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3 fins versus 2+1

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:32 am
by Mono
Hi guys.

I'm thinking of getting a new mid-length board later this year (About 7'3"). I've been riding them with a thruster set-up for the last 10 years. But wondering how different a 2+1 set-up would be? Any thoughts?


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:51 am
by sean--
Why not have a look at the 7'3" 7s ? can be ridden as a twin, quad or thruster. Longbum tried to put me onto one when I hobbled into his establishment last week.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:06 pm
by phil osofer
The most practical and versatile setup is a 10'' fin box in the middle with FCS plugs for the side fins.
This gives a full range of choices.
Single fin 8''.
Single fin 8'' with 3 1/2'' side fins (2+1).
3 fins the same size(thruster), outside ones with tabs to fit FCS plugs, middle one with base to fit slotted fin box. It is possible to buy an adaptor to fit a tabbed fin in the middle slotted fin box.

FCS plugs for the middle fin is a waste of time as it allows only 1 fixed position.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:15 pm
by doowdle
Totaly agree 2+1 on a mid length the best bet for flexability, but ive tried one of those fcs adaptors and it didn't really work that well; bit wobbly. I reckon just a small fin in the box would be better.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:49 pm
by Mono
sean-- wrote:Why not have a look at the 7'3" 7s ? can be ridden as a twin, quad or thruster. Longbum tried to put me onto one when I hobbled into his establishment last week.
Thanks for the feedback Sean. Not that keen on the 7Ss. Had a mate buy 7S fish. Didn't take long it to fall apart as the glass job was pretty lousey. Prefer Aussie boards too.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:57 pm
by Mono
doowdle wrote:Totaly agree 2+1 on a mid length the best bet for flexability, but ive tried one of those fcs adaptors and it didn't really work that well; bit wobbly. I reckon just a small fin in the box would be better.
Thanks Phil Osipher and Doowdle. Appreciate the flexibility of having a finbox.

How does surfing with a larger centre-fin and two babies compare to three fins the same size? . . . Speed? Drive? Manounverability etc?

I rarely surf waves over five foot.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:48 pm
by RickyG
Mono wrote: How does surfing with a larger centre-fin and two babies compare to three fins the same size? . . . Speed? Drive? Manounverability etc?
I reckon the babies will slow you down a little; definitely too much drag :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:37 pm
by ric_vidal
RickyG wrote:
Mono wrote: How does surfing with a larger centre-fin and two babies compare to three fins the same size? . . . Speed? Drive? Manounverability etc?
I reckon the babies will slow you down a little; definitely too much drag :wink:
Dunno RG, migrated my single (mal) to 2+1 and it feels much better, more precise, less slushy than just the single and dare I say more drive, although who the f-knows. Certainly won’t be reverting.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:07 pm
by Jorgo
Riccy - what size centre fin? and how far from the tail is the trailing edge of that sucker? Oh and while I'm about it - how far are the trailing edges of the "babies" from the leading or trailing edge of the centre fin. Yeah yeah, I know - questions, questions :? :?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:14 pm
by ric_vidal
Jorgo wrote:Riccy - what size centre fin? and how far from the tail is the trailing edge of that sucker? Oh and while I'm about it - how far are the trailing edges of the "babies" from the leading or trailing edge of the centre fin. Yeah yeah, I know - questions, questions :? :?
6 3/4" Dion cutaway centre, the rest is a secret. Sidebiters are Speeedfins malcontents. :D Centre is in a box, put it and haven't moved it since.

Nah, don't know, will measure...

Edit: have measured, well guessed as I took the centre fin out for the 'blue project' but roughly 9" to trailing edge. Sidebiters are actually Speeedfins 98S at approx 16.5" to trailing edge.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:16 pm
by The Mighty Sunbird
3 fins good.
2 fins better.
Stop pissing about and get yer MR twinnie.
I will promote these things to the grave, simply because they are that bloody good. :wink:


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:42 pm
by Cuttlefish
The thing about 2+1's are that you have some much variation with fin choices.
Use it as a single fin. Try tonnes of different fins.
Get an FCS adaptor and put some tape around it then lever it into the box to stop any free-play if you have any wobbling problems. Then you can run it as a standard thruster and move the centre fin around.
There have been problems with the FCS adaptors failing but they are replacing them with a new material. If one breaks you just take it back for a replacement or credit.
With a 2+1 on a 7'2" I'll use a 7" fin and GX side fins which I like much better than a std thruster set up.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:37 am
by sean--
salty wrote:
lateralus wrote:3 fins good.
2 fins better.
Stop pissing about and get yer MR twinnie.
I will promote these things to the grave, simply because they are that bloody good. :wink:
I really, really want a MR twinny. Would love to try one first though. Never ridden a twinny, so would be a bit nervous frocking out big$$ for one without trying it first. Then again, I've never heard a bad word about 'em.
If you thought your single was good in small surf wait until you try a twinnie. I had a couple of MR's back in the early 80's and they went unreal.
Checked out a few in his shop last year and they're still the same.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:29 am
by ric_vidal
salty wrote:Tell me this though (RV? or some other expert), do I loose drive (speed) by pushing the fin forward? I find I really have to work hard to get speed when riding my single... which I kind of enjoy though (really putting some leg oompf in those pumps).
First orf Salty I’m not an expert on any bloody thing, got plenty of opinions though. :twisted:

Now to the question at hand. Well let me answer a question with a question... what happens when you take the back fin out of say your latest channel bottom thruster, or put in a wee one? Turn on a dime right, but perhaps lack some forward ‘drive’?

Thing is on singles, or thrusters but no doubt but less so, you can go for a more upright (less raked) fin and whack it back a bit further. Infinite variety out there, even Fongy’s star-fin hunt (designed by Ben Lexcan & Cheyne Horan).

Got friends who love smallish back fins way forward in their mals, works for them as they do more of spun turns.