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Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:28 pm
by Beanpole
steve shearer wrote:
Thu Oct 18, 2018 6:46 pm
I guess that is what I am trying to tease out: now much of this is a gender issue and how much is general lineup behaviour as more people compete for a scarce resource and the usual rules of line up hierarchy fall apart.
It's always amusing to get the non surfing idea of interactions in the water. Its hardly civilised at the best of times.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:32 pm
by godsavetheking
If the incidents in Nick's article occurred as reported (and we have no reason to suspect they didn't) then they were pretty clearly triggered by the men involved being unable to cope with women in the lineup ("fucken chick", "why are you chicks even in the surf" etc etc). It's impossible to speculate how often it happens - from the article it seems like some women never experience it but for others its kinda like a background hum, never really going away - but suggesting that the women are mistaken in some way and, by extension, over-reacting feels a bit men's rights activist

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:41 pm
by Beanpole
I'm not suggesting that. I will let Steve speak for himself. My basic take is its a Fcuking jungle out there. Civility is a thin veneer barely covering primitive behaviour. Ice adds to the mix but some people are dangerous fcukwits anyway.

Anyone carrying on about "chicks in the line up" is being a dickhead. I primarily blame local yokels who think they own the territory. Bondi is civilised.....and full of kooks.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:24 pm
by steve shearer
I ain't suggesting for a second the stories aren't true, just trying to get a handle on whether this is something widespread and endemic or isolated and sporadic.

My basic take is not that its a jungle out there but the complete opposite.

Considering the big increases in crowds it's amazing everything functions as peacefully as it does.

Violence, and even overt aggression is very much the exception now, not the norm.

When was the last time someone here saw a full fist fight in the surf?
In the carpark?

Few of my wives pals, group of women due back from a surf trip to Sri Lanka soon, it'll one interesting to see what their experiences were re: male aggression.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:30 pm
by steve shearer
Beany sounds far more like urban ice addicts are more of a problem than the local yocal plumber......I've never seen a single one who didn't respond favourably to good manners and a respectful attitude.

It does shock me every year when the cube monkeys invade en masse and bring their Sydney attitudes into the water.......basic manners and etiquette seems to go out the window so they can get the waves they deserve when they are on holiday.
Even then, aggro is highly unusual.

I think we need to distinguish between aggro and the pure chaos of somewhere like the Pass or Superbank where the crowd is just so ridiculous
that boards are flying everywhere and dangerous incidents are ever present, not by malice but by pure weight of numbers.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 12:00 am
by godsavetheking
Well, judging by "Annie*, also in her mid-30s, has experienced plenty of verbal abuse" and "Briella*, 24, is a highly skilled Sydney surfer who says she had “dealt with just heaps of sexist crap throughout the years" and "Byron-raised surfer and University of Queensland lecturer Rebecca Olive says she has experienced many incidents of male aggression in the surf", it appears to be something that's embedded in the Australian woman's surf experience. Yes, there is a faint possibility that Nick's survey can be dismissed for catastrophic selection bias and that he's attempting to generalise from the only three women in Australia who have been subject to this type of thing, although it seems unlikely. What I do know is that it's nigh on impossible for blokes like you and me to hypothesise about this because we just don't have the experience. There was something on Twitter the other day where a woman asked the question to other women about what they would do if there was a mandatory 9pm curfew on men and the answers were things like, go for a run on my own; walk home when it's dark, that sort of mundane thing that you and I do without a second thought but which many women don't do because of the perceived threat.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:27 am
by steve shearer
I'm not hypothesising from my experience though .....I'm asking women, as well as other men here.
Abuse is not that hard to spot , its pretty obvious when you see it.

what do you think the experience is for welsh women Godsave?

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 1:50 am
by godsavetheking
I think the last time I saw any abuse in the water was when the local fat bully (rightly) gave me a bollocking for ditching my board in front of him instead of duckdiving. That was 1986

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:01 am
by offshore1
steve shearer wrote:
Thu Oct 18, 2018 6:21 pm
fcuk Loof, can't you show some class for once in your life?
Loofy's English Steve, they masturbate in automobile exhaust pipes.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:03 am
by offshore1
Which are actually warm and inviting.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 6:04 am
by offshore1
So I've heard.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 7:19 am
by offshore1
I don't want to subjectively objectify them though.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 7:33 am
by Thud
General rule if you're a blown in. You don't get the best peak on the beach and don't even think about surfing the point if it's working. Easy.

Locals aren't hard to spot in regional areas. Just stay the fck away from them. City, locals wouldn't surf if they were angry people.

Superbank, Pass etc.. no rules.

The chick issue is a non issue. In Sydney most ladies and girls are well respected and mainly learners or average at best, it's great seeing one that rips. The regional surf towns protect their girls.

It's a general fkwit issue, not a surfing issue IMO. They are the same blokes that have criminal records for assault and or domestic violence.

People who get too upset about drop ins etc...need to get a life.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:39 am
by offshore1
Right thud, basically a non issue.
Cranky's subjectively objective observation of girl surfers' glaringly presented hindquarters however, deserves a scrupulous investigation. And I for one intend to get to the bottom of it .

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:44 am
by offshore1
Long live cranky.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:02 am
by ajohnsen
Whether or not it's endemic or isolated is, to some degree, irrelevant, the point of difference between men's and women's experience is, as Nick replied to one commentator, "because of the wider background of domestic violence in the culture, and partly because women are often at a physical disadvantage to men in or out of the water."

The piece should be read in the broader context of violence towards women in our society, not just as surf-specific.

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 10:16 am
by Thud
Totally agree

Re: Just general surfing stuff

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:20 am
by Kunji ... ayqaft2yro

Yuck here is that new fake wave in the qld dam.