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If you went, what did you think?

Poll ended at Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:51 am

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Post by oldman » Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:02 pm

kreepykrawly wrote:38 plus these type of movies scare the hell out of them and threaten there security.Best avoided and criticised to the full extent of their imaginations.

just a thought :roll:
There is some sense in what you say KK, but I would have put your last group about 20 more years, around 58 plus.

I'm 45, former cult (gang) member who used to subscribe to theories of peace rather than violence. I've found myself contemplating the irony of glamourising a downtrodden upbringing.

Monty Python did it best. "And you think you had it tough, my family lived in a shoe box. We used to have to wake up at 2.00 in the morning and lick the road clean, with tongue, before our daddy's would slice us in two with a bread knife and dance on our graves singing hallelujah, and then we would have to work in the mines 23 hours a day and pay for the privilege.

And you tell kids today that, and they won't believe you."

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Post by snakes » Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:51 pm

Looks like Koby wants Dr Phils' job too :shock:

Is there anything he can't do :lol: ... 16582.html

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Post by kreepykrawly » Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:57 pm

2 other fine examples that come to mind of popular movies that will never transcend the age barrier.
Johnny Knoxville's movie Jackass and the series of snowboard movies called Whisky.
I went to see Jackass at collaroy cinema and i was surrounded by 15 year old kids cracking up at grown men shoving cars up their arses.I wonder how Cliff would have critiqued that movie.
And as for "Whisky"..half of the movie promoted violence and self harm by professional snowboarders. They made a sh-t load of money and both movies where criticised for their unhealthy influence on kids.

P.S do you wear a tweed jacket and smoke a pipe, Lord Cliff ?.

Oldman i wanted to stretch the age out but that was specially designed to upset a few people
Ric The answer is fight because kids on ice will not listen to reason...and they are growing in numbers :twisted:
and Nick ..come to the dark side.It's nice and cosy here.

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Post by munch » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:28 pm

kreepykrawly wrote:2 other fine examples that come to mind of popular movies that will never transcend the age barrier.
Johnny Knoxville's movie Jackass and the series of snowboard movies called Whisky.
Whisky is a great movie BUT :arrow:
kreepykrawly wrote:And as for "Whisky"..half of the movie promoted violence and self harm by professional snowboarders.
your wrong about this, there were no fights with anyone :!: violence in Whisky only came in the form of self harm, like:

- smashing bottles over their own heads
- boozy doing back flips of, what cinema awnings and floors in shopping centres and breaking his legs
- ...

And what this has to-do with what the bra boys are trying to espouse :arrow: mob mentality, intimidation and violence as a way of life, I've got no idea, if you do, please let me know :?: :roll:

p.s there was "some" intimidation of the sheep at the beginning of the movie and when they were riding a motor bike through a shop but not as mobs
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Post by ric_vidal » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:42 pm

kreepykrawly wrote: Ric The answer is fight because kids on ice will not listen to reason...and they are growing in numbers :twisted:
I don’t get out much, product of being old(er) I guess. :D

Fighting kids, god forbid..., sounds like drowning kittens. ‘Kids’ may need some age parameters, guess ICE doesn’t. :x

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Post by ric_vidal » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:43 pm

munch wrote: p.s there was "some" intimidation of the sheep at the beginning of the movie and when they were riding a motor bike through a shop but not as mobs
Not one of the relos Lambchops? :lol:


Post by fong » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:46 pm

i want a bra boy.....wat size thu :?

i must..i must improve my bust :idea: ... 16582.html

kobes :?: :roll: is there anything HE CAN'T DOOOOOOO :idea: ( OR ANY MEDIA OUTLET HE WON'T SUX UP TOO SELL HIS MOVIE :shock: :?: )

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Post by kreepykrawly » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:47 pm

whiskey1 and 2 had intimidation by a group(gang?) of snowboarders. Remember when the ranger asked them to move on because they where skating on public property. They challenged him to a fight.
If you think those group of snowboarders are a bunch of passivists you are kidding yourself.

sheep :lol:

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Post by Nick Carroll » Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:25 pm

What a terrible thought, being challenged to a fight by a snowboarder.

Surely you could just push him off a hill.

And nay kk, there'll be no returning to the dark side ... For one thing, boy, it'd make a s**thouse documentary. (Imagine! "In a World Gone Mad...One Man Stands Up to Pulverize Scores of North Shore Beemer-driving Longboarders! Subsequently arrested, charged and relegated to the page five police file column of the Manly Daily.")

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Post by greygrom » Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:28 pm

I dunno KK but hitting the ground running at the same age as Nick and not a lot bigger, the last physical fight I had was at Nexpa in Mexico in 2002 with a crazy New Yorker. It is amazing how hard you can hit someone with a chair when you are lying in a hammock minding your own business and they start attacking your little hut in paradise with a lump of driftwood. The element of radical surprise is something us old farts know well. Those Mexican chairs are like stunt man chairs though. They bust in so many pieces that we both ended up laughing and sharing some attitude adjusting conversation… of course the fast arriving prescence of 5 strapping nulla boys in the hut next door might have calmed him down a bit.

In 2006 I had a few words with Jamie O'Brien at Macaronis but that was just a bit of niggle with a bloke exerting his "culture" on the non pro surfers in a lineup that was being owned by a friendly chattering nobody from Teneriffe. Dam don’t those Spaniards cause havoc. The young Aussies hate the chatter, don’t understand the lingo and cannot compete with the energy. Nice guys where a smile and a hoot or two gets you set waves while the rest of the pack just grumbles and gets frustrated.

Other than that it is all peace and love and the odd little mutter from our resident dugong up my way. Of course on the weekends we get the “Sydney crowd” with all their hang-ups.

The Ab boys don’t have a monopoly on interesting childhoods. From Wheeler Heights to North Ryde and further west the surfing 70s had many tribal gatherings and the early 80s was hard drug central in many areas. No one forgets the lessons they learn in their shoebox, we just get older and wiser and a lot sneakier ….. if ya grow up that is.

Now I am raising boy children to stand up for themselves when the need arrises but not to follow any pack dog mentality.

Good luck to the Ab boys but don’t be afraid to reject their “culture” KK

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Post by jfdi » Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:40 pm

I suppose KK summed it up. The movie is aimed at the 12-18 yr old boy market and the more educated and older one gets the less they would like the movie. Doh !

This fact makes Clif right as most surfers are older than 18.

Well done Clif, getting your article published in the SMH.

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Post by munch » Wed Mar 14, 2007 8:49 am

kreepykrawly wrote:Munch
whiskey1 and 2 had intimidation by a group(gang?) of snowboarders. Remember when the ranger asked them to move on because they where skating on public property. They challenged him to a fight.
If you think those group of snowboarders are a bunch of passivists you are kidding yourself.

I'll have to watch it again, oh what a chore :roll: :D must of been in 2 which I haven't seen me thinks :idea: cause I detest group violence and intimidation and always have and I'd surely of remembered it :!: but against a ranger being an arse, who probably has a gun maybe I'd accept that :?

:idea: I'll have to get me bro to transfer it from vid to dvd

And snowboarders passivist's, no their not, but you'll rarely if ever see gangs of snowboarders out to protect their patch blah blah blah so I see no similarities between them and the bra boys.

Pertinent Questions :?:
How much of the violence in the bra boys is against others, like as a %
How much of the violence in whisky is against others, like as a %

1st one I don't know but will hazard a guess at 95%, 2nd, my memory may of missed some so I'll give it 5% so completely at opposite ends of the scale and that's my point :!:

p.s did youse dream about sheep last night :?: :lol:
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Post by ric_vidal » Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:11 am

munch wrote:p.s did youse dream about sheep last night :?: :lol:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? aka... Blade Runner. Amazing what a couple of words can drag up. :roll:

Anywho, was thinkin’ last night about the BBs and the recent incident with Sam Page. Sure enough, today Sam is on the front page of today’s Daily and seemingly making a rapid recovery which is terrific.

The reality is though, Sam, or anyone else at the receiving end of just one punch, could well end up dead one day. If you hit someone, you run the risk of killing them. Kind of takes the shine off a BB fracas.

Think life was meant to be little bit more precious than that.

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Post by grazza » Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:33 pm

Too bloody right Ric. I've spent the last couple of weeks holding my son's hand in intensive care, praying to a god I don't even believe in for some sort of miracle just because some warped prick felt that smacking someone in the head was an acceptable part of living.

The exultation of the Bra Boys is a part of the erosion of a sense of actions having consequences. So many people seem to feel they live in a cartoon world where violence is a fun way of passing time. You might have thought that the killing and the various trials might have injected a shock to the Bra Boys system that jolted them into a more advanced perspective on reality, but no. They seem to have seen as even more reinforcement for a flashy but bankrupt worldview.

I can see why the Bra Boys ethos might be attractive. After all, they grab their world greedily with both hands. Where most of us lead lives of quiet desperation, they are in control of their world. And in some ways I admire the way that they have built something from nothing. But the inevitable endpoint of this is people in intensive care, fighting for their lives. That's reality.

You want an inspiring surfing story? How about Andy King? There's someone I really look up to.

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Post by BA » Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:40 pm

grazza wrote:Too bloody right Ric. I've spent the last couple of weeks holding my son's hand in intensive care, praying to a god I don't even believe in for some sort of miracle just because some warped prick felt that smacking someone in the head was an acceptable part of living.

The exultation of the Bra Boys is a part of the erosion of a sense of actions having consequences. So many people seem to feel they live in a cartoon world where violence is a fun way of passing time. You might have thought that the killing and the various trials might have injected a shock to the Bra Boys system that jolted them into a more advanced perspective on reality, but no. They seem to have seen as even more reinforcement for a flashy but bankrupt worldview.

I can see why the Bra Boys ethos might be attractive. After all, they grab their world greedily with both hands. Where most of us lead lives of quiet desperation, they are in control of their world. And in some ways I admire the way that they have built something from nothing. But the inevitable endpoint of this is people in intensive care, fighting for their lives. That's reality.

You want an inspiring surfing story? How about Andy King? There's someone I really look up to.

Well said Grazza.

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Post by Nick Carroll » Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:52 pm

grazza wrote:You might have thought that the killing and the various trials might have injected a shock to the Bra Boys system that jolted them into a more advanced perspective on reality, but no. They seem to have seen as even more reinforcement for a flashy but bankrupt worldview.
That was the big danger with them getting off the charges eh.

Grazza I'm sure everyone here would join in expressing joy and relief at your son's progress and best wishes from here on in mate.

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Post by Kunji » Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:00 pm

grazza wrote:Too bloody right Ric. I've spent the last couple of weeks holding my son's hand in intensive care, praying to a god I don't even believe in for some sort of miracle just because some warped prick felt that smacking someone in the head was an acceptable part of living.
All the best for your son grazza. 8)

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Post by Da Duke » Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:14 pm

^^ ditto. look forward to seeing him tearing the bag out at North Steyne as soon as he's ready and then onto the big leagues where he belongs.

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