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Today's Youth

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:32 pm
by Trev
I've left this in "General Surf Discussion" because it involves surfers.
Yesteday we had a boating tragedy on the Suuny Coast. A small runabout ended up on the rocks at Point Cartright as a result of a "freak" wave.
One man died and two others were rescued, in part by two 16 y/o surfers.
These kids prove once again that, despite the crap we sometimes see passing through our judicial system, there are plenty out there who deserve our respect.
They interviewed the two kids on local television and they were terribly distressed. One was crying as he described his inability to save the third guy.
I look at our kids and their friends and our friends' kids and I have faith in the future. When I see young people like this on TV
I am even more enthusiastic about the way our country is heading.
Good on you, boys.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:11 pm
by Spoon
I have 3 teenagers and can honestly say that their friends that I have met come across as good kids which does give you faith inthe generation coming through. I am also impressed by the youth who are alarmed at the amount of bullying and are prepared to stand up against so they can enjoy the act of going to school and growing up without living in fear.
What does worry me is the violence that has been shown various media outlets and the internet. I would prefer that they put the phones down and try and break it up instead of rushing home to post it on youtube. These instances are occurring right across the community.
Hopefully the majority of the youth are like those boys that Trev wrote about who are prepared to help someone in trouble and not the dicks in the balaclavas out to bully anyone weaker than themselves.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:22 pm
by steve shearer
Word. Plenty of good blokes around here to.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 2:27 am
by Lucky Al
word! plenty of youth yesterday and the day before, too!!! maybe tomorrow, if we're lucky.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:13 am
by pridmore
Carties claims another one hey ??? That place has seen some accidents, I've seen a bit of stuff go on around there with boats and surfers... Sad to hear. A boat ran aground onto some rocks here just the other day too, pretty sure they jut came in too close and a wave got them, they are fine but the boat is still on the rocks and motor chained up in a shopping trolley they must have tried to use to get it home....Good on the young fellas for doin their bit and hope they arent scarred from not being able to help the other guy... There's good and bad everywhere but even the bad ones when put into a situation can surprise....all a matter of influences is how they have been raised 8)

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:52 am
by tiger
It was Secrets Mark. I'm guessing they tried to cut across, or just drifted in a little close, and got rolled by a wave.

Seen loads of near misses out there over the years. It's one of those spots where you think you're right out the back, then a bomb set will come and break another 30 yards out. The ridge there, runs out a long way.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:20 pm
by Karlos
Good & bad in every generation I'd say Trev. Plenty of dickheads around in my generation. In fact I'd hazard a guess that their kids are the arseholes of the next generation. Still, it's always good to hear positive stories, even if the media outlets don't consider them quite as newsworthy.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:07 pm
by Trev
Karlos wrote:Good & bad in every generation I'd say Trev. Plenty of dickheads around in my generation. In fact I'd hazard a guess that their kids are the arseholes of the next generation. Still, it's always good to hear positive stories, even if the media outlets don't consider them quite as newsworthy.
Oh. I agree with you entirely Karlos. I was just making the point that we see so much shit go through the courts and often they get off with some gentle wrist slaps, that it's nice to see some good press for the younger people. Our kids are now in their 30's as are their friends but we've known most of them since high school or uni days and they are a pleasure to have around.
And I agree that like breeds like.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:18 am
by pridmore
Interested to know what others think about this. If a father has a child and has almost nothing to do with the child due to the mother not allowing it, would the child grow into a young man silmilar to his father or would he be nothing like his father due to toyally different influences and enviroment all his life ??? :?:

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:28 am
by Beanpole
The old nature vs nurture debate. I reckon it depends on which side of the family the kids take after.
Theres also the complete opposites scenario where the out of control drop kick parents have conservative responsible kids or the gung ho sports nut has a son interested in flower arrangement.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:41 am
by monkey
As a teacher I see it all the time, you can draw a straight line between kids who are tools and their parents.

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 12:41 pm
by Jimi
Beanpole wrote:The old nature vs nurture debate. I reckon it depends on which side of the family the kids take after.
Theres also the complete opposites scenario where the out of control drop kick parents have conservative responsible kids or the gung ho sports nut has a son interested in flower arrangement.
Yeah ive got a friend who is Mr sensible, and he grew up watching his mother smoking bongs in the house and bringing home drunk d!ckheads. Then again there are some rough kids from upper-middle class loving families. I reckon sometimes it comes down to influence of peers and friends, regardless of family. I dont think there is a rule that can be applied, depends on the individuals

Re: Today's Youth

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:14 pm
by Trev
There really doesn't seem to be any pattern to whether or not kids take after their parents in my observation (these days).
It seems every generation boasts its' percentage of rebels.
Since I came back to surfing in about 1985, I have had many sessions in the surf with pleasant young kids and had others ruined by loudmouths, generally of school age (not saying there aren't adults who fit the same bill.
But, apart from in the surf, through business and through motor sport, I've met may parent/ kid combinations who don't fit togather.