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Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:06 am
by diggerdickson
what sanders do you guys use out there, what mods have you made to your sanders, post some pics and explanations off mods for inspiration as im looking to make some changes to the sander I got or maybe get another.


Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:20 am
by tiger
Hey Digg's. When I started out, as far as sander/polishers go, it was Rupes or nothing. All the others clapped out too quickly, including the likes of Makita.

These days there is plenty more out there that do the job well. I've got a Makita with the D handle that I've had 10+yrs, and it's still in perfect condition, all I've had to replace is the brushes.

If you want a quality one with variable speed etc, go for a Makita, De Walt, Milwaulkee or some such. But for occasional use there's loads of cheapies on ebay that'll be fine. Just blow them out thoroughly after use/same with planers, cos it's usually the bearings that fail first on them.

Sanding pads are important too. In 200mm I use a kinda medium/firm, for most work on the flats, and a soft spongy one that I use with the finer grits for finishing. I also have a much harder one that is 150mm that I use with the rough grits for grinding laps, and fin plugs etc. As well as taking thickness out of the nose deck side during shaping.

A random orbital is handy too, especially the ones with the round pad. Mainly when working around fins, so not as much need for them anymore. I haven't used mine for ages.