive benefit whatsoever and kills hundreds of thousands annually - this is of course all perfectly legal in NSW.

wanderer wrote: all this freedom that governments the world over are claiming they are trying to protect SEEMS TO BE DISAPPEARING MORE AND MORE EVERY DAY
You hit the nail on the head there. How could a parent promote trust in the police after an event like that. Bob Carr is running a police state - I drive through 10 speed and red light camera's a day on a 5 km drive to work. State transit officers are taking the law into their own hands, and youth are being harrassed by police dogs. You can't swim outside the flags anymore, its just all bloody wrong!!! :roll: :lol:
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Post by WANDERER » Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:15 pm

zzz wrote:How's the irony - only the other week I was complaining about realsurf advertising an event where young people were being encouraged to come along and promote cigarette smoking - something known to have no positive benefit whatsoever and kills hundreds of thousands annually - this is of course all perfectly legal in NSW.

wanderer wrote: all this freedom that governments the world over are claiming they are trying to protect SEEMS TO BE DISAPPEARING MORE AND MORE EVERY DAY
You hit the nail on the head there. How could a parent promote trust in the police after an event like that. Bob Carr is running a police state - I drive through 10 speed and red light camera's a day on a 5 km drive to work. State transit officers are taking the law into their own hands, and youth are being harrassed by police dogs. You can't swim outside the flags anymore, its just all bloody wrong!!! :roll: :lol:


the more laws, the more rules there are THE LESS USING OF YA NOGGIN IS NEEDED.
I despise the fuzz, but I also feel sorry for em, coz they are "just doing their jobs"... I could get used to sniffer dogs, but only if they popped up everywhere, celebrity parties, council meetings, young liberal rallies, nursing homes, the upper North Shore and at private schools. Targeting the Youth from Lower - middle income areas and completely ignoring tha high income areas is bollox... the cops have this bizarre notion that only young people use drugs and only if they are from low income areas, if ya gonna use the dogs, ya'd better use em on everyone across the board instead of targeting one section of the population...

like i said:



Post by Sth_Narra » Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:40 pm

One of my mates is currently up on a bogus "assault Police" charge which was so bullshit it's not funny. He got busted climbing tall things he wasn't meant to and when he was a bit of a smart arse in return he got hit up with bogus charges.

I've also seen cops reviving people in car accidents with blood all over them and seen them dissipate some nasty fights (no arrests) and also had mates let off charges out of sympathy or laziness.

You see the bad side of cops, not the good?
Yeah, there are ego driven tools, there are decent cops trying day in day out to put up with little pissed smart asses and seeing the seedy things in life.

It's easy to throw trash on a whole policeforce because of a few knobs!
Their commander or whoever in charge would have dished out that order to go do the dog sniff thing, and they know their not going to be liked when they turn up. They get paid to do a job. You see the bad apples only?

I think cops are cops, their not good, not bad, we just need em

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Post by pagoda » Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:12 pm

Yeah, here are a few of my favourite things - traffic lights, parking fines, seat belts, speed cameras, rangers, gaths, barbed wire, bike helmets, condoms and anything else that means I don't have to be responsible for my own behaviour or have any idea/belief/knowledge that life is short/precious and we won't all make four score and ten. Point is if I drive a piece of metal weighing close to ton at speeds in excess of 100 ks I expect/know/accept contact with other such projectiles will result in serious/fatal injury. Point is the road toll is a trade off to convenience. Same as gaol is a trade off to middle class possessiveness. Couple a years in clink would be a bit of a wake up!

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Post by WANDERER » Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:14 pm

know yar rights:

If you do give them your name you will go on a data base, even if ya don't have anything on you, so don't give em yar name.


unless they are going to charge you for an offence (or even if they are) you have the right to say nothing.

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Post by WANDERER » Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:17 pm

pagoda wrote:Yeah, here are a few of my favourite things - traffic lights, parking fines, seat belts, speed cameras, rangers, gaths, barbed wire, bike helmets, condoms and anything else that means I don't have to be responsible for my own behaviour or have any idea/belief/knowledge that life is short/precious and we won't all make four score and ten. Point is if I drive a piece of metal weighing close to ton at speeds in excess of 100 ks I expect/know/accept contact with other such projectiles will result in serious/fatal injury. Point is the road toll is a trade off to convenience. Same as gaol is a trade off to middle class possessiveness. Couple a years in clink would be a bit of a wake up!
WTF... english please, wotsyapoint... honestly that was a rant, I'm willing to listen to yar opinion, its just i dun understand a f-arkin word yar sayin...

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Post by oldman » Mon Feb 07, 2005 5:49 pm

Believe it or not, the beagles they use for drug detection were around from the olympics, and the cops had no use for them after that, and as they were so expensive to train up they thought they had better find a use for them so some smart alec decided they should do random raids on clubs and pubs etc. (This is a fact)

Initially some people fought these in court and judges upheld that the original sniffing and touching by the dogs constituted assault and they were let off, but since then the cops have argued around judicial concern for what is basically the act of a fascist govt. It's true, the cops have to follow orders. We should really be boring it up the pollies for this cunning stunt.

Guess what fellas, It is going to get worse and worse. As the baby boomers become older farts there will be more and more laws stopping you from doing anything that old farts don't like. Think of everything that old buggers have a gripe about and soon there will be a law against it. We are going to get squeezed more and more by these retiring baby boomers. This is the the same generation the demanded 'free love' and legalised everything when they were teenagers.

It is all part of the unfortunate slide into conservative oblivion that the vast majority of old people fall into, and demographics and politics mean that the baby boomers get what they want when they want it. And what do they want now? They want to get rid of anything that makes them scared. What makes them scared? Everything.

Sorry about that. As Bruce Hornsby would say, "that's just the way it is."
Lucky Al wrote:You could call your elbows borogoves, and your knees bandersnatches, and go whiffling through the tulgey woods north of narrabeen, burbling as you came.

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Post by WANDERER » Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:11 pm

oldman wrote:Believe it or not, the beagles they use for drug detection were around from the olympics, and the cops had no use for them after that, and as they were so expensive to train up they thought they had better find a use for them so some smart alec decided they should do random raids on clubs and pubs etc. (This is a fact)

Initially some people fought these in court and judges upheld that the original sniffing and touching by the dogs constituted assault and they were let off, but since then the cops have argued around judicial concern for what is basically the act of a fascist govt. It's true, the cops have to follow orders. We should really be boring it up the pollies for this cunning stunt.

Guess what fellas, It is going to get worse and worse. As the baby boomers become older farts there will be more and more laws stopping you from doing anything that old farts don't like. Think of everything that old buggers have a gripe about and soon there will be a law against it. We are going to get squeezed more and more by these retiring baby boomers. This is the the same generation the demanded 'free love' and legalised everything when they were teenagers.

It is all part of the unfortunate slide into conservative oblivion that the vast majority of old people fall into, and demographics and politics mean that the baby boomers get what they want when they want it. And what do they want now? They want to get rid of anything that makes them scared. What makes them scared? Everything.

Sorry about that. As Bruce Hornsby would say, "that's just the way it is."
sounds fair, old people are the enemy then!!!

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Re: Get over it !

Post by nubby » Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:29 pm

pagoda wrote:I was there and though they were a bit over the top the cops do a good job and the joint smoker should have got a couple yers in the big house.
you have got to be kidding me pagoda. you are an a#shole


Post by Bazil » Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:27 am

smoking joints, something thats been going on for over 30 years.
Where the f..k have you been?

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Post by Spoon » Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:17 am

The cost of putting people away for a couple of years for pot is ridiculus. Don't they reckon that it costs the taxpayer about $70K per crim per year or something like that. They really should be putting the effort into catching the real crims and steer the druggies towards awareness and education. I also find it hard to take beagles serious after years of reading Peanuts.
Al this is gold. "She didn't realise I was fairly high and spent much of the evening trying to figure out why a purple and orange cow wanted me to climb a tree."

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Post by nthnbeachesguy » Fri Feb 25, 2005 8:09 am

Been in a few places when the dogs have come in. I go out of my way to pat em and piss the handlers off. Apparently its bad for em, its even better to drop a plate of chips on the floor for em or the bone outta the T bone u had for dinner. All ur gunna get at the pub is ur rec user of something and maybe one bloke with a bit more than that, whats the use????

Everyday i see a heap of cops being used as revenue raisers, with the speed traps etc. In the last month i have had rims stolen from my car and on monday my window smashed on my car and my laptop stolen despite the fact it wasnt visible. Both instances the cops couldnt give a f**k, u get ur report number for insurance and away u go. In my experience with the em they are useless, always there when u dont want em hassling u for what amounts to nuthin, then when something that happens where they might potentially be of use, they dont care. Reminds me of that joke.

A bloke wakes up one night and can hear somebody picking through his belongings in the garage. He calls the cops and explains that there is a burglar in his garage and could they please come now. He is told to stay in his house and wait as there is no cars available at that point. Bloke gets the s**ts, calls back 5 minutes later and says "dun worry bout sending a patrol car, just send the meat wagon, i shot him in the head."

2 mins later a couple of cop cars come screaming into the driveway with guns drawn. They arrest the burglar then approach the resident. "I thought u said u shot him in the head" asked the cop, resident turns around and says "and i thought u said no one was available???"

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