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Post by brendo » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:05 pm

put in 'lombok surf 'on google, i did it a while back, youll find heaps of stuff. also try wannasurf or globalsurfers, although some of the pics on those sites and info in forums is a bit suss.

check out google earth as well. you should see Gland on it, looks insane from the air, then zoom in and tilt view down to see lineup. its so clear you can see the roofs in bobys camp...

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Post by brendo » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:06 pm

and for the smart arses, i know Gland is on java, im just using it as an example....

2nd Reef
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Post by 2nd Reef » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:12 pm

So you've 'done' Bali, yet your not sure of the peak season for Indo, nor do you know where Lombok is or how to get there??

Salty...maaaate....your not doing your reputation any favours here.

Like any trip start with an atlas. For southern Indo find SW facing coasts; which there aren't a whole lot of on Lombok.

Besides DP dont expect world class.

And when you travel try not to 'do' the places you go to. If anything, let them 'do' you.

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Salty Lombok

Post by JFish » Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:19 pm

Salty, I've surfed Lombok a few times but my experiences are now 10 years old. There's many cultural differences to Bali such as religion and geography. 2nd Reef is spot on in terms of wind just get a compass and map.

Denpassar to Mataram by plane was easier for me than the boat trip. Main reference points for surf being Kuta Lombok for accomodation/base, Ekas by boat, Garupuk by bemo then boat, more waves to the east for the adventurer. I got Tanjuan bay on one time which was awsome.

Do some research, keep a low profile and you'll have a good trip. :)

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Post by ether » Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:01 pm

Yeh, been to Lombok a few times. Not sure that I'd recommend it. It picks up the same swells as Bali, and it is less crowded, but it's not the most pleasant place to be. The Balos may not be rich, but Lombok is a place of extreme poverty which means it can be challenging at times. Violence & violent crime was not uncommon when i was last there, though it was 5 years ago so maybe different now.

To answer your questions -

Ferries leave from Padangbai in Bali and land in Lembar harbour, Lombok. Or you can do a fast boat called the Mabua Express which goes from Benoa Harbour (can't remember where it landed but not far away). The Ferry is approx a couple of hours and the fast boat around 45 mins.

Like with everything else in that part of the world, go to Perama & they'll organise it for you in their own special way, inc transfers to the south, see below.

From there your best bet is probably to head down to Kuta (yep, just like Bali) and use it as a base. The surf spots immediately around Kuta will be onshore in the dry season when you'll be there so head west & you'll get to spots like Mawi, Belongas, Ekas, etc. Guide recommended both to find spots & negotiate 'tolls' along the way.

Don't miss dropping in on the Novotel Kuta (if it's still open) while you're there. It's waaay out of place in south Lombok but fun for a burger and fries after you've been eating nothing but the salmonella-enriched stuff from the local warungs around there.

Or you could just camp at Desert point the whole time & hope it fires. I never got there so can't comment.

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Post by Beanpole » Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:30 pm

Went there for my honeymoon many years ago. The west coast was invaded by the Balos about 300 years ago so it remains the most Balinese part.

The ferry was an experience. Down south we found the vibe a lot more unfriendly than up at Sengigi were you land. Walking down the beach the locals were all ripping shellfish off the reefs and didn't appear to be too impressed by a couple of layabout beach types.

Went to anna bay I think it was and had a rifle pointed at us by a local soldier for climbing over one of the headlands at the entrance to the bay :shock:
Nice view down the coast from there though :lol: They probably didn't like us skinny dipping out there either :lol:

There were quite a few arabs hanging around who ran local schools and one started up a conversation with me on the beach about how we had the white australia policy and wouldn't let any indos in. This was infront of the guys class and he didn't like it when I disagreed with him.
I didn't think that much about it till all the other shit went down a few years ago in bali. Also they were red hot about anyone getting drunk on New Years Eve.
If I ever went back there I'd go by boat. Its a bit of a haul between spots on land.

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Post by Damien » Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:32 am

Hhhhmmmm, I smell a bit of bullshit here. Malaria in bali – extremely unlikely especially in kuta and on the bukit, dengi fever – very unlikely, typhoid – there is a small chance of believing that one but you are shitting me that you never got a typhoid injection. To get all three of these in bali, you would have a similar chance of winning powerball. Although, I do believe the conjunctivitis bit – it is rampant in bali.

Secondly, some of the sh*t about extreme poverty, violence, arabs (where the f*ck did this one come from). Just cause you see someone with a beard and Arabic looking head gear doesn’t mean they are automatically ahab the f*cking arab.

Salty, the bottom line is Lombok does not have as many class waves as bali. There are still good waves to be accessed from kuta and a hell of a lot more uncrowded than bali. Stay at Kuta, lombok and hire a bike. If you want to be adventurous, go overland to west sumbawa and then on to Lakey Peak. Do day trips to Deserts when there is swell.

Here is a tip for you though. Catch a flight to Lombok. It is cheap as chips and only takes about half an hour. From there it takes about an hour in a bemo to kuta. Don’t get a cab from in the airport. Walk out on the main road and haggle your own transport for a much cheaper price. The ferry from padang bai will take you all day to get to kuta lombok and padang bai is home to some of the most scurrilous sharks in bali. Don’t take your hands of your baggage for a second. Oh yeah and don’t believe any of the surf guides in kuta lombok. Most of them are kooks or they don’t even surf. They will tell you about 6’ perfection and the reality is when you arrive it will be 1’ onshore sh*t and will they sting you for the privilege.

There is so many places to go in Indo its not funny. Learn a bit of indo. Speak to other travellers. Don’t book anything, just turn up and you never know where you will end up.

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Post by Zaffa » Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:44 am

I had a great time in Lombok, sure the waves aren't as all time as Bali but they are still awesome. I stayed in Kuta. There is not too much surf right there but unlike Bali it is pretty safe to hire a motorbike with board racks - no police hassle. Lombok is also very different to Bali landscape wise - less tropical but I thought the beaches were some of the best.

I didn't get hassled anymore than Bali and the locals were cool.

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Post by stretch » Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:01 am

hehehe...was a couple years back but the number of t-shirts emblazoned with "osama No.1" was a cack. other than that they were friendy fuckers (besides the odd bunch of machete weilding pricks.......dead of night overland missions to the hospy anyone ??). as for surf, lombok may or may not have set ups......... they are just harder to find. lazy seahunts need not apply.

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Post by D_Jammer » Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:48 am

I went there winter last year. Did Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa (west coast and lakeys). Opted for overland there and flew back (both were not hassle free!). Both islands are dryer than Bali, apparently Lombok marks a change in geology from the rest of Asia to a more Australian style of landscape. Also the Muslim culture isn't as aesthetically beautiful as Bali's hindu culture, but it's different and thats all part of the attraction. The waves there aren't quite as accessable as Bali, but they are a heap more uncrowded.

We stayed at Kuta along with the rest of the westerners and surfed breaks around the area like Gruprook bay (spelling?), Mauwan and Mawi Bays. Winter trades blow offshore so I'm not sure what all this talk with onshore shit is. I think it was onshore once(?) while we were there (8 days). But Gruprook is the closest decent wave and the locals dominate it, and have a weird policy of only allowing you 2-3 hours on the wave before they take you back (boat access). They say it's to keep crowds down, but then they take out 4 locals on the boat you're paying for and burn you for most of the session! So go during Ramadam (spelling) so you can surf it all uncrowded.

Mawi Bay is the left bellow, heaps fun wave, but a 20 min moto. As someone said above, crime is a touch more rampant in Lombok and Bali, just have to be extra carefull. The girl staying next door to us got stopped on her moto and robbed, and the day we left a chick walked around the rocks at mawi and got slashed to the bone by a machete (or so we were told), still a but sketchy.

Would be good to surf Ekas bay but the only accomadation is an expensive western run resort, so I guess that means it is uncrowded.

Deserts is a gamble cause its the only wave in the area.
If you go to Sumbawa make sure you have a car. All the waves are 30 minutes appart and local transport is non existant. We got stuck at Yo-Yos. But you can always pay someone to drive you straight to Lakeys for bout $100 (300km, 8 hour drive, split between your fellow travellers). But if you're only after lakeys then I recommend flying from bali and getting a cheap bemo.

Have fun!





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Post by AnthonyN » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:01 am

Stayed in Lombok for a week in the dry season back in 2000. its a pretty cruisy place, people were cool, but most of the waves r not world class. Based myself in Kuta and surfed Grupuk, Mawi and Ekas....all fun waves but not the freight train barrels u hope for in indo, more wally waves with the occasional tube......We ended up heading bak to bali to stay at padang....hav done a few boat trips since then and scored desert point twice....Now that wave shits on G-land and Ulus....if u were goin 2 head to lombok id either do a boat trip or just camp out at deserts and hope u get luky!

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Post by Damien » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:37 am

Fair enough Salty, I stand corrected. I thought you were referring to Bali only.

Lombok is a fun place though and I used to use it to tune up before I go elsewhere without the crowds of bali and a place to chill between other island trips. As others have said you wont get the concentration of quality waves as you will get in bali but there are still some damn good waves. Lastly, Ekas is overrated in my view but still worth a look and there a lot of wet season setups that you will surf by yourself.

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Post by ether » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:57 am

Damien wrote:
Secondly, some of the sh*t about extreme poverty, violence, arabs (where the f*ck did this one come from). Just cause you see someone with a beard and Arabic looking head gear doesn’t mean they are automatically ahab the f*cking arab.
Extreme poverty, crime, and violent crime are a reality on Lombok. It remains one of Indonesia's poorest regions. Dunno how you missed the poverty when you were there, Damian, signs of it are abundant!

That shouldn't prevent anyone going there but it is obviously a good thing to be aware of.

I wouldn't have thought that there's a big concern from muslim fundamentalists, it's known to be a fairly moderate islamic culture. There's occasional flare-ups between the muslims and local christians, like the rioting in Mataram a few years back but I don't think it's ever been directed at tourists.

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Post by Kunji » Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:03 am

Banana hand? :shock:

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Post by Damien » Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:35 pm

I think the poverty issue is a value judgement depending on where else you have been in indo. Compared to bali and the other tourist places, I would agree but if you go off the beaten track a bit you will see the same sort of poverty. In the big cities, some of the shit you see in Jakarta is unbelievable. I am pretty damn sure I saw a leper begging in the street there one time. The duality of the extremely rich and dirt arse poor is an amazing thing to behold for middle class aussies.

As for violence, this has been discussed before in these forums. I have never seen a violent incident except a local surfer maybe wanting to punch a brazo or frenchman in the head for dropping in. There are lots of stories especially about riding a bike to mawi and further afield and muggings etc. I am sure that this has happened on occasion however most of the stories you hear are second, third, fourth hand from crew that are usually pissed up and exciteable back in bali trying to share how hard core their adventures have been.

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Post by ric_vidal » Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:49 am

salty wrote:This is what the centpede sting looked like the next morning.
So that’s what a night of passion with a centipede :roll: looks like... we believe you Saltram :wink:

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Post by offshore1 » Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:55 pm

Anyone heard of this boat? http://www.moggybali.com/surfing.htm
A mate of mine's dad runs it.

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Post by ric_vidal » Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:12 pm

offshore1 wrote:Anyone heard of this boat? http://www.moggybali.com/surfing.htm
A mate of mine's dad runs it.
Ever done a trip with him offness?

I note with some interest the inclusion of 2 ‘butt’ holders in the fishing gear, is that for a roving photographer from Australia per chance? :D

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