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Re: Base gone under

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:20 pm
by ric_vidal
Beerfan wrote:Hey ric, my mate has had a tuflite 8'6'' for years. He snapped when we stupidly paddled out on a day that was much bigger than it looked. After fixing it, it was still a great board. Actually still IS a great board. Don't think i'd go out of my way to grab one, but i think if i found a cheap 2nd hand longboard i'd look at grabbing one. His still looks dent free, apart from paint chips.

My first few boards were 6x66. Faarken bullet proof, lasted for years but once i got a little better, became a little heavy. Now i go 4x44 on GOOD quality foam, and they are light enough, but strong enough. If you want crazy light PU/PE you know full well it isn't gunna last. If you're happy with that, sweet, but you can't complain when you know its not gunna last.

I have an EPS ( 1.9lb ) semi fish going ( when i get the time!! ), and i have been recommended at least 6x64 glass job, otherwise they're too light, even for surfers who like the PU/PE 4x4+patch!!.
Yeah, don’t be afraid to put it on, Beerf. The buoyancy factor is quite different with EPS... that is probably the biggest problem with the Tuflite I bought in that when you duck-dive you get jostled around more, something that is also due to the Scorpion planshape I would think.

Mate, my deck is very pedestrian after 2 weeks in Bali, but I figure that in a large part is due to my f8cked-up pop-up (with exclusive toe drag). :D Can certainly see where the tootsies are.

Will probably make more or less the same thing in PU/PE and use epoxy as I feel good about the board as a whole.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:41 pm
by Deesee
Hey Ric, surfboards are subject to import duty and GST. No import concessions apply..

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:03 pm
by seethesea75
Deesee wrote:Hey Ric, surfboards are subject to import duty and GST. No import concessions apply..
There is a free trade agreement with Asia. Due to the massive amount of exports we send to China there will never be a tariff on imports when our economy is underpinned by exports to them. This means no import duty on surfboards.

Of course there is GST on imports but people misunderstand this, businesses do not pay GST, they are simply conduits or tax collectors for the tax department. Businesses claim back all GST they pay and simply give the government the net difference between that which they collect from their customers and pay to suppliers.

Regarding a recognised trade. Formal trade qualifications are being developed at present and being funded by the Gold Coast City Council for an educational consultant to have the bare structure of this course defined and approved. The course content will be developed by the industry and be based upon Composites industry qualifications to create career pathways for apprentices beyond the surfboard industry.

The thesis for this is to enable the industry to begin evolving again. It is fair to say that due to staff and skills shortages in this business much of the Aussie industry which was always ahead of the imports has now lost its edge. Many blame margins or cheap imports but in reality there are a greater range of materials that make better products that if people knew how to use or find them we would be much further than we are now. By creating a more highly trained work force we strengthen the industry. By aligning with other industries we can tap into the technology they already have. I don't know about you but I can not believe that most Aussie factories have no ability to make boards with the same technology as imported ones, guys like Speedneedle, Dan McDonald and Diverse show there is a quid to be made in making them..... You just have to have the ability to make them.

The other point is that the imported brands making the biggest impact have a very sophisticated approach to information supply, marketing and distribution in comparison to many Aussie guys. The market has shifted and a lot of guys sad to say have not evolved with the customer base. Sitting in an industrial estate waiting for people to come to you, not returning calls, no website, social media etc just does not work anymore.

The BASE story is unfortunate but is a great model for understanding the costs of your products and building business plans from the beginning to sustain them. They were behind for too long and it caught up in the end.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:32 am
by spork
There is also a tall poppy factor whereby as soon as a shaper makes a name for themselves and has a swag of orders, then he turns to automation. This is frowned upon by many, shaping machines and computerised design are completely dissed by some surfers and indeed some shapers. And then you get the "I wouldn't buy from him anymore, he sold out to the big time"

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:13 am
by swvic
For the record, not all Base boards are glassed light. You can request a stronger glass job. I've had 2 from them.
1. A bourton quad 4x4x4 with a diagonal glass job. Said to be stronger than parallel glassing. Snapped it in Samoa, but might have snapped any board??
2. A DHD with 4x4x6. A bit heavier, but so far so good.

However, I'm starting to think I'm going back down the custom road from here. Thinking Dowling for a few reasons.
Hear nothing but good feedback.
He's (sort of) local to me so has an appreciation of the waves I mostly surf.
He's done some real hard yards and deserves support.
Haven't surfed EPS, but surely we can work out appropriate volumes to account for increased buoyancy. I've been going thicker/wider with advancing yrs so might be a great way to get best of both aspects.
His methods are producing durability in a relatively light package.
He's already looked after me fin wise.
He's an Aussie small businessman.
He's an awesome artist.
Expensive? Don't know how much it would cost, but I've gotta put my money where my mouth is.
Will it be soon? Nah, don't have the bucks, but if I were to snap my current daily driver, I'd somehow find it.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:16 am
by steve shearer
I found it weird when I was Vicco that the majority of crew were riding Base boards (Bourtons, DHD's etc etc ).

Why is that SWVIC?

Woulda thought there would've been stronger local brands.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:07 pm
by swvic
Can't speak for all, but where I am there are no local shapers - you've got to head toward Torquay. I arrived here from the Mornington Peninsula in 1995. My long-term shaper there is still going I think, but I kinda lost touch. At Torquay, there's plenty of shops selling "models" made by the big labels as well as custom options. I strayed from the custom thing because I didn't ever surf with any of the shapers. By surfing some of the "models" mates owned I found I could start to get an appreciation of what worked for me and have had only a couple of misses. There's a shop or 2 around me that sell these models so they prevail.

As for Base, the 1st I ordered direct from Murray after researching a bit on quads. He was a pretty good communicator who grew up down here, so he knew a bit of the waves I'd be riding. Seemed they might work for me. I went a standard option intending to tweak via customisation if that was the case. Had some small hang-ups with it and went back to a thruster after it snapped.

My DHD was purchased via ebay as some bloke reckoned it was too small for him. $500 and not a mark on it and so far I'm pretty happy with it. The quad was meant to handle up t 6 foot, but it got sketchy off the bottom at 5. Not sure if my 6 foot is bigger than Murray's (I'm with the Iggy scale), the waves have more power to size ratio than what he was talking about OR I'm not good enough to handle it at that size. Funny, it never really felt like spinning out, it was just too loose off the bottom - especially backhand. The DHD has taken everything I've thrown at it and still handles smallish waves.

A bit long-wided I know, so apologies.

Also, for crew on the Mornington Peninsula, consider Mick Pierce for a board. Great guy, surfer, surfboard maker. Legend in those parts.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:24 pm
by ric_vidal
swvic wrote:Had some small hang-ups with it and went back to a thruster after it snapped.
Some small hang-up, SWVIC.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:46 pm
by Grooter
steve shearer wrote:I found it weird when I was Vicco that the majority of crew were riding Base boards (Bourtons, DHD's etc etc ).

Why is that SWVIC?

Woulda thought there would've been stronger local brands.
The two bigger brands I've seen on the Mornington Peninsula are of course Trigger Brothers boards, notably being their shortboards and the bigger Stubby boards.

Then you've got Island over at Phillip Island, you'll usually see a few of these in the lineup

But of course McTavish boards, Bear, Webber etc... all the name brands, are here in big numbers.

I sometimes get asked on my Miller V-Skate, mostly out of curiosity, although I have noticed a few around but they're rare. Would recommend Grant to anyone, the two boards he has shaped for me have been perfect for the waves I surf.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:52 pm
by swvic
Yeah, Rick. Mainly release off the top. Fiddled with fins and got it mostly right. Also occasionally wanted to 'track' if I got the front foot placement wrong on take off. Wasn't twinny kind of tracking. More like if I wanted to pull in on take off, the line of the board would be different to the line of my body and I'd fall into the wave face. Only happened if foot too far forward. Wierd thing is that release issue was more on backhand and track issue was only ever on forehand. After I snapped it, I had a step-up thruster with me and it immediately felt more natural, even though I'd been exclusively on the quad a few months. If I had more available surf time, I'd perhaps get another quad, but for now I'm pretty happy with the 3 fins.

Hatchy: Mick Pierce - many about?

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:55 pm
by ric_vidal
seethesea75 wrote:I don't know about you but I can not believe that most Aussie factories have no ability to make boards with the same technology as imported ones, guys like Speedneedle, Dan McDonald and Diverse show there is a quid to be made in making them..... You just have to have the ability to make them.
A quid maybe, but a good one I doubt. With all due respect to ’em all. I wouldn’t contemplate even spraying a board for JD’s charges.

They can be made here, just not as cheaply and that is the point and cause of the demise of BASE. In their case they were literally wholesaling for less than it cost to make them. Too many people who probably looked pretty but produced nothing, just $s off the bottom line like any company. Bigger you get the higher the operating costs they would have got economies of scale, but then you get a receptionist, HR, QC, bean counters, distribution, production managers, etc, etc, all costing...

You can’t automate the manufacture of surfboards to THAT extent. If a local guy wants $25/hour or whatever then what do you think they get paid in China or Thailand?

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 12:57 pm
by ric_vidal
swvic wrote:Yeah, Rick. Mainly release off the top.
Sorry swvic, I was being sarcastic.

Snapped board ain’t going to work for anyone.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:01 pm
by swvic

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:02 pm
by Grooter
swvic wrote:Hatchy: Mick Pierce - many about?
That I couldn't tell you mate, I've heard of the guy not sure if he still makes boards though

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:04 pm
by ric_vidal
Hatchman wrote: But of course McTavish boards, Bear, Webber etc... all the name brands, are here in big numbers.
Funny isn’t it...

McTavish - some PU produced in Byron others Thailand - PU, SLX, Tuflite. Brand owned by?

Bear - mythical brand, wonder who owns it now? Byron under licence.

Webber - some produced locally, others Thailand - SLX, Tuflite, PU not sure

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:14 pm
by Grooter
ric_vidal wrote:
Hatchman wrote: But of course McTavish boards, Bear, Webber etc... all the name brands, are here in big numbers.
Funny isn’t it...

McTavish - some PU produced in Byron others Thailand - PU, SLX, Tuflite. Brand owned by?

Bear - mythical brand, wonder who owns it now? Byron under licence.

Webber - some produced locally, others Thailand - SLX, Tuflite, PU not sure
Yeah the kiddies want the pro stuff, the old guys want the boards made by the old guys and all the learners want the NSP's. Most surf stores on the Peninsula stock heaps of them because that is what sells.

Most may remember I had an NSP, got it when I got back into surfing, after 18 months I knew where its limits where and I got sick of it so I went to a shaper and now will always continue to do so.

I'm happy to pay extra for a board made in Australia by an Australian shaper, so long as it is a quality job and I know it will last at least 5 years.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:44 pm
by swvic
There were a few Morn Pen crew who went to G land with Mick Pierce years back. Heaps of boards broken, but none of Mick's. Not heavy boards either. 5 yrs easy, Hatchy. Was/is making boards from his house? Dundas St Rye between shops and Rye car park. Could do alot worse. One of the best tube riders you'll see too. 6ft Pumping Station and Mick Pierce - hard to beat. If anyone's ever seen the real old movie, Tubular Swells, they'd know what I was talking about.

Re: Base gone under

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:44 pm
by seethesea75
ric_vidal wrote:
seethesea75 wrote:I don't know about you but I can not believe that most Aussie factories have no ability to make boards with the same technology as imported ones, guys like Speedneedle, Dan McDonald and Diverse show there is a quid to be made in making them..... You just have to have the ability to make them.
A quid maybe, but a good one I doubt. With all due respect to ’em all. I wouldn’t contemplate even spraying a board for JD’s charges.

They can be made here, just not as cheaply and that is the point and cause of the demise of BASE. In their case they were literally wholesaling for less than it cost to make them. Too many people who probably looked pretty but produced nothing, just $s off the bottom line like any company. Bigger you get the higher the operating costs they would have got economies of scale, but then you get a receptionist, HR, QC, bean counters, distribution, production managers, etc, etc, all costing...

You can’t automate the manufacture of surfboards to THAT extent. If a local guy wants $25/hour or whatever then what do you think they get paid in China or Thailand?
Correct with the staffing thing at BASE too many unproductive hands in the pot.

Funnily enough most of them had the same last name. There is a whole lot more to this story than the simple cut and dry business went broke as it didn't make enough money. Not my place to divulge however I'm sure that over time the full story will emerge.

Edit: If you have not read this and I don't know if it has been linked to already this article is a great place to look for hints on what happened to the money. ... first-time