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Post by Felix » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:48 pm

Buff_Brad wrote:
TMC wrote:
Buff_Brad wrote:
I'm "sorry" I bothered to read your lame and ludicrous response.

I guess it's a start, at least your apologising for something that you were responsible for.
You don't have to be responsible for something to say "sorry" dimwit. Jesus Christ there's some stupid , uncompassionate fcukwits on this site. Teeny Meeny Coc.k just admit it....... you're afraid of Aboriginals.
'Aboriginal' is an in 'aboriginal artifact'. The noun is 'aborigine'.

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Post by Damage » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:55 pm

For once I am rating the Buffster.

Go get em cowboy!

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Post by Beanpole » Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:56 pm

TMC wrote:

i think we should say sorry to all the irish convicts who were unfairly punished and moved half way around the world, in th 1780s.
We could send all their descendents back to Ireland :D

Seriously it would be for their own good. We may have to seperate some of the half caste irish children from their parents but they probably drank too much and gambled anyway. Soon they would lose their Irishness and blend in with the local community.

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Post by sean-- » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:01 pm

Surfin Turf wrote:Chiming in a bit late but non the less ....
mad wrote:The irony is that one of Howards first actions when he first came to power was to dismantle ATSIC and 'assimilate' Aboriginal affairs.

Rudd's first actions is to say Sorry.

We really need this reconciliation as a nation so that we can move forward into our future.
Interesting :? ..... John Howard first said "sorry" in his address at the Reconciliation Conference in 1997 ..... however it's something that can't really be said enough ....
lateralus wrote:But I'll be fcuckedd if I will apologise for something that was done by other people before I was even born
This is a gesture expressing how the majority feels and what the majority would want previous governments to say if they were around to do so ...
ric_vidal wrote:Long, long way to go if you ask me.
True ... but I believe that generation by generation things are heading in the right direction if you consider where things were in the past, and the discussions, debates, rallies, protesting etc. serve well to keep the issues high on the agenda and are a constant education process for the newer and even the older generations ....
Howard said sorry to the stolen generation at the Reconciliation Conference did he ? I dont remember that. I do remember "deep and sincere regret " but not sorry.
Like I said the only time I ever heard Howard say sorry was after the interest rate rise in an attempt to save his political skin.
The prick got what he deserved anyway and the indignity of being only the second PM to lose his own seat.
He was out walking today. Nice to know he's looking after himself with his tax payer funded bodyguard.

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Post by creased » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:01 pm


Goodbye Cruel Country :cry: :cry:

I'll miss you

This was originally a response to Beanpole's post of wisdom, just missed.
Last edited by creased on Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by The Mighty Sunbird » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:03 pm

2nd Reef wrote:
lateralus wrote:But I'll be fcuckedd if I will apologise for something that was done by other people before I was even born.
I'm always curious about this attitude.

I'm curious to know what the difference is between someone like you who is adamant they won't apologise and say, someone like Kevin Rudd, or the others who support the apology.

It's a fair dinkum question.

Me, I think it's cause people like you have too much pride and think that offering an olive branch will cause some personal indignity. While, people like Rudd are inclusive and think that co-operative negotiation is more important than an imaginary slight on someone's individual rights.

But I may be wrong...

Regardless, we are talking about the Aborigines and the stolen generation as a collective group, not as individuals. And we, white Australia, have to operate as a collective group, not individuals. I didn't do anything and nor did you, we both know that. But like it or not we are part of a collective group that has something to apologise for. Acknowledging that is the compromise we make for living in a society.
Fair point.
I was wondering what does 'sorry' actually mean.
Feeling sorry FOR a race that has been repeatedly screwed over. Hell yeah. Heaps.
So, our leader of state apologises for his predecessor's poor decisions. And I support that.
Feeling personally to blame? Nope. I try to be a good person. I'll take anyone as they are, regardless of race/background/education/politics.
I think apologies are ok. But as long as we are sure what it is we are actually apologising for. I can't apologise for being lucky....
I'm not waiting for the Queen of England to apologise for the my ancestors being starved out of Ireland. And the continuing oppression of Catholics in the North.
Its an amazing world. Bad things will always happen. Sometimes to me too.
Blame is destructive. It keeps us stuck in the past.

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Post by Beanpole » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:04 pm

I think its a great day but its on the verge of becoming laboured as windbags pontificate about tiny definitions of meaning. That ultimately is what brought Howard down I reckon. Little mean and tricky arguments that appealed to mean, small minded people. It ended up wasting everyones time and stopped anything effective happening.

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Post by The Mighty Sunbird » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:07 pm

Buff_Brad wrote:
lateralus wrote:But I'll be fcuckedd if I will apologise for something that was done by other people before I was even born.
It's an expression of regret you imbecile. God some people? ..... low IQ or what! Yeah or an underlying racist weirdo. I'll go with that. Your IQ's probably around the high nineties.
I was also wondering how long it would take for some ignoramus to call me a racist.
Good old 'German porn star mouth'. Reliable as ever.

Is nineties smart? I don't get all that IQ stuff.

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Post by oldman » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:12 pm

Damage wrote:The scare campaign about 'compensation' is right up there with the yarn about 'union bosses' for mine.?
Too true Damage. I have been stunned by the lawyerly types that are putting this opinion about. It is baseless, it is untrue, it is utterly and completely unconnected with the business of acknowledging our past deeds (as a nation) and apologising for it.

There will be compensation. It is inevitable. Compensation will not be through the courts, it will be a political decision. Asking these individuals to go through the courts would be rubbing salt into the wound.

The compensation will not be paid because we said sorry, it will be paid because we did not meet the most basic duty of care. That is the crux of the matter. We seriously fcuked up and now we have to do what we can to repair that. Sorry was the first step.

I shouldn't have to ask this, but when did Australians start believing what freaking lawyers tell us.

The tired, predictable and downright strange excuses that people have come up with to not apologise are just tired, predictable and downright strange. Not one excuse has been aired that has the slightest whiff of merit about it.

Lateralus, re the issue of not apologising for something you didn't do which was done before you were born, I would just say this;

- if you have ever felt pride in your nation;
- if you have ever waved that sorry arse excuse for a flag in national ardour,
- if you have ever wrapped that selfsame sorry arse flag around your shoulders at a race riot in cronulla, or anywhere else,
- if you have ever taken pride in the achievements of those pioneers who made this amazing nation,
- if you have ever felt sorrow for the tragedy of Gallipoli or the even greater tragedies of battlefields of France,
- if you have ever felt your heart take a small leap of joy because you met an Australian when you were overseas and struck up a friendship based on nothing more than your kinship;


you can't find it in your heart to 'own' at least a bit of this apology,

then you are a most egregious hypocrite

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Post by The Mighty Sunbird » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:16 pm

Damage wrote:
lateralus wrote: But I'll be fcuckedd if I will apologise for something that was done by other people before I was even born.
Mate do you not even realise that you have directly benefitted from what our mob did to their mob.

Without all that oppression and discrimination you wouldn't even be here now you idiot.

Sure, don't say sorry, but at least put a bit of thought into it.
You have almost won me over with your incisive commentary.
Almost. OF COURSE I'VE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS. I think about it a lot.
Yes I have benefitted.

Now. Lets start a campaign for apologies to France and Spain for being beaten by the British, increasing the wealth and technology of the British Navy. The Industrial Revolution (plenty of victims there even the same colour as their oppressors: who needs to apologise to who?,) then apologies to India, for filling the British coffers to allow further colonisation and maintaining the strength of 'the Empire' etc etc etc etc
AND to the American Indians for the prosperity of the Americans who were then able to create the technology to allow us to sit here and have pissing contests on the internet

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Post by Boozer » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:17 pm

Surfin Turf wrote:Chiming in a bit late but non the less ....
mad wrote:The irony is that one of Howards first actions when he first came to power was to dismantle ATSIC and 'assimilate' Aboriginal affairs.

Rudd's first actions is to say Sorry.

We really need this reconciliation as a nation so that we can move forward into our future.
Interesting :? ..... John Howard first said "sorry" in his address at the Reconciliation Conference in 1997 ..... however it's something that can't really be said enough ....

I believe you'll find that the audience he was addressing turned their collective back to him specifically because he "angrily" refused to offer an apology for the stolen generations.

Check your facts mate before posting bullshit.

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Post by Buff_Brad » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:47 pm

Felix wrote:
Buff_Brad wrote:
TMC wrote:
Buff_Brad wrote:
I'm "sorry" I bothered to read your lame and ludicrous response.

I guess it's a start, at least your apologising for something that you were responsible for.
You don't have to be responsible for something to say "sorry" dimwit. Jesus Christ there's some stupid , uncompassionate fcukwits on this site. Teeny Meeny Coc.k just admit it....... you're afraid of Aboriginals.
'Aboriginal' is an in 'aboriginal artifact'. The noun is 'aborigine'.
Correct Felix da House Cat. Writing feeling such incredulity it's easy to make a few mistakes and Ive lessened up on the whole grammar thing. Most get the gist of things ...... and after a tirade by Dino back in the Special K days I'm not so particular. But thanks anyways.........

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Post by TMC » Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:50 pm

To all of those who beleive in aboriginal reconcilliation (please note reconcilliation is not a synnonym for saying sorry), i ask you, what do you honestly think will happen now that the all important word has been uttered?

Do you truly think the indigenous community is going to stand up, turn to the government and say "thanks guys, appreciate the apology we're going to go get on with our lives now that our wishes have been fulfilled"

Personally i think this has opened up a Mabo sized can of worms which will see our country engulfed in litigation for decades to come.

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Post by 2nd Reef » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:13 pm

TMC wrote:To all of those who beleive in aboriginal reconcilliation i ask you, what do you honestly think will happen now that the all important word has been uttered

Hey TMC!

You ever seen a murder trial on the nightly news and the victim's family needs to see the convicted murderer show some remorse for their deed? Instead of concentrating on their own grieving and loss they focus on the reaction of the perpetrator.

Why do the victim's family do that? What does it matter? Their loved one isn't coming back...ever.

It's because contrition and remorse help in the healing of the victims. It is common to all human's in such situations.

I imagine today's apology will give closure to the many people stolen from their families, and I support it wholeheartedly.

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Post by smackthatlip » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:19 pm

The first time I ever met an Aborigine after shifting from NZ was an old bloke named Spider in Mooroopna, Victoria. I was waiting to cross the street when he approached me. His first words have stuck with me and probably always will. He said," How ya going mate. Don't be scared; don't believe what ya parents told ya about us black fellas". That f@#ken blew me away and gave me an early introduction to what the original Australians have had to endure. Today I've worn a big grin on my face and even shed a tear watching K. Rudd's speech. I'm not even an Aussie however as a person of European ancestery I'm embarrassed about the wrongs of Colonialism all around the world. I've got no problem saying "sorry". To those that don't agree what happened today; go put your robes on and burn a cross or something :evil:

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Post by Buff_Brad » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:20 pm

TMC wrote:To all of those who beleive in aboriginal reconcilliation (please note reconcilliation is not a synnonym for saying sorry), i ask you, what do you honestly think will happen now that the all important word has been uttered?

Do you truly think the indigenous community is going to stand up, turn to the government and say "thanks guys, appreciate the apology we're going to go get on with our lives now that our wishes have been fulfilled"

Personally i think this has opened up a Mabo sized can of worms which will see our country engulfed in litigation for decades to come.
Everyone will get on with their lives but many with a feeling of relief , togetherness and I guess , reward. You will still be a frightened little bigot with your stupid uninformed opinions. Luckily idiots like you are in the minority.

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Post by austeve » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:34 pm

I agree with the apology to those that were wrongfully removed from their families etc , but also hindsight is a great thing.
Does anyone else not think that maybe the governments of the time thought they were doing the kids a favour by trying to protect them from abuse , neglect & trying to give them a shot at an education etc.
For the last few months there has been outrage at kids , both black & white , who have died , been raped , have drug/alcohol problems & DOCS etc have known about the situation & not removed them from the danger.
Unfortunately some people , of any race, just shouldn't have kids & these poor little buggers have no real chance from their first breath.Sure mistakes are made on both sides but I do think that most of the time they are only trying to give the kids a fair crack.
Seems ridiculous now but how many women were made to give up thier kids not that long ago because they were unmarried ?
Anyway that's my two bobs worth , just hope it carries through by giving the kids healthcare ,education & a bit of a chance

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Post by pinhead » Wed Feb 13, 2008 7:42 pm

mustkillmulloway wrote:
Ringmaster wrote:Just purely out of interest............

what do people on here think re: the apology should be followed up with tax payer funded compensation :?:
keep ya money....WE WANT OUR LAND :x
This is the best comment I've read on this issue. Forget the stolen generations - the issue we all have to deal with is the fact that our forbears invaded this land and killed, or drove into the hinterlands, it's orginal inhabitants.

They had a continent full of resources - and we needed one. We had guns and ships and railways and they didn't. We built a civil society based on rules of what is fair but that society was only possible once the land had been secured by conquest - which is inherantly unfair - we are trying to tackle this enormous contradiction with our modern conception of responsibility and fairness, but it doesn't mean shit to the Aborigines - what's fair to them is getting their land back. Apologies - compensation that'll might satisfy our concept of justice - but we still have to deal with the knowlege that our comfortable lives are a result of a great injustice that we can never address. Now I know a lot of people are going to say hey that's bullshit, my great great grandfather bought half of Queenland for a case of whiskey so it's all fair. It might make you feel ok to see it that way - but I can't. How do we deal with the contradiction I don't know. Apologise yeah sure, but follow it to it's logical conclusion and we are back to invaders and the invaded. Any answers to this one I'm interested to hear

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