Hi I'm Layne and I've acheived my dreams

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Hi I'm Layne and I've acheived my dreams

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Hi I'm Layne and I've acheived my dreams

Post by NthCurlyPoint? » Fri Feb 13, 2004 9:50 am

Did anyone see the article today in the manly daily? It was classic Layne... the pose in that photo, the "aim for the stars foundation"...
And by the way, if she made it to the 2nd round in that sunset comp, does that mean she lost round one, so had to surf in round 2 rather than skipping to round 3, then lost that? (cos if it doesn't imagine what the guy she beat would be copping of his mates!)(and yes all you Layne lovers, I know she would beat me)
But seriously, does anyone think she has a chance?


Post by NthCurlyPoint? » Fri Feb 13, 2004 9:52 am

A chance in this 'QS against the mean that is...

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Post by philw » Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:37 am

she might have a chance - why not? in any comp there's an element of chance - if the right waves comes her way she could do ok. i personally don't get all the layne-bashing. there's just as many big gob egotistical male surfers out there who behave like morons - and don't have anything like the competitive record to back up their self congratulatory behaviour. go layne!

Myrtle Tickner

Post by Myrtle Tickner » Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:47 am

i agree 100% ... i cannot stand layne beachley ... she has no humility at all. an egotistical self-promoter of the WORST kind. read any interview she has done over the last 5 years .... ME ME ME, I I I oh yeah & ME ME ME, I I I ....

has she got a chance to beat the men??? not a chance in hell. i seriously doubt that she could compete successfully on the mens WQS, let alone the WCT. she would not be ranked in the best 1000 surfers in the world.

anyone who knows anything about surfing knows how big the gap between men & women is. just watch the womens WQS ... the standard of surfing is just plain terrible.

having said all that, i am not against the womens tour or female surfers, but i get very annoyed when idiots like layne beachley declare they can compete with the men.


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Post by zzz » Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:02 am

I tend to agree that Layne and womens surfing generally is at a very different standard to the mens and you just need to see the differences in numbers out in the water to realise why, so I'd be surprised if Layne was competitive on the mens circuit.

That being said I think it takes guts for a women to learn to surf and surf well. Layne's always got positive things to say and I don't hear her bagging other people out. Anyone who's been the best women in the world in her field that many times deserves respect and I know that she does provide a lot of positive inspiration to a lot of women. I reckon she's a good role model, she charges big surf as well, I don't see the problem with it.

It'll probably help to improve her surfing if she tries competing with the men so good luck to her for having a go.


Post by NthCurlyPoint? » Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:02 am

philw: there are egotistical males, but they don't get nearly as much publicity! I have never read "Reach your dreams" by sunny Garcia, or anything like that. The problem with Layne is that you just get tooo damn much of it. There are plenty of other women surfers who are cool, and good, and just know what standard they are at.
If Layne was like that, I'd have heaps of respect for her, but she just needs to keep it real


Post by stuey » Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:08 am

heheh This topic is just cryin out for a response from yarz truly. I aint red the Manly daily o cos. Iz that some kinda poofterz reading material? But strewth, itz the same as in golf. Chickz just aint happy unless they can make their inferiority in sport versus the guys well known. In the meantime o cos, they will cash in to the max, as will the companies promotin em. The current crop o chick surferz generally surf like kooks. They look like they are gonna fall off every turn. Arms and bodies all over the place. Want equal money. And worse, this will attract more o the morons ta launch their huge arses into the impact zone and they will expect that the word 'sorry' will suffice. Dire stuff fellas.


Post by whackenauffe » Fri Feb 13, 2004 12:18 pm

i think she should be allowed to enjoy her victory, she has done alot for womens surfing and without her there wouuld be alot fewer chix in the lineup, this could be a good or bad thing depending on your viepoint, but like anything moderation is the key, her self proclamation does get overbearing at times however bitching about it isnt going to help anyone.
:P i say congrats to her on her victories.

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Post by philw » Fri Feb 13, 2004 12:28 pm

layne ain't perfect but she doesn't deserve all the shit either. i don't see too many discussion groups here about how sunny garcia is a sub normal thug who resorts to violence at the drop of a hat. he's a prick of the highest order in my opinion - and a very bad example as a professional surfer (wonder why he gets dropped by sponsors?) - but nobody says anything 'cos he's a 'bro. and as for you stu, what's yr obsession with womens huge arses? don't you like girls arses? has your mrs got a big arse?? or is you a BATTY BOY?


Post by yappa » Fri Feb 13, 2004 12:44 pm

The people i feel sorry for are the bloke who is on the WQS trying to earn enough money to stop sleeping on the beach until the next contest- if he misses the contest at Layne's expense or misses the next round - the poor guy is eating hot chips to the next weeks contest- Does Layne have that problem if she misses a heat.


Post by whackenauffe » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:00 pm

ive stated this b4 when it came to womens competing against men in golf.
if women want to prove themselves against the men etc in sport then i think that mixed competitions should be held. it may mean an increased workload for both parties but hey atleast no one misses out.
cheers david

Myrtle Tickner

Post by Myrtle Tickner » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:11 pm

sunny garcia is a thug ... there it has been said.


Post by stuey » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:11 pm

hehehe well philo, everytime I go back ta oz, I see nothing but fat guts and bums on the chicks mate. Poofterz should not be tolerated. ahhahah. And now that the personal attacks have begun its gettin ta be too much fun. My job is done. Let anarchy take over.

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Post by Larry » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:14 pm

The best woman will never beat the best man - ever - Name one who has!

All Beachley can do is deny a bloke a spot, a bloke who at some stage may get to the top.


Post by whackenauffe » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:33 pm

anne seargent,
thats 1,


Post by stuey » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:48 pm

Am I reading this right? Is Beachley gettin an invite to compete on the WCT?

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Post by philw » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:50 pm

larry - you have to be kidding? layne denying a bloke a chance for the top??? if he's any good and the sheilas are so crap then it won't be a problem eh? don't think andy irons looks too worried about his chances for 2004 being ruined by female competition....and if the rest of the wct/wqs are bitiching about it then tough sh*t i say, nobody made them become pro surfers, they're subject to market forces same as anyone else. if chicks surfing gets publicity 'cos the big surf companies know it'll flog more chick surfwear then that's the way it is.


Post by stuey » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:59 pm

Doesnt mean ya cant comment on it philo! What are we to stay quiet then eh? What piddle.

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