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Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:20 pm
by steve shearer
See, it's this alternate reality they create and try and jam down our throats which is galling.

And why, for what>? To appeal to Middle America?

They really think Mom and Dad in Ohio are going to spend hours watching lumpy backwash being ridden pretty well in Brazil if they keep hyping the shite out of it? They would have turned off in absolute incomprehension in 5 minutes, if that.

Meanwhile they insult the intelligence of their fan base and risk alienating them.

Compare that with Rugby League. You watch or listen to a shitt game and the commentators will call it a shitt game. They'll call out ref errors and have an opinion.
Now how can Rugby League, a game for uneducated knucklehead treat it's fans intelligence with respect while pro surfing can't?

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:21 pm
by steve shearer
Cranked, like Braithy said, access is hard. But if you can get near them, yes.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:22 pm
by alakaboo
From the few highlights I've seen I thought the finalists were the least impressive of those that made it to finals

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:30 pm
by Nick Carroll
steve shearer wrote:it's easy to get accreditation Cranked. You go up to the press counter there'll be some intern there about 18 years old.
As NIck said, him and SEan Doherty between them have hoovered up all the paying gigs.
There's no dough left for anyone else.
It's not that easy any more. You'e got to apply in advance. If you're not on the List, they will force you to go to Prodan. And god knows where he will be when you need him.

I'm not going to Fiji! Or Trestles! Or France! Or Portugal! Rip in!

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:36 pm
by Cranked
steve shearer wrote:See, it's this alternate reality they create and try and jam down our throats which is galling.

And why, for what>? To appeal to Middle America?

They really think Mom and Dad in Ohio are going to spend hours watching lumpy backwash being ridden pretty well in Brazil if they keep hyping the shite out of it? They would have turned off in absolute incomprehension in 5 minutes, if that.

Meanwhile they insult the intelligence of their fan base and risk alienating them.

Compare that with Rugby League. You watch or listen to a shitt game and the commentators will call it a shitt game. They'll call out ref errors and have an opinion.
Now how can Rugby League, a game for uneducated knucklehead treat it's fans intelligence with respect while pro surfing can't?
All that controversy, the disputed calls, the judging, the scandals; that seems to be the very lifeblood of major sports.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:38 pm
by steve shearer
yeah, I send an email to Prodan and ask him to have a press pass waiting for me to collect.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:40 pm
by Nick Carroll
Cranked wrote:[
All that controversy, the disputed calls, the judging, the scandals; that seems to be the very lifeblood of major sports.
Totally. It's the arguments that make it a sport.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:41 pm
by Cranked
Luckily it's a world wide sport so we can also encourage racial and religious stereotyping.

That'll bring the fans in.

And violence, we need that too.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:49 pm
by foamy
I was reading an article by a retiring Texan sports journo, let's call him Bill, who mainly covered the NFL's Dallas Cowboys. They were having a disappointing season and Bill was writing some very harsh assessments. He was at a press conference with the legendary and formidable Cowboy's coach, Tom Landry. Landry was asked what he thought of Bill's recent articles. Landry said, we are all disappointed when the Cowboys lose, Bill is the one with a typewriter. As in, it's perfectly fine.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:56 pm
by BA
Watched the final day highlights today. All I took from the event is that Yago Dora has a really hot mum.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:26 pm
by brendo
steve shearer wrote:mediocre surfing won in mediocre waves, that is about the best that can be said about it.

I just watched the final in full.

The crucial call was when ADS last wave was ridden: Pottz was not sure whether they wave was going to better a mid 7.

Thats a guy whose seen thousands of waves ridden at CT level and he wasn't sure it was anything better than that.

Judges gave it a 9.8.

Thats what I mean about serving up gruel and calling it caviar.
they reported ace lost by 0.4 but sounded like he was ripped. when they said pooman desousa one, I was thinking well that's
going to to good for wsl merch sales at the beach, boost Brazilian interest etc. ace wins they just go home whinging.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:00 pm
by Lucky Al
steve shearer wrote:yeah, I send an email to Prodan and ask him to have a press pass waiting for me to collect.
see if you can get to fiji, steve! beachgrit might buy you a ticket?

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:04 pm
by black duck
BA wrote:Watched the final day highlights today. All I took from the event is that Yago Dora has a really hot mum.
2nd that.

and another thing, given the show is in Rio, why aren't the camera men ogling all the babes for the viewers at home? They're so scaredy-cat about it.
Nothing wrong with focussing in on a few surf fans in the nicest possible way. Viewers would at least get something out of the Brazilian show.

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:04 pm
by crabmeat thompson
BA wrote:Watched the final day highlights today. All I took from the event is that Yago Dora has a really hot mum.

photos please

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:28 pm
by Nick Carroll
black duck wrote:
BA wrote:Watched the final day highlights today. All I took from the event is that Yago Dora has a really hot mum.
2nd that.

and another thing, given the show is in Rio, why aren't the camera men ogling all the babes for the viewers at home? They're so scaredy-cat about it.
Nothing wrong with focussing in on a few surf fans in the nicest possible way. Viewers would at least get something out of the Brazilian show.
NO! You CANNOT make the fans interesting! Especially not in a sexual way!!!

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:38 pm
by brendo
Nick Carroll wrote:
black duck wrote:
BA wrote:Watched the final day highlights today. All I took from the event is that Yago Dora has a really hot mum.
2nd that.

and another thing, given the show is in Rio, why aren't the camera men ogling all the babes for the viewers at home? They're so scaredy-cat about it.
Nothing wrong with focussing in on a few surf fans in the nicest possible way. Viewers would at least get something out of the Brazilian show.
NO! You CANNOT make the fans interesting! Especially not in a sexual way!!!
we don't want them interesting. we just want to see the local lass' farshuns by the beach!

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:40 pm
by brendo
nick, I saw on cheyne horans insty a board hes had made for Fiji. the outside fins are raked inwards heavily and are
these egg kinda shape. u seen it? your thoughts?

Re: Rio Pro 2017 - Saquarema

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:05 pm
by Beerfan
Really? It's so unlike him to surf unconventional surfboards hey