a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Wondering if there are surfable waves someplace you've never visited? Or have you had an injury and want to compare experiences? Do it here!

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by steve shearer » Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:30 pm

Great idea Wingy.

I couldn't contribute much financially but I'd be definitely up for coming up and lending a hand for a working bee to give D a spell.

Maybe a weekend around the school hols?

Trev would u organise something?
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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by diggerdickson » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:41 pm

guys, im really touched, truly I am, but its hard enough to just see my friends then have people coming up to help, it would be more difficult if that happened, believe me that im touched but as you said wingnut, putting the bus together is fitting part of the puzzle. We have now gutted the bus and are slowly working on insulating it.

As for money, thankyou for such a touching thought, I do mean it, but this is my struggle and walk, and its something im standing tall with, my doc is really good, he has told me his phone is there 24 hrs, so I am luckly there and the physc will help.

Im happy to post here, it took a long time to build the courage to dive back into this thread, since I quit mod i started sliding and now feel im climbing agian, finally. I had to hit bottom before I could see things in the muck.

Im not up to surfing with people, even if I desire it, i miss the moffat days, but I dont, and im not up to having people around, but I will talk to doc about it and see what he thinks, as sometimes my feelings are not right, but im only trying to protect myself and family from myself if that makes sence. :?

In the future I will be leaving, going on a trip, will work out how to fund it on the way, it will be a life long surf trip. I will be blogging it, and hope to visit the rock, sa desert, the bluff, all extended visits waiting to get the surf perfect, as I will have time on my hands :D But as my doc said no decisions for a while.

I suppose when it leave ( 1 to 2 years if all goes well) I will start a travel journal on real surf with pics, that would be fun, thanks seriously for all the good thoughts, i will occasionally write things up here after each physc visit to fill people in on what treatments and how im feeling about it all in case others have to travel my road, as at times its a shameful one as I should be successful, own a home, happy, with 3 surboards, a backyard, 2 kids, a trophy wife and so and so on, but F@#K THE world, I dont want that so I no longer have to live for anyone but my family.

Im writting here as it makes me feel normal, lets people know that maybe your best mate is going down this way as well if he is acting weird like, brings more awarness, plus most here dont know my face so if they saw me I would feel no shame, its like hiding but not hiding at all in the land of the internet.

Fong called me, he is a special mate and passed on well wishes, thankyou, but sometimes I like seeing the fongmaster for 10 minutes, then when I do I think F87k that was a drain to smile and be merry, lol, I know tim understands.

Talk soon after I have a session with the phyc person hopefully monday
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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by alakaboo » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:44 pm

Got a leftover bag of poly insulation batts under the house if you want it for the bus Digger.

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by Karlos » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:46 pm

diggerdickson wrote:at times its a shameful one as I should be successful, own a home, happy, with 3 surboards, a backyard, 2 kids, a trophy wife and so and so on, but F@#K THE world, I dont want that so I no longer have to live for anyone but my family.
There's NOTHING shameful about what's going on with you digger. I think you know that, but just in case there's any doubt in your head, I felt like it needed to be said.

All the best to you & your family.

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by OddaP » Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:52 pm

^^ Digger, nothing shameful at all, its a lonely walk sometimes, but a walk many, including myself have taken at some stage in their lives. I wish you the best mate.

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by Trev » Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:56 pm

Please keep us informed whenever you can.
As is pretty obvious there is a whole group of people on Realsurf who care about you.
And I'll look forward to the next surf at Moffs with you, whenever it might be.
You aren’t the room Yuke You are just a wonky cafe table with a missing rubber pad on the end of one leg.

I still don't buy the "official" narrative about 9/11. Oh sure, it happened, fcuk yeah. But who and why and how I'm, not convinced it was what we've been told.

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by Skipper » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:05 pm

Yep. What Odda and Karlos said Digger.

I'm sure you understand this, and in saying so, I don't mean to take anything away from those who mean well.
It's a mantra worth repeating.
Pride is all well and good, but in these funks, we need to seek it out in the small stuff...the inner strengths and qualities we all possess, all too often obscured by geography, society and environmental factors.

Best wishes Digs, This virtual community shares your burden.

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by diggerdickson » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:52 am

Ok, still havent seen the physc, am booked in very early october, Im back on pristic, magic little pills, they seem to help though at times I still get down but its now managable. I still find it hard to bring myself to socialize with people and I truly love my own little bubble I have, its safe in the bubble. This battle I have had over the last year or so has kept me out of the surf really, ever since I snapped my fav board I have not had the motivation to get into the water or to get out of bed on my days off, maybe been in the water twice in the last 9 months, but a new board is on the way and that should get me excited like a little grommet again. I believe its just a matter of time.

Our local pool is opening up soon and i am going to attempt to get up early and do a few laps early morning to get some exercise in and get a bit more healthy.

The bus build is going ok, I might start a thread on it but posting photos on this site is a bit more difficult than it is on sways, so time will tell.

Im so lucky to have a awesome family and some good friends, even if I dont see em, ha. :D
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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by swvic » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:19 am

Keep it up digger. Be good to see you getting healthy. New board = universal tonic
marcus wrote:and that vicco dude, whatsisname?

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by Rustt » Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:25 pm

digger, start a thread on the bus, a few of us here I'm sure would be stoked to see it, I did a thirty foot bedford once, now the missus is keen to get a coaster, can't argue with that :D

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by Davros » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:33 pm

yeah do that love to see it, mate you gave me great advice and motivation to make my first board and I still get such a buzz out of riding it...cause I made the dunger. Keep spreading the vibes.

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by gibber » Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:09 pm

Hey diggs,
Bloody hell mate! You are on a journey and a half mate and you and I share a lot of the same plot line in this story of life. When I was hospitalised 20 months ago for depression I thought I was giving in, I was broken and that was that. To my surprise though, many people popped out of the woodwork and visited, called or just sent messages of support which gave me an immeasurable amount of hope. Never feel that you are not loved by your family and friends. And never make yourself believe that your loved ones will be better off without you. They won't. It's just your mind telling you this as it has lost all other options for coping. Help is always only a phone call away mate. Never be shy of dialling up someone to talk to.
I know how your feeling and have no magical answer, I only wish I too could listen to my advice that I give as I too need a fair amount at times, just take time to make each des vision and don't rush ahead with things at work. That's when you run the risk of making manic choices and then the resultant repercussions that follow. And most of all. TAKE YOUR MEDS. I miss a few when I think I'm fine then I crash and I'm fucked for the next few days. If the meds you are on aren't working then tell your psychiatrist and they will change yours to find the right ones. This condition can be managed, kids like ours can be hard to live with too but the right tools will make the job a little easier.
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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by diggerdickson » Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:09 pm

When to the physc today guys and it was a interesting visit. We had a long talk and discussed medicine and what is going on. He discussed with me stuff that goes on in the brain and a part of the brain that handles stuff like stress, i cant remember words he used but he explained how that part of the brain can be damaged and will show up in a mri or something like that. I know I sound confused but thats because I am.

Its been decided that I have to move off the pristic because if the medicine aint working why keep taking it, so we are working at weeding myself off this and trying out some different medicines, what is happening is not quite right and i found the meeting very draining and it took a toll on me. My doctor seems to think that it might just be a good idea for me to seek a simplier life style than what I have at the moment, as my health as a husband and father is more important than anything else, but now is not the time to make these decisions.

I have another appiontment next monday when I see him agian and we will discuss the physc visit and his report, and discuss a point of attack and tackle this bitch head on.
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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by diggerdickson » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:53 am

my wife God bless her has another theory, doctors will just give you pills to try to help you as that is all they know, sometimes pills aint the answer. She belives that I need to get rid of the the crap- in my life that aint good for me. That being work, as I just aint suited to handle stress at all, I have enough of that trying to raise my family with my children, i need to eat better, surf more, sleep better, and things will get better. I actually believe her more than the doctors. Hence the bus build and the plans to travel and enjoy life rather than work myself into a early grave.

Anyone that is interested in following the bus build can find it on swaylocks. There is a thread called Tumbleweed the bus project, or something like that, unfortunately its just easier to post photos on that site, sorry trev, I just wish I could post photos on this site without the mucking around to get them to fit the file size, i just cant be bothered with that :oops:

So the question im throwing out there right now for those that do struggle with mental illness, and there are a few of us out there, more than I realised, is how much of this is brought on by lifestyle that todays society demands of us, the expectations on men, is it how we are made up and are these epectations truly damaging our mental health, the aussie dream, is this unrealistic in todays society.

The big question and thought that i also have, is pills the answer to mental health, or is lifestyle the answer, as in get rid of what aint good in your life, stuff what todays society thinks and what the expectations on what men should be as husbands and fathers, my goodness there is a 5000 word essay in there real easy aint there..
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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by steve shearer » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:55 am

Good questions Digger and I tend to agree with your wife's analysis.

all the best mate, Steve
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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by Skipper » Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:31 am

A report today says something like 40% of peeps when confronted with someone with 'depression' still feel the need to tell them to toughen up. Or get over it.
Perversely, I feel the same at times despite my own issues with it.
It's still one of our great taboos.

Follow your heart Digger and yer butt will follow.
(I think Kim Kierkegaardashian said that).

I agree, your wife's take is sound advice. . Although a combination of treatments is sometimes necessary. The lifestyle, meds and environment all can play a role together in recovery.

Do some Internet searching too if you can, there's heaps of forums where people discuss their meds and treatment as well of course as the results and effects each has.

Its been said before but worth repeating to take doctors' advice with caution. Often they're just spruiking the drug co's. Meds are not necessarily one size fits all.

Easy for others to dish out advice. Hard part for you ( or any of us suffering whatever) is implementing consistent varied treatment.
Especially with unresolved work/personal circumstances and lifestyle issues.

Consider taking some time out if you can and let the wind carry you forward.

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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by steve shearer » Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:21 pm

That was really interesting info Wingnut.
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Re: a.d.d to aspergers syndrom

Post by steve shearer » Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:24 pm

well that and the post before it.
I want Nightclub Dwight dead in his grave I want the nice-nice up in blazes

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