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Post by snakes » Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:05 pm

For the mentally challenged I'll put it simply.

If you rip movies/music/yamum or whatever onto the internet this affects sales at the retail level. If sales drop, then there is less chance that the shop is likely to stock those products in the future. This affects product distribution. It makes it harder for you (the author) to find a distributor with a good retail base. If you can't get your product into a large number of stores - your dead before you've even begun.

So if you're a producer & you're not getting a return on your product, then your less likely to make more movies/music in the future OR the quality of your product is going to be substantially less than before. IF you do continue to manufacture, your product it is either going to be more expensive or inferior or a combination of both.

And for those who think that they can justify their P.O.V. by using such bullshit like "I was never going to buy it" or "Its not worth buying" try that one on at your local retailer & see if they let you walk out of the shop with <insert your product of choice>


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Post by Fisher » Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:22 am

sponsors measure how well they've spent their advertising dollar by how many copies are SOLD. Not by how many they estimate to have been burned. So no burning the dvd doesn't help the producer at all. The music industry is a totally different ballpark to the bodyboarding one, theres actually money in it. If your ripping off a delta goodrem song, she is already a millionaire. But if your ripping off the waldrons, their still working full time whilst making the vids, in order to make ends meet. Bodyboarding is not big enough to cope with pirating yet, its still too small a niche market.


Post by birubi » Wed Oct 12, 2005 11:37 am


Anyone who thinks that its ok to download/rip off artists/producers/moviemakers is the stupidhead.


do you own/work for a record company.
the fool is the person lining the labels pockets.
most artists make there money from live perfomences anyway because they get shit all from cd sales.
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Post by snakes » Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:26 pm

birubi wrote: do you own/work for a record company.
No. However I used to dj and was in close contact with a few artists and labels.
the fool is the person lining the labels pockets.
And the thief is the one downloading from the net :roll:
most artists make there money from live perfomences anyway because they get shit all from cd sales.
mmmmm P2P
True, even more truer for those in niche markets. Therefore EVERY sale counts when it comes to the smaller artists.


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Post by brook4life » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:47 pm



Post by birubi » Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:31 pm


True, even more truer for those in niche markets. Therefore EVERY sale counts when it comes to the smaller artists.


well yeah i agree there.i will normally download first and if i like a band i will then buy there CD.I mainly listen to stuff that isnt mainstream so i do get what your saying.Another problem esecially up here is the avalability of CD's and bodyboarding DVD's.In some places you are forced to download because of crap shops


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Post by Tahn » Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:13 pm

brook4life wrote:LIME WIRE FOR LIFE
Sorry to burst ya bubble, but probably not 'for life': http://www.slyck.com/news.php?story=927

IRC for life..

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Post by snakes » Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:56 pm

birubi wrote:
well yeah i agree there.i will normally download first and if i like a band i will then buy there CD.I mainly listen to stuff that isnt mainstream so i do get what your saying.Another problem esecially up here is the avalability of CD's and bodyboarding DVD's.In some places you are forced to download because of crap shops

I don't have a problem so much with people downloading & then buying, but I have no respect for those that upload music/movies for others to leech.

When you start talking about finding it hard to buy music/movies from retailers, talk to the manager of the shop. If that gets you nowhere, then look for other sources or buy online. You get get everything online these days. Even worn panties :shock: :oops: :lol:


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Post by HAL » Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:02 pm

the only thing that stands in arguments against what my point of view is advocating in regards to the issue is that, by burning the dvds i aren't supporting the bodyboarding dvd industry to my fullest potential and that i should buy the dvds so the bodyboard industry grows (assuming dvds play an integral role in the bodyboarding industry). but there in lays my point of view, i don't really care if there was a halt to all bodyboarding dvd production and the industry died, i'd still have a bodyboard, flippers and a wetty and i'd still be getting pitted. i'd much sooner spend $40 hunting for waves than to buy a video to watch other guys scoring pits.
  • so, by buying the dvd i am a)putting money into the pockets of the producers to help them out financially and to help them produce more dvds and b)helping the producers and sponsors involved with the dvd to gain a larger viewer base hence increase potential sales.

    by pirating the dvd i am a)not putting money directly into the producers pockets and b)i am helping to create a larger viewer base which has the potential to increase sales for both the producer and the sponsors.

    and lastly, by not purchasing the dvd and not pirating the dvd i am doing absolutely nothing for the dvd producers, sponsors or the bodyboard industry as a whole.
talk is cheap

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Post by snakes » Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:51 am

No retard.

Obviously what I alluded to went completely over your head.

But that was to be expected :lol:


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