SOLD Surfboard 6'2 retro step up for light surfer. Rad graphics. $60

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SOLD Surfboard 6'2 retro step up for light surfer. Rad graphics. $60

Post by Meatpole » Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:08 pm

For Sale. $60. 1991 shape by Tony Cosgayon. 6'2 x 18 1/4 x 2 1/8 N: 11 1/4 T: 13 1/2. Unreal looking logo/graphics. The rail colour was done at a later point (on top of the glass). Watertight and ready to surf, or collect.

Would be a great gun for a grommet, or step up board for a lightweight surfer (45-65kg). Has a reasonable amount of foam/foil in spite of the dimensions as the deck is pretty flat and there's a good amount of meat in the nose area.

Only selling because it's way too small for me. Was just an impulse buy at the time off gumtree because of its looks, the gnar thrash metal looking logo hooked me into buying it.

Located eastern suburbs Sydney. No offers, it's cheap enough already.

steve shearer wrote:full dionysian hand jive body torque
steve shearer wrote: science > feels

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