Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by daryl » Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:49 am

The little wave on the vid I posted was 9 seconds, and it seemed like nothing (I am learning techniques to be more aware and that make time seem to stretch further :roll: ).

So I'm claiming about 60 second rides, from memory, at Wanda and Ti Tree.

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by Grooter » Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:32 pm

beachbanga wrote:Mmm I'm probably measuring it from the wrong spot... On google earth it's not breaking and you can't see the reef... Probably a lot longer, don't go by my word!
Yeah it depends on the size really, given a bigger day you can catch it further out as it is a slow and fat building wave. Pe rfectly suited to longer boards, which is exactly the reason why I'm getting an 8'6" delivered in a few weeks so I can finally compete with the older blokes on mals. Love surfing it on my 7' but it's pointless when you're up against goat-boaters, SUP's and mals.

Either way it's a long wave and you can get great rides.
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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by OddaP » Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:37 pm

salty wrote:Impossibles... 800m... not one turn... a couple of long floaters though and had the lip nashing at my heals many times. From the peak off Padang Beach down to Mick's place on a solid 6ft swell. Sweetest, most intense ride of my life. It remains fixed in my memory and will do for life. When shit gets me down, I think of that ride.
Mick's Place as in Mick's Place directly opposite Bingin or do you mean the flash place before the corner closeout there?

I'd have to say Impossibles as well, probably 5 foot, not 800m but still looooooooong ride, big carving arcs over big wide faces with a sweet barrell on the inside suck and being able to see the coral as the water sucked up the face.

An honourable mention to Nungas and Saltwater Point on a trip years ago with a mate we used to call the Mute.

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by Shoulder hopper » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:05 pm

Probably G-land would be the longest waves I've ridden and also some pretty long ones at Ulus also. Some good ones at Lennox also come to mind back when the banks were good and the crowd was manageable late 70s and early 80s.

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by Buff_Brad » Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:56 pm

Yeah at Ulus at dead high tide 2.4m got a wave just after missing the cave (fcuk the current was strong that day) next to that big rock got a big set wave 6ft (Indo size) half way down to Padang. Probably one of my best waves at Ulus.

To say I was buggered paddling all the fcuking way back to make sure I didn't miss the bloody cave on the next attempt was a gross understatement. :shock:

Felt like I had to paddle to Temples just to be sure. 8)

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by Haz » Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:21 pm

Hatchman wrote:
beachbanga wrote:Mmm I'm probably measuring it from the wrong spot... On google earth it's not breaking and you can't see the reef... Probably a lot longer, don't go by my word!
Yeah it depends on the size really, given a bigger day you can catch it further out as it is a slow and fat building wave. Pe rfectly suited to longer boards, which is exactly the reason why I'm getting an 8'6" delivered in a few weeks so I can finally compete with the older blokes on mals. Love surfing it on my 7' but it's pointless when you're up against goat-boaters, SUP's and mals.

Either way it's a long wave and you can get great rides.
Yeah it's slow and fat, but it's still a great wave! somehow... I don't think it really suits longer boards, the left is great for nice long roundhouses, and the right is great for speed runs and long rides, most mal riders/SUPs I see out there really suck! I just really hassle them all the time, especially when they fall off at the start on a good one... If their presence is enough to ruin a session, letting a good wave go to waste is a drop in pass to me... And whenever they get angry, I just say "sorry, i thought you were going to fall off!"

I think the best board for that wave would be a nice roundtail quad....

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by Freshie Boy » Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:31 pm

Arrawarra has treated me to some quite long rides, but it really needs to be 6ft+ to not be the gutless pusher it usually is.

Saltwater Point has had some long ones as well.

back in June 2004 freshie had its own version of the superbank, long left walls breaking from just outside kiddies to the alley. so thats a good 300m+. wish that would come back.

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by steve shearer » Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:16 pm

Secret QLD island/sandbar.

The whole tidal island/sandbar became a peeling wave.
Rides well over 3kay during cyclone swells.
4-5 minutes up and riding.

This wave no longer exists due to rising sea levels and erosion.

It ain't been rid since the late 80's and those who rode it are either dead, insane or not talking.

Some here may have an inkling.
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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by grimace » Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:08 pm

One of the longest we used to surf was Ahipara(Shippies). Well and truely over 1 km. The point is a couple Kms long. Used to only go there for cyclone swells or swells up around the 3-4 metre mark. Most people would surf the inner point breaks due a more square offshore wind ,usually Peaks thru to Shipwreak bay round about 1500m on the bigger days. But we would prefer a little more size and less crowds and surf the outer points from Blue house or pines right down to supertubes ocassionally on the set waves running well over a km too. Seriously tidal and heavy currents and hard on the arms to stay in position at any of the take off spots but then also just as hard on the legs due to the length of the waves.After nabbing a few waves many a time you would end monging out towards the end of the wave due to jelly legs an the hellishly long walk back out the point even tho there was more wave to be ridden. Also exit points needed to be chosen carefully or you also ended getting gnarled up feet and knees on the rocks shellfish and kina(sea eggs)

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by Grooter » Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:37 pm

beachbanga wrote:Yeah it's slow and fat, but it's still a great wave! somehow... I don't think it really suits longer boards, the left is great for nice long roundhouses, and the right is great for speed runs and long rides, most mal riders/SUPs I see out there really suck! I just really hassle them all the time, especially when they fall off at the start on a good one... If their presence is enough to ruin a session, letting a good wave go to waste is a drop in pass to me... And whenever they get angry, I just say "sorry, i thought you were going to fall off!"

I think the best board for that wave would be a nice roundtail quad....
Yeah maybe, on the odd occasion when I have had it mostly to myself (mid-week i.e. pulled a sickie) my 7' thruster goes really well on it though.

The only quads I've ridden were Pridmores Fat Bat and a brief spell on iggy's one that Ric V made for him so not really informed enough to comment.

Most of the guys out there do suck I agree, (70% are fcuking blow-ins that only surf in the summer - SUP's are not as common during the colder weather funnily enough :? ) but a couple know what they are doing and when they're out there I've got no hope hence the longboard on order to even the playing field :)
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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by gibber » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:26 am

Same as tiger and roundhouse; pot to little cove. Never seem to get one that has the legs to make round to first point
also have surfed the alley (currumbin) from behind the rock to laceys on a good sizey day
surfed some long lefts at a back beach in pridmores neck of the woods which had to be near to 150+m
as a grom surfed the pass most weekends so got a number of good days out there with waves through to clarkes
and lastly, the point (lennox) as an older grom getting leftovers from just inside the peak through to the shelter shed
numerous spots os but that's not in the spirit of the thread imo

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by huie » Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:16 pm

is this just for you young fellas or can i write an essay on long peeling waves :lol:

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by lessormore » Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:56 pm

AS LONG AS YOU TAKE THE CAPS lock off you're keyboard!
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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by huie » Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:04 pm

ok remember i am old haa''

now dont get bored. i came t o queensland in 19 56 to work at the yards at bulimba
my weekends were sp[ent on the gold coast greenmount to be exact so it was those days that got me surfing&shaping a few balsas the original kirra had to be seen to be belived it was definatly to quick for me in those early days.

so every second weekend we used to go to morton island on the old stella maris
land at comby point we had an old wepons carrier & used it to run over to yellow patch to fish
now by this time i was conquring kirra.
now on this day on the run up from tangaloma it was whaling time whale on the flensing deck
sharks hanging of like you would not belive they used to pump the whales fullof gas & tow them back to lay along the chanell this day they. were stretched from the flensing deck right round to comby

it was feersome just geting off the boat sharks everywhere.

so we take off for the patch well as we come through the cutting i get a look at north point
i tell ya this was super glassy good strong groundswell wrapping all the way from north point
down past the creek kirra like but seemed to go on for ever.
no i did not surf it nor did i ever take my board on those trips but f##k those waves are etched in my brain.

it was at the patch that i met roy dillon the original man on the headland
he lived there but thats another story in its self''

so by now i have discovered noosa in one of the early trips i found granit all sanded up all the boulders were covered up with sand, sand right out to the reef in the corner
3 guys surfed that all day but the sand was gone very quickly so by now i am at noosa 4 days out of seven 19 63 this was when they had a pole in the sand at first point to measure the sand flow
no rocks had been put on the beach it was not hard to take off onthe point &go to the club house
in regimental precission waves .

now to the only time i can remember cant say what year but the stick in the sand was there
so it would have to be 66not much later lots of sand good strong groundswell

quit a few were taking off boiling pot making it right through to the club house main beach
one of the boys would drive back to main beach in the old ute pick them up go back to the park

i know russell hughes was there mc t wilson cant remember them all
so i take this wave just inside the square time i get down to outside johnsons it squares right up sucking sand shit prbly 1' water on the bank at best tight i sneek through easy peasy
now i am not to know that there is another section upa head thats lining up in 6'' of water
straight out from first point kaboom i get blasted''

so i grab my board run back a few strides to see a picture perfect peeling across johnos
i jump back inn just to time it perfect fark how those guys were making that section
i get through get down to club house & run over my next door neighbour on his f##ken surf ski
rips the fin clean off my board f##ken cluby haaa''
so although i cheated it was a verry long way
and for the rest off the day on a borrowed board i never got past that section at johnsons

i done dble island a few times one time about 64 a cple of us got a ride up the beach with bill massoud he reluctantly let us take our boards shit when we came through the trck it was lined up way past the lagon we could not stay that long for when bill was ready to go we had to go
these were the most serene&clean waves i think i ever had dont know the length
but a bloody long walk back

jezz i beter stop hey nick theres a book in this old cnut
but typing is not my fortie :roll:

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by huie » Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:39 am

salty wrote:fwark me... I quickly scanned that lengthy post for anything that resembld "m" (for meters) or a number (not text) and couldnt see anything. Did you actually tell us how long any of those rides were? Perhaps you could start your own thread... hell, Larry might even contribute to it.
ha'' ha'' so i am the first one to ramble on :lol:

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by caspian » Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:12 am

all 100 metres or so at North Point.. Good ol' WA.

I busdrove some really long reforms back in the day (a good 500 metres or so) when I was a wee grom, but surely that shouldn't count.

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Re: Whats the LONGEST wave you've ridden?

Post by turtle » Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:11 pm

im not sure what is the longest wave i've ridden but i think Little Box to the beach is my longest wave. however box has not broken like this for over 15yrs or so. mid 80's early nineties you could get 3 reforms into shore all walling up and sometimes barrelling. the back bar at little box is the barrel wave, needs to be over 6ft and proper swell direction.

around 1989/90 was on the goldy and surfing "snapper rocks" got a ride into greenmount beach and i just remember how fast i was going the whole wave. did not do too many turns.

as has been mentioned before box or little box is rather close to some breeding grounds, surf at own risk :lol:

and another thing, you'll also have to compete with sup's, jet ski's, ocean going kayaks, recreational fishermen, a recently commissioned dredge pumpimg sand onto lobster(why lobster? pump it onto the sand bar ya tools) and probably couple things i forgot :?
signatures, finally got it covered.

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