FCS Quads - What are you using ?

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by pridmore » Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:38 pm

with heaps of blood and guts all over the board.... maybe not...bit gruesome...might stop hijacking thread, prob should be on QF thread.... :roll:

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by JET01 » Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:25 pm

I bought my SF4 Glassflex fins from a guy on ebay... Had only read about how good they were and had no idea as to what the specs were. I was just on the FCS site and noticed that the rear fins are supposed to be smaller than the fronts fins. The new ones have "stretch" written down the sides, so i'm thinking one of the following has happened.

1. I got ripped off (favouring this response so far)

2. They're and old set and the model has been updated in the last few years making the rears smaller.

If there's anyone out there with a spare set of rears that would like to swap for a set of fronts, drop me a line. they're all in good nic.
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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by pridmore » Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:01 am

I can understand totally what you are saying..I was doin a bit of the same, especially the pre-empting and concentrating on getting he turn going a touch earlier to get to where I wanted to be to really belt the shite out of the best and most whackable sections....but since goin to the curvier tail planshape of the QFs' and especially my current Swinger, I'm goin wherever I want, when I want, I am totally 99% happy with the way this board is performing...The only thing is that it can be too fast and by that I mean it gets up to a speed very quickly when you drive off the bottom and you sometimes get to the lip so quickly it is hard to position yourself for the turn off the top but once used to this it is fine, just give it a little less off the bottom so as to not be travelling too quick.( alot of this is due to my Swinger being quite narrow thru the tail to create the exact responsiveness it has but may need to alter it a very small amount , plus the board is only 5'11 )...sounds weird to not be wanting to go as fast as the board will travel but the combo of the round tail and quad placed how I am with bottom contours and rocker is as fast as I have experienced on a perf shorty ...
Iggs, is the dylan with bat tail hard to get vert on compared to your round tails ? and if so can I ask why this is the board you were focussing on improving this type of surfing ? Have you ever tried all M5's ?, could be worth a try maybe ?, I have used all M3's before and is quite good for me, maybe a bit less lively off the top but drivey and does seem to flow well withouth the variation in sizes ( I had double foils on the back ) but again, board design and fin placement come into play alot as you know...I have been playing with tail planshape curve alot to get the wider boards turning up the face better and they are definitely doin that, not saying I have it 100% spot on but they are allowing people to surf more vertically if that how the choose to surf, trying to make the boards so they can be ridden high perf or to just flow well for the average surfer, thats the beauty of doin nearly all customs, can make subtle tweaks here and there to suit the individual...Have worked on this a bit with NC's bats and even though this ost is about fins, as you know there is alot more to a good quad than just the fins used....maybe worth a read if interested..check out Nicks new board in the design section.... 8)
here's a few pics of my 5'11 Swinger ( leopard deck )- fins are M3 front and G1000's rear ( dble foils rear ) totally stoked on this stick...... :)

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:58 pm

iggy wrote: today, M7s single foils up front, and M3's double foils at back (dylan bat-tail quad)..

Can I ask what dimensions the board is, and what dimensions you are? :)

I've just been experimenting with lots of fins myself, and I'm finding that what other people have been liking in their boards might not be right for mine. I'm realising the common sense view, that the fins are one element that compliments the rest of the board/shape.

I've tried M5/GX on a 6'0" roundtail quadfather and that worked really well for bigger waves. It projected really nicely and the size difference allowed for some really great pivot when I needed it. It worked a treat in bigger waves where check-type turns were less needed. I find larger front fins make small check turns a lot harder making the board feel a lot more restricting in small waves.
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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by el rancho » Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:40 pm

Iggy how does your quad handle your backhand?

Having experience on twins and not quads, my personal ability on backhand (which is very limited) seems not very suited to a board without a centrefin.

now i know i have a lot of improving to do for my backhand, but when i next head back to Indo i dont want to take a board that'll render my useless on the many lefthanders.

basically, does the presence of 4 fins negate the absence of the rudder-like effect of a centrefin on a thruster?

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by steve shearer » Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:46 pm

el rancho wrote: negate the absence
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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by el rancho » Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:53 pm

overcome the absence

too wordy i know

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by Natho » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:18 pm

For Indo I would suggest a Tri fin rather than a quad if you only have one choice. Get a rounded pin if you want more hold.

Quads while fun can be very hit and miss. A tri fin is going to be more predicatable in those good waves and allow you to have better control over your board and the wave.

The issue with quads (apart from the fact that they can be unpredictable through turns, off the bottom and off the top) is that their speed can mean that they outrun the best part of the wave (pocket) too quickly.

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by el rancho » Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:52 am

yeh as i was in Indo earlier in the year I fully realise what boards to take next for the hollow fast lefts we got.

stupidly, i left my 6'6 rounded thruster behind. big mistake.

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by Jimi » Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:46 pm

Natho wrote:For Indo I would suggest a Tri fin rather than a quad if you only have one choice. Get a rounded pin if you want more hold.

Quads while fun can be very hit and miss. A tri fin is going to be more predicatable in those good waves and allow you to have better control over your board and the wave.

The issue with quads (apart from the fact that they can be unpredictable through turns, off the bottom and off the top) is that their speed can mean that they outrun the best part of the wave (pocket) too quickly.
I agree that on really good hollow waves a quad doesnt let you sit in the pocket as well as a thruster, but as for unpredictability in turns??? how so? I find my quads MORE predictable on rail than my thusters. Although I admit i havnt ridden my quads in really good waves overseas, maybe your specifically talking about unpredictability on hollow indo type waves??

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by pridmore » Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:36 pm

I am not experiencing any unpredictability either but the way these might go is unpredictable....for now coz I'm gunna try em tomorrow, the front set are approx M3's and the back ones are approx G1000's ( dble foiled )....always playing with something, trying to find if there something out there that goes better than the current design combos....also have a smaller set of B-flys coming and some pipe fins too....

thanx Quangers.... 8)

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by Natho » Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:22 pm

Im talking about the lack of centre pivot point that many quads have from which to base your turns.

As an example a thruster is going to give you a specefic centre point reference when executing a bottom turn at speed on a good wave, and allow you to pivot and turn more vertical quicker..

Ive just found quads get a bit more awkward at high speed when coming of the bottom. They don't tend to pivot as quickly as a thruster in good, fast waves.

Now the planshape of that Simon is sexy indeed.Almost the same planshape as what Im riding at the moment. Makes me wanna go surfing.

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by Natho » Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:44 pm

Also despite what some people are claiming Im not anti quads. I own two myself which I ride on a regular basis. In fact Ive been riding one since before they have become popular. They have their place.

However these forums have become so clogged up with people trying to push their own agenda and sell their product that its about time some balance came to these forums. While quads have their place they also have their negatives. I also do note believe they are the best set up for an intermediate surfer who wishes to improve their surfing and technical approach to surfing and uses it as their only board. Start with a tri fin and nail your technique on that first.
Unless you are just into having fun and going fast down the line, then sure a quad will give you lots of enjoyment.

Quads have their place, but remember so do tris. Don't get too brainwashed with what some are telling you in order to flogg more of their product.

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by pridmore » Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:10 pm

yeah, thats me, guilty as charged, I do use the forums to discuss designs and give my opinions on designs, mine and others. I thought forums were all about that ? I dont brainwash anyone , I just give my opinion and it just so happens quads are something I believe work well and you are right ,they do have their place, and so does every other design , I have passed boards around for people to try for free and then they give their feedback, good or bad, then that is out there for all to see and read, no biassed reports here, if anyone wants to write a report or testimonial here, thats up to them...We all use the forums for different reasons and mine is to discuss surfboard design with like minded people and not to make sales, honestly, I reckon I would have shaped no more than a dozen boards for fellow RealSurfers... oh yeah, I also had a board testing day to allow anyone to try my boards, no hidden agendas there I think...You may not be anti-quad but you very often point out any negatives ( in your opinion ) and thats great coz everyone on these forums deserves to read other peoples opinions to give them all the info to be able to make the own choices....oh yeah, and I shaped NC a board and put it out there for all to see so they could see the processes of modifying a custom board to suit a knowledgeable surfer and then to see the results, not much hiding here at all I think mate, just a passionate shaper who loves what he does and will continue to use this forum and others to discuss, learn from and share what I love and that is surfboards and design.....You obviously love surfing and your boards too or you wouldnt be regularly here discussing them but we do clash and thats fine, not all will agree and especially something as personal and individual as board designs....

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by Quangers » Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:24 pm

[quote="Natho"]Unless you are just into having fun and going fast...

Fcuking A. Aren't we all? :)

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:22 pm

Quangers wrote:
Natho wrote:Unless you are just into having fun and going fast...

Fcuking A. Aren't we all? :)
haha ditto. I'm not into trying to get an 8 to 10 point ride. I'm into enjoying flow and speed, and g-s around turns... :)
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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by ric_vidal » Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:17 am

Natho wrote:I also do note believe they are the best set up for an intermediate surfer who wishes to improve their surfing and technical approach to surfing and uses it as their only board. Start with a tri fin and nail your technique on that first.
What are you Natho, the bloody fun police? :D Most punters full stop are probably riding inappropriate equipment relative to their ability, thank you Kelly and Merrick according to some.

Ride and experience everything, who knows what fits the bill.

Think even kNicknaCk said at one point if you want to hone your skills/lines, ride a single fin... thanks but no thanks Nick, I’ll leave that to my betters and the nongs who love those sh*tty bloody, crap brown, rotted foam with 50,000 compression things I have to fix that they got for $20 at Vinnies. :twisted:

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Re: FCS Quads - What are you using ?

Post by Natho » Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:53 pm

Me too - just not at the expense of quick vertical turns, or at the expense of missing the best part of the wave. Depends on what type of wave you are surfing and your level of surfing though. Like most areas of surfboard design there is always a trade off. The speed, hold and drive trade off with many quads is at the expense of the board being able to pivot as well as a tri.

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