KOOKS !!!!

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KOOKS !!!!

Post by longbum » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:03 pm

This has been bugging me for a while and I need to get this off my chest and you guys are gonna get the brunt off it.

Why don’t crew know the rules and ethics out in the surf, who is to blame ?

Me, a surfer for 30 years who got punished as a grom and had to learn the hard way, but isn’t allowed to do anything these days, because daddy will slap a lawsuit on me if I give a gentle slap ??
You, the crew that publish articles/photos/etc who could feed as a direct link to such learners/kooks ??
Little Johnny, who is too fckn arrogant or has too much of an ego already to listen to any elder these days ??
The Older Learner, who can buy the best of everything and thinks he knows everything straight up ??

Now my brother who I’m guessing you all know as Dylan Longbottom is sitting in fckn hospital with a shattered face with 5 plates in his head and is gonna have to suck food thru a straw for 2 fckn months because of some fckn kook who thinks he rips who has no fckn idea dropping in on him and his board smashing Dyl’s face apart out the so called superbank !!!! And to make it worse, don’t even hang around to see what damage you’ve done you little cock, just leave him in the water to drown you fuckwit !! If I find out who you are, you will be fucked up, I don’t care if you’re a blackbelt (hint).

Now Dyl I’m sure you all know doesn’t mind tackling some of the worlds most intense waves, but for something like this to happen at his homebreak by some kook is just irony at its best !!!

Lets look at this then, Chopes, Mav’s, Jaws, Pipe, Shippies etc, they’re not the worlds deadliest waves. Places like the fckn superbank, Bondi, etc are. All the learners we have in the water these days without training or knowledge is a fckn joke !!! I don’t know how many times I’ve surfed Snapper to see some kook coming flying at me out of control just waiting to take some poor bastard out. 90% of guys at these spots simply do not know what they’re doing and just sausage rolling and its going to get worse, a hell of a lot worse !!!!!!!

Hey I’m not some dude hanging at my local, telling everyone they’re keyunts and it was never like this in my day !! I don’t care how many guys I surf with out in the water as long as they all know what they’re fckn doin ! I’ve learnt off my dad and his mates, then off the older crew where I was surfing. But the reality is, I always have to have a word to someone out in the surf cause they’ve done something wrong (and I live in a place where its not that crowded), then they have the nerve to answer back to me with “what are ya talking about mate” and that’s exactly what I’m saying………


Is there gonna come a time when we need a license to surf certain spots ?? I for one would be behind it, let the learners progress to certain spots rather than just paddle out anywhere and cause trouble. I don’t know how you’d police it but its gonna have to happen someday cause more shit like this is gonna happen as time goes on !! Imagine all the shit we all don’t even hear about !!

Anyway that’s my rant, I’m flying up to see my brother and hope that he’s OK.

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Post by Butts » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:18 pm

Fuck thats bad, bad news. Hope everything goes okay with your bro,
its going to be hard road back :cry:

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Re: KOOKS !!!!

Post by deepsouth » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:22 pm

longbum wrote:This has been bugging me for a while and I need to get this off my chest and you guys are gonna get the brunt off it.

Why don’t crew know the rules and ethics out in the surf, who is to blame ?

Me, a surfer for 30 years who got punished as a grom and had to learn the hard way, but isn’t allowed to do anything these days, because daddy will slap a lawsuit on me if I give a gentle slap ??
You, the crew that publish articles/photos/etc who could feed as a direct link to such learners/kooks ??
Little Johnny, who is too darn arrogant or has too much of an ego already to listen to any elder these days ??
The Older Learner, who can buy the best of everything and thinks he knows everything straight up ??

Now my brother who I’m guessing you all know as Dylan Longbottom is sitting in darn hospital with a shattered face with 5 plates in his head and is gonna have to suck food thru a straw for 2 darn months because of some darn kook who thinks he rips who has no darn idea dropping in on him and his board smashing Dyl’s face apart out the so called superbank !!!! And to make it worse, don’t even hang around to see what damage you’ve done you little cock, just leave him in the water to drown you **** !! If I find out who you are, you will be **** up, I don’t care if you’re a blackbelt (hint).

Now Dyl I’m sure you all know doesn’t mind tackling some of the worlds most intense waves, but for something like this to happen at his homebreak by some kook is just irony at its best !!!

Lets look at this then, Chopes, Mav’s, Jaws, Pipe, Shippies etc, they’re not the worlds deadliest waves. Places like the darn superbank, Bondi, etc are. All the learners we have in the water these days without training or knowledge is a darn joke !!! I don’t know how many times I’ve surfed Snapper to see some kook coming flying at me out of control just waiting to take some poor bastard out. 90% of guys at these spots simply do not know what they’re doing and just sausage rolling and its going to get worse, a hell of a lot worse !!!!!!!

Hey I’m not some dude hanging at my local, telling everyone they’re keyunts and it was never like this in my day !! I don’t care how many guys I surf with out in the water as long as they all know what they’re darn doin ! I’ve learnt off my dad and his mates, then off the older crew where I was surfing. But the reality is, I always have to have a word to someone out in the surf cause they’ve done something wrong (and I live in a place where its not that crowded), then they have the nerve to answer back to me with “what are ya talking about mate” and that’s exactly what I’m saying………


Is there gonna come a time when we need a license to surf certain spots ?? I for one would be behind it, let the learners progress to certain spots rather than just paddle out anywhere and cause trouble. I don’t know how you’d police it but its gonna have to happen someday cause more shit like this is gonna happen as time goes on !! Imagine all the shit we all don’t even hear about !!

Anyway that’s my rant, I’m flying up to see my brother and hope that he’s OK.
Darn straight longy!!!

Growing up, we were always taught the hard way by the old blokes about what was and wasn't proper behaviour in the surf. If you screwed up you got a talking too (or occasionally worse) and when those blokes talked...you really listened! It seems in most cases these days that a lack of sensible behaviour stems from a lack of respect and/or a lack of skill in the water.

Having said that, everyone starts from the bottom (except maybe Slater, that guy probably started in the middle :lol: ) and there is no need to get agressive when someone screws up. Sometimes all that is required is someone to point out an error and with a bit of guidance the problem can be "sorted".

Hope your brother recovers alright cause that is a f()cked up thing to have happen.

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Post by Glide » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:28 pm

Unfortunately in this age of instant gratification the concept of paying your dues seems to have become extinct.

Best wishes to your brother for a speedy recovery.

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Post by Beanpole » Tue Oct 24, 2006 6:31 pm

A sad story. The superbank sounds like a circus these days.

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Post by seedyk » Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:11 pm

i think everyone has been a victim of the drop-in kook at one point in their surfing. ive had about 3 boards messed up by the fockers. if you need a crew to find this guy im in :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by seedyk » Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:13 pm

haha salty you hypocrite...you just quoted him and in doing so did what he did :D

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Post by vb » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:10 pm

Think Salty was being farseech-arse

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Post by SAsurfa » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:32 pm

Its pretty cruzy down here during the week, where you can sometimes even score the better breaks to yourself, not that thats how you wanna be at some locations, and on the weekends it gets a bit crowded but its still manageable if you know how to handle all the kooks, but it is getter a little worse here.

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Post by Hano » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:42 pm

Fark sounds horrific.
All the best with the recovery Dylan, hope everything heals quickly and you’re not out of the water for too long.
I agree the problem is getting worse and the warmer weather seems to bring the “weapons” out. They multiply every year. Sometimes da kooks have to be told!

There’s gunna be carnage at the farm this summer.

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Post by infectious » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:53 pm

the whole smart-arse kook phenomenon started while i was at school. I remember it well. i too copped shit from the older guys when i caught the ferry to school, being held upside down for food or lunch money, dangled in the water etc. but you just accepted it as the natural order and did or said nothing about it. My time would come. But by the time i was the big guy, the new generation of smart arses had come through. The ones who wouldnt move for the older guys when they were in their seats, the ones with smart arsed remarks... and when you tried to put them in their place they would cry to mummy or the headmaster...
The same can be applied to the surf, as i have noticed this same generation of smart arses chatting back, dropping in, being general fark ups... all because they know there will be no repercussions for their acts... they can give all the cheek they like and if anyone lays so much as a finger on them they'll ride your arse to court...
I for one don't like it. Its down to this age of obsessive political correctness where everyone is deemed to have equal rights, which is just bullshit, plain and simple. While im not advocating bullying or vicious acts of surf rage, there are certain rights that you need to earn, and certain hazing processes you need to endure before you can call yourself the king of the roost. Being the big kids at school entails paying your dues for 10 years before youre the boss for the last two. Surfing for years and getting good at it and learning to respect others gives you the right to enjoy the ocean in peace, without having to listen to these smarmy bastards. We have lost any way of diciplining these kids, so they will never learn.
Bad government policies, bad parenting and bad schooling is what it all comes down to. In the last 10 years they have changed for the worst institutions which have been in place since the dawn of civilisation, and with it has gone alot of what made civilisation civilised. I really hate sounding like an old fart, being only 22, but these smart arsed little brats really give me the shits and make me think violent thoughts... Something needs to be done to dicipline the new generation, but i, like alot of you others, am at a loss as to what to do.
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Post by kreepykrawly » Tue Oct 24, 2006 8:54 pm

Hey longbum
I agree with what you said(surprise surprise)
and I wish your bro the best...
good surfer that charges the big stuff.
f-ck the kook that just paddled away without seeing if he was alright !!!

Total c-ck head!!! I hope you find him :twisted: and if you do could you please put a coupla extras in for me.


Post by fong » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:10 pm

1stly......this sounds like a horriable injury....metal plates in the head :shock: i sincerly hope u bro makes a full recovery....quickly

my thoughts are with him ...........i find it's particularly disgusting after the collision no help was offered :x ...i've been run over...i've run over people :oops: shit happens.....but u always...ALWAYS ask if the other peoples alright b4 apologising 4 kookin out or abusing them 4 the incident

infectious wrote:Something needs to be done to dicipline the new generation, but i, like alot of you others, am at a loss as to what to do.
remember when nearly ever beach had a enforcer :idea:

i can also see how easy too blame the surf media and companies....in there desperation avoid findin real work and cash in on surfin there ruinin the very thing we all love :cry:

surf schools.....in there tens of thousands need be considered too....they produce thousands new kooks each year....with the basic skills too cause
chaos....and little else :cry:

the crew operating these surf schools need have a good hard look at just wat there teaching......and the morals of the production line there creating :evil:

p.s keep us in the loop with his progress.....very sucky :!:

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Post by Beanpole » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:39 pm

Infectious, your full of crap. All this is simply a result of overcrowding. From what I've heard the local hospital is full of casualties every time Superbank is firing and its not just kooks causing the injuries.

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Post by Boozer » Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:55 pm

Beanpole wrote:Infectious, your full of crap.
Bullshit beanpole. He's spot on the money.

Selfish parents too full of themselves to sacrifice for the real good of their own kids. Don't want no fuss. They give 'em whatever they want. When they want it.

I was at Parramatta station one day when a toddler was running feral. The train was coming in. His mum grabbed young johnny and gave him a fair whack up the arse.

Some random stupid bitch butted in screaming child abuse.

Child abuse my arse. More like a freakin' life lesson.

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Post by Aframes » Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:07 pm

Beanpole wrote:From what I've heard the local hospital is full of casualties every time Superbank is firing and its not just kooks causing the injuries.
dang right

You see some horrendous drop ins and just plain irresponsible surfing by every level of surfer at Snapper etc. I will only surf it over 4ft to remove the chaff factor.

When there actually was a superbank, the blatant crap going on at the greenmount stretch was lucky not to cause a death.

People get desperate and they want to prove they are the sh_it to everyone else.

But the thing is no one gives a 24 carat crap. There are 12 year olds tearing the place apart better than most guys, so its strange how anyone would think they're special there unless their last name was Fanning, Morrison, Parkinson or of that ilk.

Prayers and blessings to Dylan for a speedy recovery man.

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Post by insomniac » Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:10 pm

Boozer wrote:Bullshit beanpole. He's spot on the money.

Selfish parents too full of themselves to sacrifice for the real good of their own kids. Don't want no fuss. They give 'em whatever they want. When they want it.

I was at Parramatta station one day when a toddler was running feral. The train was coming in. His mum grabbed young johnny and gave him a fair whack up the arse.

Some random stupid bitch butted in screaming child abuse.

Child abuse my arse. More like a freakin' life lesson.
yeah agreed. only then there's the parents who get really pissed off and uncomfortable when their kid is screaming or doing something stupid in public, so the parent takes out their own anger/frustration/embarrisment on the child and smacks them.
smack the kid for the kids sake, not yours.

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