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night surfing take 3 or 4 ?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:19 am
by marcus
gday guys
just tried out using a normal d sise barrtey torch duct taped to my helmet of north gong (hoax) reef.
surf was ok, but not anywhere near good.
didnt use my brothers helmet torch as i couldnt find the parts in the garage (last time the dolphin torch filled upwith water).
so duct taped a normal torch to my helmet.

plusses of using a point torch on helmet
1 can see reef
2 can see boil and cungi in reef and know where to take off
3 can see easily the combination on your bike lock


1 doesnt do shite when going allong wave
2 normal people call out to you as you ride to the break and try to run you off the road
3 it takes a few ales to get the courage to ride up the street past drunken nightclubbers walking home.

result so far
the dolphin torch was by far the best at a perfect reef down south as long as you water proof it properly.
wide beam is best for surfing and seeing waves, a point torch is like using a laser pointer to find something in the dark.
at super super perfect reefs (nowra etc) it works with dolphin torches, so far at crappy reefs its not worth the hassle.

the use of alcahol to perform this task isnt endorsed by realsurf and is only my opinion.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 12:33 am
by marcus
thanks squid, but i wouldnt consider myself to be a waterman , i cant ride a shortboard any better than a german tourist.
cheers anyway.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 8:58 am
by mad
How about we settle ideas man.

Re: night surfing take 3 or 4 ?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 3:23 pm
by nubby
marcus wrote: 3 it takes a few ales to get the courage to ride up the street past drunken nightclubbers walking home
hahaha! i wasnt comin home from a night surf, but last weekend i was ridin home from a mates house at about 1 am and as i got to the top a this big hill i could see all these pissed idiots at the bottom of the hill. as i got closer they saw me and started to spread out across the road infront of me. i could either stop and get me pushy racked and probly get wailed on OR i could just start doin the big stand up peddle and get up as much speed as i could. i did the latter and aimed straight for the middle of the pack. by the time i got to the pack i was probably pushin 70 klicks, me eyes and nose were all watery and i just hoped these idiots would realise that tryin to stop me would put someone in hospital, hopefuly them. the last 20 metres or so was easily the heaviest game of chicken ive ever played!....i didnt flinch and at the last second they realised i was not stopping and basically had to dive out the way.......i hope they hurt emselfs diving onto the road.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:22 pm
by willie
hah chicken.. im too pussy to play that :oops: id always move

but dude!! goin that fast on a bike infront of drunks?? most drunks would probably just stand there n laugh at a bike comin straight at em hah

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:30 pm
by mad
Hey Nubby, get Marcus to knock you up a helmet which'll microzap the drunks with his supercharged batteries running off a dymo jigger. Geez I miss the city :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:12 pm
by mm
North gong reef is hardly ever good enough to surf in daylight, let alone at nightime. It would be pretty cool to be able to surf at night, although it's probably not a great idea at some spots I would think.