The Sydney MHL link
http://new.mhl.nsw.gov.au/data/realtime ... tra-sydney
is still pointing to the old directional spectra of that date.
The link should have been changed a year ago to:
http://new.mhl.nsw.gov.au/data/realtime ... uoy-syddow
I noticed today that the tide icon points at that page, not to a tide page
Oh and lajolla link has been no good for some time.
So what do we replace the lajolla link with?
I suggest that it point to
i think that page should be featured more (I only just discovered it while writing this).
Sure it needs some work but..
I would love to know:
1. What the story was about the gradual demise of lajolla.org
2. Why the stormsurf website is so hard to navigate
[when you find a page that is any good on the site bookmark it]
Any ideas?