what would you have in your ideal quiver?

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what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by barrel_nutter27 » Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:00 am


I'm really unsure as to what board I 'should' be riding in what type of conditions as was wondering if I could get any help from fellow forum'ers on some new boards to add to the quiver.

Currently I have:
6'6" shortboard for bigger days (over 3 to 4 feet)
6'2" fish for the small days (<3 feet)

I'm approx 6'1" tall and weigh 80kgs. Would this be suitable or I am I riding the completely wrong board?

I would like a performance shortboard for the small stuff and was thinking something around 6-1 to 6-3 - would this be ok?

Also looking to get a mal - what size would be recommended as a good size or even a performance mal?

And also how much of a difference do fins make?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by buzzy » Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:02 pm

Wow, so many questions!

As a generalised observation I reckon your current quiver sounds good. Bear in mind though I have no idea how you surf and what widths and thicknesses your boards are.

A performance mal means, I take it, a longboard suited to comps? That means around 9'1" not too wide and not too thick.

As far as a small wave shortboard is concerned I assume you're after a chunky shortboard, or a semi-fish? Like maybe an eighties type of thruster or an afterburner type shape? I'd have thought around 6'4" in length and around 2.5" thick and around 19.5 "wide would be good but that's really a guess.

My tip would be to go see a reputable shaper and have a chat. Pridmore hear would be happy to make recommendations or take your order but there are also many other good shapers.

If you havwe a true Steve Lis style fish then I gotta wonder when you'll use the longboard as they're essentially good in the same conditions. I reckon you'd find yourself favouring the longboard or the fish but not both. The exception here is the older longboarders who transition to a fish as a shortboard. If the "fish" is more like an Afterburner then you already have a small wave shortboard.

What do you 'need' for a quiver? Ideally I reckon;

Small wave board (longboard or fish).
Summer slop board (longboard, fish or sem-fish things)
Good wave board
Semi-gun or gun.

Maybe a backup board and a twinny/quad.

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by mustkillmulloway » Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:05 pm

jenifer hawkins :idea:

as my board caddy....
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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by Jonesy86 » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:19 pm

After 10 years of surfing (I'm 23) and the last 5 years with the same shaper, I think I'm finally nutting out my ideal quiver.

The last 5 years I've lived at Burleigh and mostly surf 2 - 4 foot beachbreaks and points (when they break) - I weigh about 63kgs and am about 5'9"

My current shaper (Dave at Diverse) is a big advocate of shorter and wider boards for your everyday surf and has converted me to his way of thinking.

My quiver currently stands at:

5'4" x 20 1/4 " x 2 5/16" (DQ model) Swallow tail quad - small wave board, but with the right fins I have surfed up to 3-4 foot. Fast and loose. So much fun. Catches the waves the longboarders usually pinch off you when it's small :-)

5'6" x 19 1/2" x 2 5/16" (Magic Mullet model) Round tail thruster - my everyday board, fast and responsive, but loose when you push it/if you really want it to slide - used to ride it as a swallow but am loving the round tail. Have surfed it from 1 to 4 foot, weak and mushy crap, to good, clean, hollow waves. Love this shape.

5'9" x 18 3/4" x 2 1/2" (DK Model) Round tail quad - my 'big' wave board ha! Pulled in tail, wide point under my front foot, v-bottom, holds rails really well and is shows a marked difference off the bottom compared to the other two fishier shapes - never feel like sliding out. I've only had this shape for about 6 months and it has been pretty shitty up here, but managed to surf it in 5-6 foot outside north burleigh, really clean and open faced waves, and it just wanted to drive down the line - will keep it for my trip to indo this year.

And that's it! As I said, I'm loving smaller and wider at the moment, and think it's working quite well, at least while I reside on the east coast. Of course any trips to Indo and I will get one or two more 'normal' boards shaped, but for everyday surf, these three definitely have me covered - haven't gotten out of the water in a long time and not have had fun - which is all that counts really.

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by Chillin » Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:15 pm

Jeez Jonesy, it seams like you don't like boards that turn off the rail much ay. They sound perfect for the sloppy summer stuff you get up there though.
Your opinion is worth as much as it costs.


Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by Beerfan » Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:45 pm

After the past few weeks, i would definately have a longboard in my quiver. Other than that, im happy with my twinny, my fatbat ( newy!! ), and my midlength. Im thinking of getting rid of my midlength, and getting a longer board, maybe an 8'4'' cut down longboard ( gotta fit in the corolla! ), for the crap we've had the last few weeks.

Definately dont need a gun hehe.

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by mustkillmulloway » Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:26 pm

my ideal quiver would be everything and anything i haven't ridden b4 :idea:

and miss hawkins 8)
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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by _cant_touch_this » Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:29 am

last couple years iv only had 2 boards in my quiv -

5'10 1/2" x 18 3/8" x 2 1/8" diamond tail quad (HS)

6'0" x 18 1/8" x 2 1/8" rounded square (HS)

id say i ride the quad 90% of the time - i can comfortably surf it in anything from knee high dribblers to about shoulder high kegs - however the bigger the surf gets, the cleaner it needs to be for the quad to work well. a little onshore chop in anything >3' makes it pretty tough. but other than that, the thing rides like a bloody skateboard and i loved it to death (snapped it surfing solid 4'-6' pumping burleigh - was up there for a wedding and didnt think the swell would still be there when i was so didnt bother taking the 6'0"... big mistake)

ideally, if money was no issue i would add the following to my quiver -

6'2" x 18 1/4" x 2 1/8" rounded square for the more solid days where the standard 6-oh just isnt cutting it.

6'6" x 18 1/4"ish x 2 1/8" rounded pin for bigger hollow days. a few years back a mate of mine lent me a board just like it which was originally shaped for koby over in hawaii, then sold onto steds (who then gave it to his brother) - and the thing was awesome. i surfed it on a couple bigger days out the back of newport reef and was so glad to have it. was just big enough to get me into the bombs yet maneuverable enough to get me in under the lip and through the hollow sections.

7'0" roundtail, preferably a simon anderson shaped semi gun

9'0" mal... who doesnt love a good muck around every now and then on a nice plank?

currently inbetween shapers after 5 years with HS, but living in canada at the moment so all i got is dreams of surfing right now!

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by lovenutz » Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:20 am

5'6 19 1/2 2 5/16 Lost Biolis fish for slop and little wedges

6'0 18 3/4 2 5/16 merrick flyer for small waves

6'1 18 1/12 2/ 5/16 round tail Simon for 3 to 5 foot good waves

6'2 18 1/2 2 1/4 round tail Firewire custom Nev for 4-6 foot hollow waves(just for durability)

6'8 18 1/4 2 1/4 akawa gun 6-8 foot

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by daleknowles » Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:40 pm

Depends on where you live and how big you are (6'1" 77kg)
Where I live:
I have:
6'0" Wide (20.5), thin (2.2" fish for beach break and those shoulder high days when the wind is up
6'3" Performance shortboard for when the points get good (rarely)
(I also have a 6'6" thruster, 6'5" fish, 7'2" gun, but I never use them, actually I ride the 7'2" behind the boat sometimes)

I would like: a 6'6" Semi gun for the big days, but it's not economical enough for me to have a board I would only ride 3 or 4 times a year.
I would also like a 10' nose-riderfor the ankle high summer time.

I try not to ride a 'fun' board, nothing against them, but for me they tend to encourage really ugly style, and I'm all about style, I mean look at this fur coat!! Damn!!

But I agree with mustkillmullaway, riding various boards really pushes your ability and style, I'm 31 and have never surfed better.

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by matt... » Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:46 pm

barrel_nutter27 wrote:... And also how much of a difference do fins make?

Your help is greatly appreciated!
i can provide some experince on the fin question - abso-bloody-lutely!
one board + three sets of fins = increased wave range: from 2 foot, fat, choppy, ugly, fat, slow waves all the way up to just overhead, steep takeoffs, clean, glassy, hollow, fast perfection.

My current regular shortboard is a Sam Egan custom: 6'2" x 19 3/4" x 2 3/4" swallow tail, single to double concaves, mild rocker on the tail (but with a bit of tail lift) and medium rocker up front. The reason i got this board was for easier paddling on to small, full waves than my 6'4" chilli and more drive and performance and tighter turns than a retro fish. i soon found that by swapping the fin setup i could use it for much more and is now my main shortboard
For the small slow stuff I use FCS K.2's for the manoevrability. i don't throw my back out as much as i used to with stiffer setups.
Regular fins are M5's which flex, feedback & i have a secure psychological feeling when i know they are on my board. they dig in when you want them to, and turn really well.
Then for more powerful stuff, i whack the glass K.3's in, for the stability and really laying into a solid drive off the bottom or a massive cutty. in sumatra last in 2008, these K.3 fins, when i used them in my 6'4" chilli, rendered my semi-gun useless. i felt that confident with them in the chilli in overhead stuff, that i didn't use the semi-gun at all on the trip.
so yeah get a loan set of fins from your surf shop and give 'em a go, to find out the right ones for you.
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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by matt... » Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:49 pm

that's my 6'4" chilli, with the K.3 glass ones in sumatra, 2008 in my icon photo :lol: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by OddaP » Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:08 pm

Depends on where you live and what you surf.

If I lived down south my quiver would be guns and semi guns with a shortboard thrown in, if (and I am moving east) you live east then a board to sope with smaller beachies.

I reckon a fish or fish styled board or a mal suits the slop/small days.

My semi gun 6'8 is reserved for down south or indo.

My 6'5 down south, indo or those rare good groundswell days here on the reefs.

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by rightbrainpositive » Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:17 pm

mustkillmulloway wrote:my ideal quiver would be everything and anything i haven't ridden b4 :idea:

and miss hawkins 8)
What about the "banana boat"?? :lol:

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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by Trev » Tue Jan 05, 2010 9:07 pm

rightbrainpositive wrote:
mustkillmulloway wrote:my ideal quiver would be everything and anything i haven't ridden b4 :idea:

and miss hawkins 8)
What about the "banana boat"?? :lol:
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Re: what would you have in your ideal quiver?

Post by gibber » Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:03 am

My ideal quiver is when my girl is just about to pop and her toes get that full hyper extension curl happening
she shakes and quiver(s) like mad right about then
best quiver you'll ever have and ride

ohh...we talking about boards? My mistake

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