Olympus Tough 720SW (good, bad etcetc)

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Olympus Tough 720SW (good, bad etcetc)

Post by Kauffy » Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:24 pm

anyone have it, know anyone who has one??? is it a good camera for surf shots in water and out??
is there any better cameras i should know about that are around the same price?
is a waterproof casing a beter alternitive?
please help thinking of buying a camera want to start taking some shots but dont know where to start?

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Post by Zaffa » Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:49 pm

Hey Kauff,

Just bought my bird the 725sw which is one model up (I think it is rated to go slightly deeper underwater).

It took a bit of getting used to and initially we were getting some blurred and over exposed shots. after we got to grips with it though we started getting some good quality shots.

We took it up to byron and she got some really good shots of us swimming, a couple of shots of me trying to surf and some wicked underwater portraits.

BUT.... at the end of the day it is a point and shoot camera with only a 3X zoom and unless you can really close to your subject getting good surf shots will be really hard. It is a great piece of kit though, touhg as nails and it allows you to take photos where other camera's can't go.

If you want to shoot from land have a look at the panasonic dmcfz50 - a really good compromise between and SLR and compact - it has a 12X zoom with manual focus and zoom ring

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Post by Butts » Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:31 pm

Did a test for Don with the 725sw a while back, whilst I was waiting on my replacement camera after I drowned the first one :evil:

Here are my thoughts, remember I already get in the water with a camera
and housing.

1. Shutter lag......................too bloody slow
2. How you hold the camera and where the lens is, be prepared for some
fingers appearing in some of your images and fingerprints on the lens.
3. tendancy to overexpose (and I don't mean just) shots taken in low light.
4. Too small and cumbersome to really setup for Surf action shots......more
because of what I'm used to.
5. Frame rate, what frame rate unless you shoot at 800k :shock:

1. So easy to take out, easily handled 8ft dumps with no issues or worries.
2. Underwater, excellent clarity and amazing auto adjustment.
3. Major functions easy to get to in the water.
4. Slips inside your wetty, so you can actually take it with you whilst you surf.
Try doing that with a camera and housing. :shock: :lol:

If you want a camera without the expense of getting a complete setup, then
I reckon good value. But realise its not very good outside of the water, so
it will be a compromise solution.
Its not a surf camera, its a water camera. Thats the real difference I reckon.

My2centsworthanyway :wink:

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