the boy in bali on pot charges

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the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by mustkillmulloway » Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:03 am


i'll kick it off

if u can't do the time don't do the crime


they have over time made that pretty clear..don't go there and do dah ...and 300k for his story

u got be kiddin me :roll:

rather read these forums for free
reginald wrote:Hang on, now all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. How the try again did that happen?


Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by Beerfan » Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:10 am

So he had a problem with pot, they thought they'd take him away from it, and go to BALI!!. What the hell were they thinking? Or maybe the whole family love a bit of a choof, and it was a cheech n chong getaway for the whole family??. I haven't been there, but with all the stuff that's gone on there over the years, how can you not know what's gunna happen if you buy drugs in bali??

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by kreepykrawly » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:15 am

Since westerners (particularly ex-junkies, ex-alcoholics, victims of the junkies/alcoholics, ex-waitresses and coffee drinkers) have infested the place and set up home there .....the place has turned into a sh-thole.

No wonder they wanna jail every Westerner.

Westerners are suckin’ the soul outta that place and turning it into ‘Vegas on a rock’.

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by purple pyramids » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:23 am

no one should ever be arrested for pot.
pretty hard to justify on any grounds when alcohol is legal.

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by purple pyramids » Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:29 am

i would say that the complete corruption of every level of indonesian society has to take some blame for making the place the shit hole it is.
the comparison to vegas seems apt, given it was built by a gangster and corrupt officials.
kreepykrawly wrote:Since westerners (particularly ex-junkies, ex-alcoholics, victims of the junkies/alcoholics, ex-waitresses and coffee drinkers) have infested the place and set up home there .....the place has turned into a sh-thole.

No wonder they wanna jail every Westerner.

Westerners are suckin’ the soul outta that place and turning it into ‘Vegas on a rock’.

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by crabmeat thompson » Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:22 pm

purple pyramids wrote:no one should ever be arrested for pot.
pretty hard to justify on any grounds when alcohol is legal.
I tell yer... If alcohol were to become illegal, I'd rejoice.

Bogan stupidity and booze are responsible for more negatives in this world than all the weed smokers put together.
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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by Beanpole » Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:17 pm

Bali is okay. Kuta is just their version of kings cross. Half the sleaze comes from Java anyway.
Anyone dumb enough to buy some dope on the street and then walk around flashing it and bragging about it
is just plain stooooopid. Being a 14 year old is pretty stupid too.
It was becoming sketchy in 1982. From one point of view indo would be a good place to stop someone buying pot since you get thrown in jail for it but not if they are so dumb that they do it anyway.

Really they are just making that story up so they can claim addiction as a mediating factor. Say what you like about Indo Law but its clearly spelt out and they don't always get it wrong. Schapell anyone?
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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by Animal_Chin » Sun Nov 13, 2011 4:03 pm

Beanpole wrote: Schapell anyone?
Ewww! No thanks.

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by Biggun » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:49 pm

this should be a case study in how NOT to deal with the law in Indo

If the young lad and his family had copped it fair on the chin, sat tight for a month or two, publicly demonstrated the requisite deference to indonesian sovereignty/
law, and then quietly bribed the right people...he would have been home for Chrissie...THEN when he was safely back home he could have called the media and written a book and recouped the bribe money many times over

but to immediately play the 'i am a white fella and therefore claim immunity to Indonesia laws regarding illegal drugs' card was a the perfect way to stir the ants nest - previously he had the sympathy of a nation, now even the PM has dropped him like a bad smell...

BTW he only claiming to be an addict as this gives him grounds for being released and rehabilitated in Oz - at least he got this bit right

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by ajohnsen » Mon Nov 14, 2011 10:23 am

At this stage, we don't know for certain how the whole payment-for-story thing played out. What concerns me is that so many Australians, accepting the alleged $300k deal as truth set in stone, are taking the attitude of, "well, now it serves them right if the kid does goes to jail!"

Jeez, we can be a bunch of sanctimonious pricks.

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by Beanpole » Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:23 pm

It never ceases to amaze me how often the government thinks it can tell Indonesia what to do.
If anyone hadn't noticed the legal system runs along pretty old testament lines.
Particularly if we pull some stunt that says, "I say, be good chaps and forget about the laws you use
on the millions of people who live in your country. We both know we aussies are above that."

Thats a one way ticket to a longer sentence in most of Asia. Especially as to a lot of Asia most Australians are criminals
due to our convict past and the direct observation of sleazy operators in those parts for the last thirty years. Its not like
no one actually does run drugs through the place. Asians tend to think Australians have low moral standards and are at best gross, drunken buffoons.
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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by Spoon » Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:02 pm

I wonder if any other bogans out there will think they may make $300 thousand if they get their kid busted for a small amout of pot and sell the story. It is only a small sacrifice for the kid.
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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by petulance » Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:18 pm

Beanpole wrote:It never ceases to amaze me how often the government thinks it can tell Indonesia what to do.
If anyone hadn't noticed the legal system runs along pretty old testament lines.
Particularly if we pull some stunt that says, "I say, be good chaps and forget about the laws you use
on the millions of people who live in your country. We both know we aussies are above that."
I saw a sticker in a warung at Padang Padang beach with a crossed out kangaroo and the slogan "Don't call me mate". I suppose the locals have a screwed up symbiotic relationship with Aussie tourists ... they might not like them but they are dependent on them for their living.

And I also had to explain to two birds from Noosa that Bali was part of Indonesia and not a separate country.

I wonder how they answered this question on their outgoing Australian passenger cards ...

"Country where you will spend most time abroad"

Kuta? Bali ???
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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by mustkillmulloway » Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:04 pm

ajohnsen wrote:At this stage, we don't know for certain how the whole payment-for-story thing played out. What concerns me is that so many Australians, accepting the alleged $300k deal as truth set in stone, are taking the attitude of, "well, now it serves them right if the kid does goes to jail!"

Jeez, we can be a bunch of sanctimonious pricks.

no not at all...if the story/book/movie deal is real it just makes it worse

i don't believe a 14 old kid should be locked up for anything but the very worst crime

but when u travel to should respect the laws in a anothers land
or indeed u are a sanctimonious prick and shouldn't complain about facing a firing squad or 20 years in jail :!:

it's there country ....not ours :|
the fact they hate us....well ...look what surfers and our culture has done to there once paradise :(
reginald wrote:Hang on, now all of a sudden I'm the bad guy. How the try again did that happen?

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by ajohnsen » Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:25 pm

Indeed, Fong, but people make mistakes, especially kids. And this has been exacerbated by rumours which have been spread by highly irresponsible adults who should know better. But, of course, that's the idealist in me.

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by Slowman » Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:22 pm

ajohnsen wrote:Indeed, Fong, but people make mistakes, especially kids. And this has been exacerbated by rumours which have been spread by highly irresponsible adults who should know better. But, of course, that's the idealist in me.
Were those highly irresponsible adults his parents? Shouldn't they have been supervising him? I'm not going to naively suggest that you can control every 14 y/o kid but if you can't why would you take him to Indonesia? Like taking a pit bull to a kindergarten and then saying you couldn't control the dog when it attacks a child - it's just negligence. I can't for the life of me understand who would allow their 14y/o to go off by themselves in Bali, had they been there many times before? Was it complacency or were the parents just plain stupid and this kid had the wool pulled over their eyes?

Hmm indeed, compare the approach of the Corbie circus and outcome with the Michelle Lesley case, keep it quiet so there is very little scrutiny so that deals can be done. $300k or not, lots of attention doesn't work because then it put's the Indonesian justice system on trial and they have no choice but to prosecute and decide the case correctly according to their laws, which are harsher. I guess if they understood this they also never would have let this happen in the first place.

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by kreepykrawly » Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:22 am

Australia has hamburgered Indonesia. (think swingers 'pig on the spit' style)

On the topside we have given them billions of dollars in tsunami relief and on the bottom side we have invested money in helping East Timor gain their independence(effectively going against Indonesia) and in the middle we are suckin’ the soul outta the place.

Sushi rolls, Macdonalds, hot stone massages, moccachino’s, Caesar salad pizza’s and dog whisperers ect ect are all contributing to the demise of a once innocent and beautiful island.

I think its absolutely f-cked jailing a kid for having some happy herb on his possession but the Indonesians, like me, have split a mental atom and are acting completely irrational.

The Balinese are going mad.....and i don't blame em.

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Re: the boy in bali on pot charges

Post by ajohnsen » Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:30 am

Slowman wrote:
ajohnsen wrote:Indeed, Fong, but people make mistakes, especially kids. And this has been exacerbated by rumours which have been spread by highly irresponsible adults who should know better. But, of course, that's the idealist in me.
Were those highly irresponsible adults his parents?
Whichever media organisation was so morally bankrupt (take your pick) to make the initial approach. Then try the media organisations that broke the story. Then his parents. And any other idiot who thought it a good idea to give the story a public airing. And, just for good measure, any fcuktard who thinks, in some swaggering macho way, that if the kid can't do the time, he shouldn't do the crime.

Those irresponsible adults.

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