Flesh eating surfers

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by kreepykrawly » Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:57 pm

Nick Carroll wrote:
kreepykrawly wrote:I’m not sure what I would do if I was shipped wrecked on an Island with a hot chick whether I would put the hard word on her… or try to eat her.
Not nearly imaginative enough kk.

You could train her to catch fish. Then she could feed you AND you could have sex with her.
In this instance you will find that most males will lose all forms of rationality when it comes to feeding time.

Since I adopt(like most males) an instant-gratification-caveman-approach when dealing directly with either sex or food …you will find that in such a witness free environment the chances of survival of the aforementioned female very low.

Besides how many women do you know that actually like fishing (not fisting BB).
Your better off salting em and eating it over the next few weeks
Last edited by kreepykrawly on Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by CaptKooK » Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:58 pm

I'm not pompous just because I set a higher moral bar than you, you probably just feel inadequate in comparison.

There is nothing stopping you raising your own moral bar, have you watched 'Earthlings' yet?

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by Dingus » Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:58 pm

I tell you who would eat dogmeat (of those that isn't part of a society that already eats it) - Anyone without a better food source.

If it was ever a cultural choice for western societies to eat dog, it was a long time ago. Simply because it isn't on the list of currently accepted foods means that we have more desirable things to eat than the animal that (I'm making an assumption here) we domesticated originally to help us hunt better sources of bulk meat.
offshore1 wrote:^^^I don't think anyone really cares [about boogie boarders] anymore Dae.
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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by turtle » Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:01 pm


Modern Day Meat :shock:

im not smart enough for this convo, i clearly need a little more fish in my diet
signatures, finally got it covered.

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by daryl » Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:06 pm

Dogs are supposed to turn their nose up when served dog, food for thought.

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by AlbyAl » Fri Jan 09, 2009 4:15 pm

We can assert our rights or desires or demands to munch away on animal flesh all we like - but the grim truth is that by mid century, fewer and fewer humans will enjoy the luxury...

If we read a little Peter Singer or Tom Regan or others then it becomes clear on environmental grounds that keeping great herds of enormous hoofed creatures, giant sheds of tortured chickens, vast silos of sows in order to mass slaughter them so we can eat cheap burgers and kebabs and chicken nuggets and bacon and then clog our arteries with animal fats and fill hospitals with by-pass patients and stink and fart and leave MacDonalds crap wrap everywhere and then!

... and then imagine that we are in fact successful and comfortable on this little blue over-burdened planet

then we are sorely mistaken and
will look back upon this time
with sad bemusement and
wonder why this way
went the human

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by Caroma » Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:17 pm

Lucky Al wrote:i'm a vego surfer and i've seen lots of animals killed to be eaten by humans - cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, goats, a buffalo, frogs, dogs, fish and many more i forget right now. i've also seen a couple of humans be killed by humans, but i don't think they were eaten afterwards. my grandfather killed chickens for a living for several years and my best mate at high school killed cows for a living and loved to kill pigs on weekends until his early death by cow-and-pig killing (okay, in a car crash). my ex-wife loved boiling crabs in our kitchen and calling me over for a look in the pot. i've read and enjoyed peter bowes' byron bay series. every time i go with a friend to the village he grew up in in son la province in northern vietnam his brother who lives in the village cuts a goat's throat and skins it and boils it that afternoon so everyone can eat it while getting royally smashed on rice liquour with snake's blood in it that night. my girl now loves to eat all kinds of animals, and no doubt our son will too. i realise that for many people killing animals to eat is a necessary and ordinary, even enjoyable, part of life. but for me it's unnecessary and extraordinary and cruel, and although i won't refuse a bowl of buffalo meat and rice at a death anniversary in a hmong village because that would be rude, even cruel, to my hosts, i hate seeing animals be killed and don't want to be a part of it. having said all that, however, when i was very small, under two years of age, there was a dog in our family who seemed to have a sense of humour: my brother and i would drag ourselves upright by pulling on its fur and lean on its back to stand and walk, and every now and then it would suddenly step to the side just before we leaned so instead of standing and walking we would go tumbling and sprawling. i guess the most humane way to kill a dog with a sense of humour would be to cut its throat, although the goats i've seen have their throats cut seem to go through several minutes of pain and fear before it's over. maybe give it sleeping pills, then? or lock it in a car with the engine going and the exhaust pipe blocked. i don't know, what do you flesh eaters think?

Uhhh, I'd like to buy a paragraph.

RE meat eating and other assorted carnivorous activities....

There is nothing I like more, than waking up in the morning, going to the fridge and seeing the bacon lying there, then looking out the window and seeing the bacons brother lying in the sty.

I have always eaten meat, including cows, pigs, chooks, ducks, quaills, rabbits, deer, pidgeons, dogs, crocs, fish, eels, whale, ants, flys and other insects which manage to fly into my mouth when riding. I would also like to extend my meat eating habbits to more exotic animals such as lions, eagles, dolphins, horses and cats. Additionally I hold the beleif that a ginea pig would probabaly make a great meal between lunch and dinner.

I don't understand people who are ideologically against eating meat. It is a commonly heald beleif that most animals have the capacity to feel pain and a limited range of emotions because they are able to express their emotions through a varitety of movements and sounds. But what if vegetables or fruits could feel pain? Imagine if everytime you bit into an apple it was silenty in agony like a mute quadraplegic being tortured by a fist full of broken glass. After all plants are living orgnisms just as much as animals are.

Also on the topic of those ideologically opposed to eating animals...I wonder if they own a bug zapper, if they whack spiders with their thongs, or if they go out of their way to avoid treading on ants all the while looking like a messed up, skinny, protein lacking retard.

These are just some of my thoughts in relation to carnivorous eating habits....

Also all steak should be cooked very well done just to make sure the little fcuker isn't still mooing, as he is being masticated.
Dino wrote:Go away you silly cnut and take this limp wristed fcuking ball less fcuking topic with you, you pathetic fcuking rubberneck
smnmntl wrote:A few months ago, the missus fcuked the vacuum cleaner

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by Chillin » Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:19 pm

Im pretty sure there was a bit of fish and bread in the bible, which old mate made go round for heaps of people, apparently, a miracle back then, but not so surprising nowadays. Is it just me or have our vego's got really wierd views on the human habitation of this celestial orbiting eden. Also, im not too sure if animals understand the concept of 'respect', whether we are gonna eat em or not.
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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by Caroma » Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:27 pm

chillin i respect all animals as long as they pull my carts, die and be cooked for my culinary pleasure, and generally be subordinate to all humans.....
Dino wrote:Go away you silly cnut and take this limp wristed fcuking ball less fcuking topic with you, you pathetic fcuking rubberneck
smnmntl wrote:A few months ago, the missus fcuked the vacuum cleaner

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by Chillin » Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:33 pm

daryl wrote:Dogs are supposed to turn their nose up when served dog, food for thought.
Iv seen wild dogs set upon one of their own, so im not sure thats true.
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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by oldman » Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:59 pm

Was vego for about 20 years as an adult. Gave it away out of convenience for the family, and the fact that it is a lot easier to give a growing child a healthy diet with animals involved.

I'm not interested in proselitysing for either opinion, but if you have never given it a go you probably have no idea of the benefits or pitfalls.

As for humane killing, well it doesn't exist on the factory production levels that are employed for our food Nick. However you are welcome to send me whatever drugs you are currently taking.

There is definitely a moral dimension to it, and the furphy about vegetables feeling pain sort of falls over when you consider that they have no nervous system, so if you are going to post absolute crap like that, well I suppose that is what forums are for.

Humans do not require animal flesh to live, and quite frankly I don't believe the 'cravings' people claim to have for flesh if they don't get some for a period of time. If you eat a good vego diet, then you should not experience any cravings for meat.

But it's largely a storm in a teacup. When this is the big issue of our time we will have progressed a great deal. The issue of waste in the first world and need in the third world is a much greater moral concern than whether it is animal or vegetable.

So chomp away my friends, but perhaps give a moment's thought to the fact that something had to die for you to live.
Lucky Al wrote:You could call your elbows borogoves, and your knees bandersnatches, and go whiffling through the tulgey woods north of narrabeen, burbling as you came.

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by CaptKooK » Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:20 pm

vegetarianism IS directly related to 3rd world hunger, who's competing with the 3rd world for grain and pushing the price up, yep cows don't feed in the meadow anymore.

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by Kunji » Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:57 pm

I love animals, but i also love eating them too!

Baby lambs are a favourite of mine, most fish and i love oysters. I like the idea of eating those slimmy fcukers that cling on to the rocks as surf continuely wash over them.

Of course there are animals that i wouldnt eat like Sharks, Cats, Dogs, Primates etc.

I tried Croc before, the butcher said it was farmed. It was average. Felt a little bad eating such a great animal. Not going to eat them again. You dont have to eat every animal. Where do you draw the line?
BA (on Realsurf) wrote: It's the wild west with a bit more homo-eroticism.

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by yomutha » Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:08 pm

Nick Carroll wrote:
yomutha wrote:I'm confused with your concept of "respect" when you kill something... Does that mean if I killed you while respecting your scary little hide, would that be alright?

Killing anything 'humanely' is absolute bullshit. I'm pretty sure the animals wouldn't like the idea of becoming your food... So why kill em anyway? Because we're better than em?! Ha!
I'm answering this out of sheer polity.

You wanna KILL me? Give it a shot. Otherwise don't even mention it. Like, I mean it, don't even go there.

It is absolutely possible to consider animals with respect, and still kill 'em for food. I bet you just love the native Americans hey. They -- and every other hunter-gatherer race on Earth, including the wonderful pre-European Australians, the Polynesians who invented surfing among other things, on and on and on -- killed animals to eat all the time. They often carried out rituals of thanks to the animals they killed. Ooooo how immoral they were! Forcing themselves on the world's animal protein sources!

I tell ya what, if I was out surfing and a shark took me out, the last thing I'd want anyone to do in response would be to kill the shark.

I'm not bothering to challenge your approach to food on some lame arse moral basis, why are you doing the opposite?
Mate, you still don't get it!

I don't want to kill you, I'm saying whats the difference between killing you and killing a cow? Do you deserve to live more than the cow? Please explain.

Fricken hell, do you think the native Americans really considered 'what type of meat would go nice with Balsamic pepper with aubergine?' In the centuries before the 20th, life was tough, you had to eat what you could. In saying that, we were related to animals back then, as we ate to survive. It's not that hard to get people: WE DON'T EAT MEAT TO SURVIVE THESE DAYS, WE ONLY EAT IT FOR BLOODY TASTE (and other ignorance/ego like 'gaining a bit more muscle'). Why can't you get that around all of your heads?! Stop comparing us to the animal kingdom, because we are nothing like them!

God dammit NC! I thought you were smarter than that!

At least I agree with you completely with the shark thing... Not many people consider how many sharks get killed out of spite... Not many people consider how many sharks get killed!

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by turtle » Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:08 pm

if 'things' dont die, how do 'we' keep living?

vegetable or meat? huh
signatures, finally got it covered.

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by Caroma » Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:13 pm

yomutha wrote:I don't want to kill you, I'm saying whats the difference between killing you and killing a cow? Do you deserve to live more than the cow? Please explain.
If a cow was smarter than me then it would kill me. However because I am smarter* I kill the cow and eat it because it's delicious.

*Some may disagree
Dino wrote:Go away you silly cnut and take this limp wristed fcuking ball less fcuking topic with you, you pathetic fcuking rubberneck
smnmntl wrote:A few months ago, the missus fcuked the vacuum cleaner

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by yomutha » Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:29 pm

Nick Carroll wrote:
yomutha wrote:Humans on the other hand, are turning the world into an absolute shithole due ignorance or egotistical thinking.

So why do we insist on killing animals?
Power. Narcissism. Vanity.
Wouldn't be because you just dislike humanity would it?

ahh whatever. Back to slaughtering cabbages.
Well actually, I just dislike pricks... Are you a prick, NC?

Sick joke by the way.

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Re: Flesh eating surfers

Post by yomutha » Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:31 pm

merkin wrote:
yomutha wrote: Care about the environment, respect it. Try to make an effort.
YEH!!! Buy your lentils in cans!!!! Buy your tomatoes in cans!!! Buy your chickpeas in cans!!!

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

The lack of meat has obviously affected your brain and rendered you a virtual fcukwit.
Ever heard of recycling, environmental hero?

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