food stalls in bali

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food stalls in bali

Post by sweepstakes » Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:49 pm

Has anyone eaten from one of those food stalls you see on the side of the road in bali? if so, were there any ill consequences

regards, sweepstakes


Post by shacked » Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:40 pm

I eat from the carts alot and generally eat where the locals do cheaper this way and you get to try stuff you may not experience at home. Bear in mind that Bali belly is not restricted to tourists and the locals can also suffer from food poisoning at times, also plenty of cases of bali belly from the expensive "safer" resturants.
A tip I got from a guy years ago there was to always flush down a feed with a bottle of Coco cola, plenty of preservitives and stuff in there, should kill most things :P seems to have worked pretty well for me anyway

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Post by Pixelmin » Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:23 pm

Mate are you gonna shower there, if so be prepaired to get the squirts as the bugs are in their water aswel. :oops:

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Post by Pixelmin » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:15 pm

watchout for those little flying mothers too


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Post by clinker » Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:37 am

bali belly or montezuma's revenge, more pyscholigical than physical
hit the street vendors, it's good tucker. if you get struck down with the belly, your off for a day or so then good as gold for the rest of the trip.

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Post by Clif » Mon Jul 18, 2005 8:18 am

just ask em to turn the heat up. food is ok cause some of the crew cook it all up fresh unlike the many of the restaurants.

saw an open kitchen once where the kitchenhands were having some fun by tying a kitten to the ceiling fan. problem was that the cat was feaking out and pissing as it went around ... over all the food that was being cooked up ... rofl.

give me a cholera cart anyday.

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Post by sandonpoint » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:05 am

absolutely fine. cheap as chips as well. wouldn't reccomend on your first trip 2 bali though

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Post by paulsy » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:30 am

sandonpoint wrote:absolutely fine. cheap as chips as well. wouldn't reccomend on your first trip 2 bali though
Thats just putting off eating the food. YOu can only try it and hope your not gonna shit your way home.

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Post by Mexican » Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:40 pm

Ya cant go to a foreign country and eat like ya do at home. The food is great. Sometimes the more dodgy the place looks the better it is. A joint with no-one in it is a worry. The water is obviously the main problem but you could get just as crook surfing at Kuta or Legian as the water is pretty putrid.

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Post by tootr » Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:11 pm

a reasonable rule of thumb is if the food is freshly cooked it will be OK

if it looks like its been sitting around for a while then avoid it

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Post by ric_vidal » Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:38 pm


I've had 2 business trips (seriously) to Bali, both times stayed at the same 5 star Nusa Dua resort and could pretty safely say didn't eat much beyond the confines of said resort and if we did, were pretty cautious.

Nevertheless, by the end of each stay both myself and a business colleague were feeling decidedly queasy. Alcohol consumption perhaps?

I wouldn't necessarily buy into the Coca-Cola scenario as suggested. One of my brothers has done the rounds of various soft drink and beer bottlers throughout the Asia-Pacific working for a company selling cleaning chemicals/systems for food and beverage production and can report there are decidely different standards than we round eyes take for granted.

Doesn't stop us from drinking though! :twisted:

Have also got a friend who got decidely sick at the end of a Java surfing trip and still gets sick for a few days on the anniversary of the trip literally a couple of years later. Go figure?

Me thinks trust your instincts!

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Post by oldman » Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:23 pm

Same rule applies if you are eating in India, and probably true of most asian countries.

If the vendor is cooking it up in front of you go for it. It's probably the least likely food to make you crook and you know what you are getting. The cooking kills most if not all the bacteria, and if you eat it straight away it doesn't have time to go off.

If they fried it up an hour ago and the food is sitting there with flies all over, walk on by.

Fresh is best.
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Post by tootr » Tue Jul 19, 2005 3:30 pm

yep - food things sitting around for a while in hot climates go south very quickly

reminds me of some fish markets i have seen in PNG, Fiji and the Maldives

CRIKEY :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Post by marcus_h » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:00 pm

I went for the first time last August, I ate at a few road-side joints and I was fine. The chicken satay sticks were awsome!

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Post by bookster » Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:26 pm

Haven't been to Bali but my travels to India and Nepal would apply- look for the carts that are doing a brisk trade, the turnover will be nice and high, meaning fresh cooking is always happening. Even better if can watch the food prepared in front of you.

Avoid the water- obviously, but also anything that is likely to have been washed in the water, like a salad. A good rule is it's ok if boiled, cooked or you can peel it, it's ok to eat!

Great to see there are those lucky ones who have eaten what they like with no ill effects- for every one of those there's someone who's been curled up on the tiles with both ends running, wishing they were dead :) having the squirts for a day or two is sometimes considered par for the course- it's often nothing more than our guts getting used to the local variety of bacteria. Coming down with a dose of giardia is another thing altogether- try to avoid it if you can.... :?

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Post by dy_fo_life » Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:04 pm

leaving tomorrow at 11:05.
This will be tour of duty number 4. Been training the guts for a month now regime is as follows:
1) Tabasco on everything.
2)if it hits the floor scoop it up and put it down the trap,
3)drink only the water that has run a cycle through the washing machine
4) only surf after rain and only at the opening of lagoons
5)drink heavily each night and then don't rehydrate before exercise.
6)eat boogers old balinese remedy!

seriously though never have hit up the carts as I don't think that something could be kept warm all day and not grow bacteria.
I can vouch for eating at warungs all over the joint and you can't go past Legian Snack for a really cheap meal and opposite La mondes pizza restaraunt is also good cheap and friendly.
I was there one year and met these girls from Melbourne and all they would eat was Maccas down in Kuta...WTF Nasi Goreng special with them little chicken wings mmmm.Fuck you ronald you can jam your burgers.
Anyway am psyched as there is new swell due and is full moon over there tonight woooooohoooo
If you do get it you will be laid up unless you get the doctor round US$100
he will give you charcoal tablets and a shot of buscapan (you can get it over the counter here in tablet or syrup form). The missus had it once but I have never been hit by it...touch wood.
Blah blah blah, just amped

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