What's everyone up to?

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What's everyone up to?

Post by pirate_agenda » Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:20 am

Seems like its been a bit dead in here of late.

Whats everyone been up to and has anyone got any new creations to share?

As for me, my last board made was way back in June. Since then I haven't had a chance due to an indo trip, followed by a house move, followed by starting new job, followed by lots of work to do on the new house, then the arrival of my first son.

Have finally just began to build my new shaping bay. Can't wait to get it dusty and have some fun ideas floating around.

So whats everyone else been up to??

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Re: What's everyone up to?

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:18 am

I'm still planning on making a board soon, I'm just waiting for my mate to get off his ass and collect some scrap around building sites to make a shaping stand.

Once I have that I'm sweet to go on my finless beast with experimental channels, and fin plugs for giggles.
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Re: What's everyone up to?

Post by scot » Fri Nov 01, 2013 12:46 pm

congrats on the new arrival pirate. it will change you forever for the better.

I have been having fun during the recent flat spell taking my eldest grom out early as much as possible.
I had bought him a nice new board for his 10th birthday. its been so small he has been taking my old single fin out instead and loving it. good fun to watch him enjoy something i love.
singlefin (Small).jpg

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