Thanks coastalwatch, but...

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Thanks coastalwatch, but...

Post by streetdaddy » Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:08 pm

Coastalwatch provided a stream of today's trials action at Snapper, it's been great to be able to watch the action in a little window on my desktop! However as soon as the top 44 started their hour long practice session the damn camera stopped following the action! Please finish your lunch and get back to zooming in on the bomb sets... I'm getting bored!

Anyone been watching it?

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Post by nubby » Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:48 pm

f@#k, the top 44 and thier practice sessions! if get paid tons to travel the world surfing epic wave like an alien on acid whilst 17 year old g-string wearin nymph's hunt you down isnt enough.....they also get to "practice' on the superbank! f@#k me, on one tenth of a single wave there you can go thru your whole repotoir twice and still fit in a few 10 second kegs, and they get to practice on it!!!!!!.... i dont reckon any other pro sports crew have it better than this lot........


Post by stuey » Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:51 pm

wahahah! nubz, do I detect a note of jealousy???

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Post by nubby » Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:58 pm

nah, just envy dude, greener than them peas at harry's slop de plop.

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Post by streetdaddy » Mon Mar 01, 2004 4:01 pm

sheesh, who wouldn't be jealous! they put on a good show though, there's been more than a few times I've seen a pro out where I was surfing and then gone in for a while just to watch them do their thing...

pretty funny though, the commentator on the stream made numerous references to the session being 'policed' and warning that non-pro's will get a 'ticket' if they try to surf the main section. How would that work? 'Got any ID on you son? No? Bullshit, what's that lump in your pocket? Oh, a wax-comb? Ok then, well just give me your name, I'll take your word for it? Ok, so Bunker, how do you spell Spreckels?'

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Post by _cant_touch_this » Mon Mar 01, 2004 4:09 pm

hahaha how can tehy say they 'police' it? biggest loada BS iv eva heard.
i normally watch the events live on the events website. last season i watched a few heats...including mick fanning get beaten by kelly in the semi at mundaka :evil:
the quality isnt that good though

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Post by streetdaddy » Mon Mar 01, 2004 4:16 pm

i think they've got water police buzzing around on PWC's... coming soon, the paddy-wagon addon, one of those rescue boards with cage on it :)

I was listening to Rabbit talk about how the internet is providing them with their biggest audiences ever watching the streams with up to 200,000 concurrent users at some points. That's a massive amount of data to be pushing out and on an ADSL connection the quality can be very watchable, but definitely not TV quality... Hopefully that'll change as the technology improves.

yes, I'm a self-confessed ASP whore, I love watching the comps and have a whole lot of respect for the both the pros and the guys organising the comps. Bring on world-surfing-domination! Yeah it might suck when you've got major overcrowding on the East Coast coz every kid wants to be a surfer, but no matter how popular surfing gets, there'll always be uncrowded perfection down at the bottom of the country :P

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Post by nubby » Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:42 pm

i sure hope they dont start policing normal line ups, ill get 25 to life for aggrevated hassling and premeditated drop ins!!!!

and just when you guys were talkin about the dudes on the jetskis makin sure no one is in the line up, it reminded me of that pipe master a few years back. it was massive and for a few heats crew were sorta shoulda hoppin. so that nut shawn briley somehow gets out to 15ft pipe down at off the wall and gets wave of the day from out behind backdoor all the way through pipe and the comp area and kicks out sticken his finger up at everyone. the mags said the water patrol were spewin at him, but ive seen some home video of the whole thing and the patrol are almost fallin off thier skiis they are laughin so hard, it is classic footage.

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corporate entity

Post by filthbarrel » Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:51 am

I reckon the issue for recreational surfers remains the fact that the beach and the ocean should remain public spaces. Why should a break be closed for the exclusive commandeering of corporate interests? Why should the QLD police be involved with the excluding of surfers from an area - the police are used on the pwc. I don't care when these contests are held out in the middle of the ocean, but I object to any GC point being taken over for a couple of weeks in prime season by a corporate entity.

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Post by nubby » Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:30 am

hey filthbarrel, the hawaiians have been copin it for 30 years. pipe, sunset, the bay, haliewa and so on all have big, closed off comps. places like pipe have 4 or 5 in one season! so as you can see, a few comps on the superbank arent as bad it can get......and plus, cant you just hang down at greenmount and still surf out there?


Post by stuey » Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:36 am

Unfortunately, The scumbag corporate bumwipes reckon these comps contribute to the local economy. You think about it. How many unemployed bastardos are blowing their doh, just cos there is a comp on? Not many I'd venture. It is total crap that they think the best spot when the best waves come is THEIRS! Are they gods? Are we not men?
(Name the book, and author if ya can. Or even the song!)

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Post by streetdaddy » Tue Mar 02, 2004 10:19 am

stuey wrote:Unfortunately, The scumbag corporate bumwipes reckon these comps contribute to the local economy. You think about it. How many unemployed bastardos are blowing their doh, just cos there is a comp on? Not many I'd venture. It is total crap that they think the best spot when the best waves come is THEIRS! Are they gods? Are we not men?
(Name the book, and author if ya can. Or even the song!)
is it that Jack Black song that makes me piss my pants?

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