Head protection

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Head protection

Post by Ruz » Sun Feb 15, 2004 5:20 pm

Does anyone think it's a good idea wearing Gath helmets surfing on beachbreaks, cause although it makes you look like a kook they seem to be pretty useful?

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Post by spotty » Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:59 pm

Ruz, thats kinda like wearing a helmet to the mall. It could save your life... you never know. If you feel you need one, you probably do.


Post by Ruz » Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:44 pm

lol, yeah i thought as much.


Post by stuey » Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:40 pm

You wear a gaff eh skimpy? that'd be right. Find the gath a little more comfortable, but I only wear mine while on me moped or motor cycle. Guess ya must be impressin the seashells with yar arse-ome style, couldn't be any humans -except dem in wheelchairs- that'd be impressed with yar style. Or, maybe yar just lookin for attention with dat gaff on? Or was dat a gaff?

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hard hat

Post by vb » Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:20 pm

got my gaff before I had a surfers ear op and only used it a few times. paddling up the face of a wave with an offshore wind behind sounded like a space shuttle taking off. however, when I get the chainsaw out and get amongst the lantana, oleander, cotoneaster whatnot it's an absolute gem. a quarter the weight of a hardhat and it repels pretty big branches easily.

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Re: hard hat

Post by buzzy » Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:06 pm

vb wrote:got my gaff before I had a surfers ear op and only used it a few times. paddling up the face of a wave with an offshore wind behind sounded like a space shuttle taking off. however, when I get the chainsaw out and get amongst the lantana, oleander, cotoneaster whatnot it's an absolute gem. a quarter the weight of a hardhat and it repels pretty big branches easily.
Sorry to butt in, but that surfer's ear op, was it bad? How long out of the water? Covered by Medicare/Medicare Private or what?

Interested, because I was told about 2-3 years ago I'd need surgery in 5 years.


Post by stuey » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:26 pm

Yeah sorry pimply. Just that chicks in the water is bad enuff, but ven dey cant speal gaff?? It just sendz me ga ga.

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surfers ear

Post by vb » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:51 pm

yeah buzzy, if you've held out a few years so far without getting the sufers ear (diffuse exostosis) op, my advice is to keep delaying it as long as you possibly can. I'm in fairly high health cover but it still set me back a couple of grand three years back. While the actual re-boring of the bone growth isn't that much of a big deal, the dox have virtually got to cut off the ear in question so as not to bugger up facial muscles. This, and sewing the thing back on take the best part of three hrs and add up the bucks of course. Also, be prepared for a six week dry spell after the operation. Sorry to be a gloom merchant and if it gets real bad (doesn't actually hurt/more like continual Chinese water torture) then you'll have to go under the drill/knife I guess ...

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kimmy and stuey

Post by vb » Mon Feb 16, 2004 7:10 pm

aw, c'mon kimmy. I think stuey might be taken cos if ever I saw a budding international romance unfolding it's between you two. I can just picture you both scootering off from the reception wearing your matching gaffs. Get him to take you down to Kyushu; there's some nice little point breaks on the northside once you get out of the Shikoku shadow ...


Post by caspa » Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:28 pm

Hey VB,

My doc said I have surfer's ear as well but not too bad.
Any idea of growth rate etc?
Any ways of preventing or slowing down (apart from quitting surfing) the process?
I suppose DIY job with the cordless drill is outta the question???

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Post by Luke » Tue Feb 17, 2004 3:51 pm

in my opinion (imo)

You don't need a Helmet, you only need one to say that your a tool and can't surf (what every way of surfing you ride) and for who want to surf Shallow wave's/Heavy and not up to the experience level then don't surf there, it's a pain in the arse to drag your stupid fucken idiotic body out of the water and then get the Ambo's, and then waiting around where i could be surfing wave's having to tell them what happened

The only reason i can REALLY see a point in wearing a helmet is, surfing or trying to surf at Manly in Summer's day with a school of learning to Surf kids, so your head is protected from a flying board


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Does anyone think it's a good idea wearing Gath

Post by Innerview » Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:20 pm

I wear one everywhere I go these days, there`s too many stand-up kooks that drop in and don`t give a stuff if they run over you. Well thats what one kook thought until I snapped the nose off his board with my flipper. :x :x

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