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Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:00 pm
by Deesee
You should've hit them thrice...

1. For snaking and being greedy.

2. For being mid twenty bodyboarders.

3. Cause the weather was nice.

Don't feel bad about losing your temper, keep the kids angry and punk rock.

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:05 pm
by Longy
Musta been something in the sponge this morning. I had my own troubles with a boogie border this morning. Was surfing a beach beach with assorted peaks spread out over bout half a k. Waves galore, fair crowd out but everyone getting thier share, all good. Then in the space of about 20 mins bout 30 teens on thier toys come floundering out, kicking & flapping at any bit of chop that popped up ,snaking, dropping in with tilted heads trying to get ''tubed''.

This one little pric hung round me like a bad smell, paddling to the inside, hassling me for peaks. I can handle this for a while but it got beyond a joke, he was ruining my surf so I offered a polite ''Excuse me mate, do us a favour will you, and phaark off somewhere else'' & to his credit he did. I guess he realised he was being a nuisance & was seeing how far he could go.

Apart from that, today was a very, very good day.

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:31 pm
by Trev
Surfin', you seem to be a man after my own heart. When I lose it, I lose it. And immediately regret it. Then later, when I get a chance to think it through I generally end up at peace with my actions. There are some tools that just deserve it. Have you been called a "grumpy old bugger" yet?
I got that today out for a beachside walk with my wife. :oops:
Family coming the other way on the footpath with four young kids on pushies. The youngest runs into me, knocks a bag out of my hand, rips the handles off it and her Dad "sort of says", "Sorry 'bout that". I point out to him he is responsible for the safety of his kids and other footpath users. Then he calls me a grumpy old bugger. Hang about. Your kid runs into me and I'm supposed to just smile and walk on?
If that makes me a grumpy old bugger then, so be it.
Anyway, in the surf I do try to be reasonable but boy I can lose it if someone does something really silly and /or burns me.
Don't feel too bad Mate. You're entitled to be a grumpy old bugger if you live in a house full of women. :lol:
Me? I'm just a grumpy OLD bugger :wink:

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:35 pm
by Lou
Dear Surfin' Turf,

You have nothing to apologise for or be ashamed of.

Running over a snaking bodyboarder is an acheivement to be proud of- especially since this was a mid twenties bodayboarder :!: :shock: :shock: I mean holy fvck! Some adults just have no dignity. It is sad and disgusting to witness.

In recognition of your effforts I hereby award you the "Smnmntl Congressional Surfing Medal" and three Mr Greens:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

EDIT: btw I did not type "fluffybunny". I typed f v c k

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:00 pm
by Jimi
I agree, you got nothing to be ashamed of.

What do people do out there when the person in the lineup doing the snaking and dropping in is one of the ones ripping the most AND is the meanest/toughest looking prick out there?
I tend to get the shits, have a little stare (not too angry, seen too many people get hit just for saying something to said d!$kheads) shake my head and paddle off to hopefully a nice less crowded peak.
But when in comes to getting waves, nice guys finish last.
Often the perfect days are no where near as fun as the ok days just cause of the aggressive crowds. Love getting the good ones that come in on less perfect and less crowded days.

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:54 pm
by pridmore
have had very similar shite happen to me and even when they totally deserve any blasting they get, you always feel like utter crap afterwards and it can hang on for days... I guess as the surfing population grows we have to expect it will happen more and more unless we all can educate these idiots...but there will always be the people who dont care, the sellfish and greedy ones who spoil it for the others. I think that when you have some good surfs, just really enjoy them coz there are going to be more idiots in the future....Bring on mid-week winter I say....The quiet word is a winner, used it plenty, nice but firm especially at your local break to travellers with bad attitudes.....

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:15 am
by diggerdickson
I know generally surf away from crowds for this very reason, I am very lucky in that im able to do that even on the sunshine coast, just not at Noosa :lol: :lol:

Have had trouble at Noosa once and it totally ruined my surf, let it get to me and ended up following the guy around and making sure he got no more waves, in essence, I acted like a tool. I couldve just moved on and tried to catch waves but no, not me, had to follow him, paddle in front when he tried to get a wave, dropped in and fad left at noosa just so he cant surf :lol:

Then I went out with trev, had a blast, and left feeling great.

Mate I feel for you, and I try to aviod the situation espically if Ive already had waves cause I know I will let it get to me and it will escalate into shitty hassling.....

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:54 am
by Grooter
Suck of a situation ST but you're better off not knocking the little boogers lights out.

I'll always try and show a bit of etiquette out there, usually I'll live with a drop in or two, but after that I'll just return the favour and intentionally drop back in on them. By and large the quiet word is the best way to go. 10 years ago I'd have tried to take it further but after getting my lights punched out a few times I realised that it was not always the better option as I can't fight for :oops:

Last time I had a blow up was at a blow-in goat boater that damaged the tail of my board, although being 500 metres out at sea I just let fly with a barrage of insults before sulking off and paddling in. I don't feel bad about it either and if I ever see the cnut out there again I will make it my business to fcuk up his surf as it cost me $50 to get repaired!

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:51 am
by Davros
Just exact revenge by dropping in on every boogey boarder you see in the water.

What? You already do?

Problem solved.

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:28 am
by marcus
sorry to hear that ST
they are a f##king embarresment, stuffing it up for everyone else.
sounds like they deserved a talking to at least.
for the record, we are all not like that, but there are a truck load that are.
the rules of the surf are common knowledge, everyone knows them, thats what i thought until recently spending more time at a beach break with tourists.
been thinking about putting a sign up in the car park, or getting on the loud speaker.
"find your own empty peak" or "do i look like i want a learner following me around the line up with an pommy accent" now i know what you guys go on about.

hearing this just really gets me down
you go to extra trouble to be polite when riding a bb, showing respect, giving space and waves and these f##ks just screw it up, again.
feel like burning them just for the bad rep.

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:26 pm
by Trev
Surfin Turf wrote:
after a while 3 mid 20’s boogie boarders paddled out about 50 meters north of me onto another peak and were getting plenty of waves but after about 30 minutes they drifted down to where I was taking off … the three of them then started buzzing around me paddling back and forwards chasing every bump that came along and hooting and whoooing and talking all manner of jibberish cr@p
Apart from the dropping in, this is the bit that gets me, too. I like a bit of peace and quiet out there.
Loudmouthed kids, loudmouthed boogie boarders and loudmouthed girls all give me the shits.

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:41 pm
by Surfin Turf
the north coast boys will be happy to know that I tried your advice this morning ... I simply refused to move off the cranking left hander I'd had to myself for 40 minutes so I said to this guy who thought he needed to hassle for every wave I went for despite there being two of us and that I sat back and left him alone when it was his go ... "if you do that again I'll start doing it to you ..." after a few more calmy said words he still didn't understand that he was being a knob but a couple of waves later he paddled off ...

after all these years it seems I may have learned a new trick ... but then again , this is sydney's northern beaches ... :twisted:

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:54 pm
by RickyG
The big problem here is that the guys in question didn't appear to think there was anything wrong with what they were doing. They've either only just started boogering (seems likely) or have been at it a while but haven't learnt how to behave or don't give a toss. Don't people learn this stuff any more? I bodyboarded until I was about 21, after starting at 12 or 13, and learnt the rules - got abused plenty of times and probably deserved a lot of it. I also read books and magazine articles.

I'm a pretty reserved guy and would hate to lose it but I think sometimes if you go off at someone, especially a kid, you're actually doing them a favour as they'll realise they're in the wrong.

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:36 am
by Surfin Turf
sorry northern boys but I say f'ck the quiet word ...

tried it again this morning on a guy who burnt me while I was tucked into a nice makeble barrel ... the guy just started arguing with me that the wave wasn't that good and it shouldn't matter ... sure it wan't that good for him because he took off on the shoulder .... and it didn't turn out too good for me because I ended up with no where to go because he was in the way ... but it would've been great if he hadn't have dropped in ... he simply didn't get it and refused to be wrong ... I would've felt way better just telling him off ... :idea:

I must say though the crowds have been unusually massive and arrogant this week ...

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:16 am
by Surfin Turf


I did kendo about 20 years back, I still have the whooping stick in the garage ... :idea:

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:41 am
by PeepeelaPew

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:54 am
by Surfin Turf


"Gladiator ready :?: " ... "Dropperinerer ready :?: " ... "Rummbllllllllllllllllllle :!: "

Re: apology not accepted ...

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:03 am
by Karlos
Yep I agree. Surfin' you ARE a magnet for this shit.

I hate to come across all KK-like, but sometimes violence (or at least the percieved threat of) is the only option.

Jesus christ, this morning's guy actually wanted to argue as to the quality of the wave? I'm beginning to think the placement of signs as to surfing etiquette on ALL beaches is a very good idea afterall.

I want to move to the country. The city shits me to tears.