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seasickness and booties in bali

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 4:38 pm
by dez
hey fellas just got a couple of questions as im heading to indo in june and want to be fully prepared

are booties recomended in bali? for places like ulu, padang etc do u have to walk over the reef to get out?

also if anyone has any info on the best way to avoid seasickness on a boat charter or what to do if u do get it..dont have much experience on boats and would hate it to ruin my trip

cheers everyone

Re: seasickness and booties in bali

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 1:31 pm
by aaronn
in sickness AND IN HEALTH

Re: seasickness and booties in bali

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:49 pm
by Donweather
Given the low tide walk on the reef at Ulus and the shallowness of Padang, I'd recommend booties, but each to their own on this one as it really comes down to personal preference foro hwo they feel when standing on your board surfing.

As for seasickness, unless the wind is howling, I've never really noticed much rocking motion of boats around Bali/lombok area as the swells are usually long period open ocean swells in deep water which have very little seasickness impact. But pop a packet of Kwells in ya suitcase just in case and you'll be laughing.

Re: seasickness and booties in bali

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:54 pm
by alakaboo
aaronn got you, Don.
That was all good advice but he left 8 years ago.