Hi I'm Layne and I've acheived my dreams

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Hi I'm Layne and I've acheived my dreams

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Post by Larry » Sat Feb 14, 2004 9:54 am

So what's to stop a bloke from joining the women's circuit and going after their money?

Is this ok girls?

That's all that is really at stake with Beachley - The men's $$$$, - that's the bone that Beachley is after, she's a little tired of being paid under the award for being a world champ, she complains about her lack of sponsors.

It's all about money.


Post by stuey » Sat Feb 14, 2004 2:27 pm

Spot on LAzza. You have got my vote, for moderator without moderatin please. Layne gets paid less for a reason, noone thinks she or any of the other chicks are worth more. Simple!

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Post by Larry » Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:24 pm

onya stu, now how do we get rid of this spreckles drone (you know that the original BS died after a 15 hour masturbation session, .. just another Hollywood babyboy with a big d.ck.)

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Post by nubby » Sun Feb 15, 2004 4:39 am

larry your spot on about it all being about the money, but waaay off about bunker(the new one)........and fletch, everyone is goin on about layne here cause um....this topic is on layne, not polis super or baby killers, though im pretty sure they both piss everyone else off here. and mate, everyone is stoked for layne and her 50 world titles but laynes 'self confidence' is pissin crew off because it has transcended from mere belief-in-ones-self to unbridled 'im-the-bestism' and pure fantasy.......thinking that she can compete with the guys, i mean, how many photos have you seen of layne doing an air? no tricky ones even, just a plain simple straightforward frontside air? i have not seen one. mate, i know groms at curly who have got air reverses on a string. groms at curly! and queen layne wants equal prize money to the crew who invented air reverses for puttin together a few reos and a roundhouse!!!and mate, if you saw the footage from last years chopes comp in tahiti you would have seen that layne cant even ride backside barrells properly! if you want equality layne, learn to surf better..........


Post by Geoff » Sun Feb 15, 2004 5:17 am

and to top it off she's an ugly looking broad with with a 55 year old 'boyfriend'. however, she surfs better than I ever will.

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Airs are crap

Post by spotty » Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:08 am

You dont need to bust an air to be a great surfer. Nine out of ten times they look unco even when the best of the best do them. Layne looks unco enough without going down that road.

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Post by nubby » Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:22 am

true spotty, you dont have to do airs to be good, but a tour pro who cant do airs now is like grandad tryin to race his sigma at bathurst


Post by stuey » Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:32 am

So lemme see now, that means Sunny, Luke, Ocky, Patto, Emerton, etc are no good? I'm beginning ta realise that quite a few of you blokes wouldn't be able to hold your board on its rail for more than a blink of yar eye.

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Post by nubby » Sun Feb 15, 2004 12:45 pm

nah stu, these guy f#@k sh#t up, and everyone knows it, but none of them were title contenders last year either. and anyway egan and patto can both punt filth.......you just got to be able to do it all nowdays. from big turns at places like bells, to airs at trestles to death tuberiding at chopes. ive seen heaps of rippers who are in thier late 20's now who listened to everyone 10 years ago who said airs were a fad and slides and 360's and stuff were for poofs and never learnt how to do em, and now they cant even win thier local club contest. i remember when momentum 1 came out in 1990 and to me, the future of surfing was clear then. airs and tricks were gonna be mixed in with regular surfing, like it or not. and if you really think that surfing should stay 'just reos and cuttys' remember that when the first surfers stuck fins in thier boardsand started to trim on the face, old school dudes on those hollow boards told em they should "stand up tall and ride straight in like a man does."

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Post by theboat » Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:33 pm

Surfing should be judged on how good it looks, and let's face it, you see someone bust a good air, and it looks sick!

Layne can't get air, and even her general surfing just ain't that good to watch. I agree with an above post, if she wants to be treated and paid like the men do, then she should surf like they do!!!!!


Post by stuey » Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:55 pm

Fair enough nubby. Egan and Garcia finished where the year before? heheheh Nevermind, Im sure yar right about airs. I just reckon ya should be able to lay down a mean line or two before ya do an air. To me, A spankin snap, slash in the pocket looks way more awesome than an air. But then again, Im gettin old. Everytime I try an air i, get dizzy and am lookin for where me board is while I go upside down then head butt the deck. Then again, I can do a pretty nasty snap, gouge, slash etc. hmmm
To me the best air nincompoop was that drug fiend in cali. Famous dad.What was his name? After he found god, he just lost it. Well, I take it you can do an air any ol time???

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Post by fletch » Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:28 pm

does the ASP pay for competitors travel and accomodation?

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Post by nubby » Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:28 am

true stu.....you gotta be have your bread and butter sussed before you can make a sandwich. you definately should have all the classic moves down before you start launchin......and what, fletcher has FOUND GOD? your kiddin me? im DEVASTATED.........him and potter were the reason i got off a lid 15 or so years ago.......i remember his bit in that classic 80's vid wave warriors 3, where he was on that little left goin nutso, and then you would read a mag and they would be sayin shit like 'fletcher has been hangin out at his sk8 ramp takin drugs for a month and hasnt been surfin and then came down and won the comp'....and now he is a bible basher!!!!! oh man, i cant deal with that........and yeah ive decked a few airs in my time, but by no means any time i want, they are still f@#kin hard, and i spose thats why i dig em so much.

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Post by baldric » Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:26 am

If she wants to surf with the blokes, she should be made to have similar equipment.....make her wear a strap-on, I say!! (don't come back at me about breasts and nipples, 'cause blokes have 'em too).

Anyway, enough of the crudeness....if Beachly wants to surf, let her surf. If she's good enough, she'll do ok...if not, she'll be derided and hopefully will find some humility (although conspiracy theories may be her ego crutch if she loses first round).

I agree about the publicity for the Newie contest...it is a master stroke!!


Post by flatrocker » Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:11 pm

There used to be a great woman surf competitor called Pauline Menczer. She could surf but... she didn't have the blond locks and she wasn't tall and she didn't keep her mouth shut about the surf companies avoiding sponsoring her.
She was right all along.

But still she would compete and beat all of them and then it started to wear her down. Then along came the blond locks and good looks and guess what the surf companies beat a path to the blondies doors.

Or should I say the "Brand Marketing Companies".

Has anyone read Naomi Kleins book called "No Logo". If you haven't then get it and understand what the world is heading for, actually no we are already in the middle of. The governments and the corporations ( surf companies as well) are all "Brand Marketing Companies".

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No Mona Lisa

Post by spotty » Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:05 pm

[quote="flatrocker"] Then along came the blond locks and good looks
No offence... but none of the current crop of pro surfer girls are beautiful by any stretch. I'm no oil painting myself...or am i?


Post by flatrocker » Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:24 pm

The blondies reference relates to the surfers image that the surf companies want to sell to the masses. Layne, Lisa etc are the current ones and there are a lot more out there that are not in that image and will suffer for it.

The women need money to be able to keep up with the competition and if they do not have sponsors then they fall away. And hence the ones with the image move further along the race.

The americans are the best at mass marketing themselves as being "hard core" and as such you will find that if you are not looking like the image that they want to associate themselves with then you are out.

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