strohy response to nulla bizzo

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strohy response to nulla bizzo

Post by wobbo » Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:52 pm

wat do you think

"While the majority of locals do not condone today's violence it has got the message across that western suburbs ethnic slur goes here gangs are not welcome at the Nulla".

kinda stinks of racism to me. still ive never liked strohy so maybe im biased.

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Post by Dribzy » Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:03 am

deserved it for sure!

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Post by Sunfire » Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:25 am

Im not from Australia, but i dont think it stinks like racism, is only self defense.

They cant let someone from another country just come to Australia and start to form gangs, assault mothers and daughters and stuff like these.

They arent in their home, they are living in someone else´s country, you gotta give respect to receive it.

Violence is not a solution, but sometimes work. Sad but true.

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Post by bookster » Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:32 am

Sunfire wrote:Im not from Australia, but i dont think it stinks like racism, is only self defense.

They cant let someone from another country just come to Australia and start to form gangs, assault mothers and daughters and stuff like these.

They arent in their home, they are living in someone else´s country, you gotta give respect to receive it.

Violence is not a solution, but sometimes work. Sad but true.
I think you will find a majority are australian born with parents from the lebanon.

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Post by descendant » Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:40 am

while i do not condone any sort of violence - pretty much any time i have bee at the nulla on a weekend some idiot in soccer shorts has a go at me and yells abuse. my mate lives there and deals with being slurred as does his girlfriend who is abused and pushed around for wearing a bikini. some of the most foul language i have ever heard has been directed her way when i have been there. this has been boiling for the last few years and finally (after the lifeguard bashings) the locals snapped. the beach is there to enjoy and relax at not "own" but some people from the suburbs dont get it .... do they!!
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Post by wobbo » Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:04 pm

I youll find that if they uncover who was behind the text messages and organization etc. it will be some wanker neo-nazi, white pride groups, not locals. what do locals have to gain by making there suburbs and homes targets for retribution acts. zero id say. All the shit stirrers will be safely tucked up in there homes, prob far from the nulla. Im speculating but time will tell......

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Post by markkkkk » Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:42 pm

it was all well deserved its about time people stand up to these lebanese people who cum and fight in gangs. they truly are pathetic. i mean u claim ur so tough in ur dirty white hats and champion pants yet ur to soft to fight one on one u have to get 50 on 1 u dirty pieces of shit. what has happened really makes me angry as its time we stand up to these stupid gangs and show them their not in charge and send them back to fucking lebonon on a boat the fuckwits


Post by wobbo » Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:52 pm

as opposed to the mob that attact innocent people on sun. Both groups should lock themselves in cronulla stadium and sort there shit out there and leave the rest of us in peace. Both groups are exercising the exact same mindset, bigotry and immaturity.

Hows the irony of white europeans "taking back there beach" in the same place where Cook landed and began the process that lead to a whole nation being "taken" from it's indigenous owners. truly laughable.

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Post by Searcher » Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:58 pm

I definetely don't agree with the way these riots went. I think if these guys were serious about protecting their areas they would have formed some sort of volunteer security force and response network that would make up for the polices' shortfalls.
I definetely agree that something had to happen to retaliate to the years of muggins, rapings, etc etc etc.
One thing that shiats me tho is "Middle Eastern gang attacks...." = racist, "Lebanese rapes......" = racist "Bla bla bla" = racist. If you can't tell it like it is then there's something wrong i think.
Yes the riot attacks were race based but you're hardly goin to target Japanese people for middle eastern crimes and behaviour down there are you?
I reckon all the people sayin racist this or racist that are people in areas who have not perservered the constant abuse which brought on these riots and live in very sheltered worlds.
When they say they are reclaiming the beach they mean they are trying to kick out the people who are obstructin other people's way of life and indeed damaging it.
Sick of hearing too that these guys were born in Australia when they clearly claim they are of other origins and claim to hate Australia, Australians, anyone else that isn't a muslim ethnic and any other way of life
Once again these gangs didn't show up to any one on one sort of fight and chose to instead attack cars and ladies who gee......Don't fight back.

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Post by EDI_vicco » Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:42 pm

I think that anyone who thinks that what happened was even slightly ok or justified is a fuckwit and not an Australian in my eyes

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Post by dammit__01 » Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:47 pm

people say as if they didnt deserve it look what theyve done in the bra well that wouldnt have happened if the sunday riots didnt happen. of course there gonna retaliate when 5000 aussie are bashing n e one of there race.

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Post by descendant » Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:32 am

its racism if a white aussie says anything or does anything to someone else of another ethnic background. yet its seems ok for the ethnic groups withing Australia to say and do whatever they like without that same label. its still racism when a lebanese person picks on and abuses a white person. just because they can be seen to be a minority doesnt change the fact!! my school dealt with this problem when i was in year 12 and it got dubbed "reverse racism" geez people wake up - its race based bigotry - you dont see lebanese or any other ethnic group slagging off their own group??? do you?
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Post by EDI_vicco » Wed Dec 14, 2005 1:12 pm

Descendant, it clearly is nothing but racism against the lebanese.
Look at it this way, if two aussie guys had bashed those lifegaurds
the response would have been to get those to guys. But cause the guys were lebanese, the response was to get the lebanese back, not the guys who did it, but the lebanese...=racism

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Post by descendant » Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:48 pm

you have obviously never been to cronulla. if by aussies you mean white australians then yeah someone would have got them back because the makority of ebach users that are "aussie" dont do that. but the majority of the lebanese youths at the beach cause trouble hence the reaction there is. if they dont want to adhere to an australian way of life and identify with lebanon then stuff em
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Post by chris_010 » Wed Dec 14, 2005 6:48 pm

EDI_vicco wrote:Descendant, it clearly is nothing but racism against the lebanese.
Look at it this way, if two aussie guys had bashed those lifegaurds
the response would have been to get those to guys. But cause the guys were lebanese, the response was to get the lebanese back, not the guys who did it, but the lebanese...=racism
If it was aussie guys, it would've been the first time.

However it was lebos...and part of a constant occurence in cronulla. The straw that broke the camels back.

Have a fkn think.


Post by wobbo » Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:07 pm

you do of course realize that there is no such thing as "lebos" "ethnic slur goes here" "ragheads" etc.


Post by wobbo » Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:18 pm

"As Australian society has become more diverse with continuing immigration, expressions of racism in Australian popular culture have changed over time. Racist language and attitudes that were common at the end of the nineteenth century are no longer acceptable one hundred years later. However, racism continues to find expression in new ways, reinforced through the popular media.

Contemporary expressions of racism which have emerged in recent years relate to notions of nationhood which are seen as incompatible with diversity. These racist beliefs may be expressed in various stereotyped views of who the 'real' Australians are. This form of racism is based on an ideology of national culture in which minority cultures are regarded as alien and a threat to social cohesion. It consists of pervasive cultural assumptions where the customs and beliefs of the dominant group in society are presented as the norm. As a result, the status and behaviour of minority groups, particularly those who are more visibly different, are defined and judged with respect to the dominant group of largely British and Celtic backgrounds.

These attitudes are widely discussed in the media where they are presented as reasonable and commonsense and reflected through media images that do not accurately portray Australia's cultural diversity. In this way, racist ideologies are expressed and reinforced through a process of group interaction and thereby absorbed into popular culture.

Racist beliefs are also at the core of the resentment expressed by some people at measures taken by governments to address the disadvantages of particular groups of people. Affirmative measures and positive discrimination are frequently seen as the preferential treatment of one group at the expense of another rather than the means of redressing the disadvantage inherent in society. Examples include opposition to Aboriginal land rights, calls for the removal of special benefits for particular groups and resentment towards the provision of English language support to migrants. These beliefs are compounded by the notion that treating all people in the same way equates to equity and social justice when in fact not everyone begins life with the same opportunities.

This resentment often finds expression in the belief that 'reverse racism' is occurring. The notion of reverse racism is that people from the dominant culture are being discriminated against or not receiving the same benefits as people from minority groups. It needs to be understood that there is no such thing as reverse racism. At an individual level, all ethnic or cultural groups are capable of both discriminating against other groups and of being discriminated against, although minority groups are more likely to suffer from institutional racism.

Racism affects everyone. It damages communities by limiting the contributions of its members and disrupts peaceful co-existence and co-operation between groups. It damages individuals by destroying self-confidence and preventing them from achieving their potential. It is particularly damaging for children as it hampers social development and limits educational opportunities. The consequences of racism - social injustice, a less productive economy and a divided community - are clearly detrimental, not only for its victims but to society as a whole.

Racism is a destructive and persistent evil that brings only harm. Sadly it is often a misinformed response to economic hardship. Rather than solving economic problems, however, racism fuels the fire of suffering by intimidating its victims and corrupting its perpetrators. Racial prejudice is a corrosive influence attacking the most fundamental values of Australian society - our commitment to justice, egalitarianism and a 'fair go' for all."

Hon. Justice Marcus Einfeld 1997

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Post by sandonpoint » Sat Dec 17, 2005 5:24 pm

haha i thought u wrote that all by yourself. However though, it was a cut and paste job

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