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Opinion Appreciated

Post by Chonie » Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:12 pm

Hey there! Ive been reading the forum and although ive heard stories and now have read by ur accounts about this so called surf rage, im curious to know why i have never seen any of this first hand.
Im a chick that goes between shortboarding and bodyboarding and have never been harrassed or anything by the guys out there.
One of you guys said that when you go out on a bodyboard that the other guys roll their eyes and make comments but ive never seen this as i paddle out. Also the other day i was in the wrong spot at the wrong time and totally cut some guy off and he was totally cool about it.
Im just curious to know if it's because im a chick or what?
Im in no way complaining, the guys out there seem heaps supportive of us girls. As i said, just curious.

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Post by Luke » Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:41 pm

Hey Chonie :), personally i hate having a whinge they're is no point but i'm also a fellow bodyboarder and what most people would call me a blow-in as i live in Mosman but my local beach break was Q'cliff not a bad break to learn on, especially that bank that was working a few work's ago, hurt my neck badly though :P

Anyway's to answer your question, and you probably answered it yourself, yes it is because of a chick, how many girl's do you see out in the line-up having a go? not many same thing for car's if you see a girl driving a tricked out import or holden sure every man will get a shock but considering that you have 95% of Male's out in the line-up it does get rather mascerline and ego-ish what would happen if 95% of girl's were out there? lot's of bitchin huh? it's good to have a mix and if you mixed girl's with guys in surfing alot of the rage wouldn't happen after all most guy's want sex sorry to generlise but it's true and they won't get it in being a complete idiot and bashing someone, although skanky girl's might haha :P

Surfing, weather it be a Surfboard, BodyBoard, a Mal, a cano whatever it be, it is classed as Surfing, remember There is Surf so therefore if you catch it you are surfing remember BodySurfing? heh, just because stand-up's use a short board in micro swell's and can't catch shit, because they blow the majority of they're money and time geting fucked up and goin to pub's, considering i think mal's are the smart option as they will get more wave's after all guys mal's and stand up is the same shit except you are on a bigger board, but i prefer my bodyboarding as i love it, so if i can't catch a few wave's it's my lose....

after all guy's what the fuck is the point Surfing Manly, the council has fucked up the bank's with the big wall's surrounding it, poluting the water with not one, not two, not 3 but 4 drain's... and considering that you have all these drunken, drug taking idiot's that just don't give a shit, people in there shit box's with they're doof doof music, cop's everywhere and because i surf they think i'm selling drug's....

Anyway's that's my rant

Hope my abusive but yet opinionistic post helped you Chonie

Cheer's :)

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Post by fletch » Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:52 pm

Chonie I think it's great that you don't get hassled. But I think it's because you are a chick.

I'll accept that I maybe cynical and I could very well be wrong but I'm going with the "skirt theory" for the moment.

I guess the only way to know is sadly to ask girls have you ever been hassled in the surf?

Tell us where it happened as well so we can around and sort out the weak bastards who did it.

*edit. I'd like to add that in my opinion surf rage is kind of rare anyway.

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Post by thermalben » Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:16 pm

I agree - it's certainly because you're a chick. I mean, I got dropped in the other day up here on the Goldy by a very attractive girl (reasonably good surfer too) - I bottom turned around a section only to see this really nice butt looking me in the face - how's a bloke to argue against that?

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Post by Longboarder » Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:26 pm

ThermalBen would you have told her off if she was ugly and skanky.

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Post by thermalben » Mon Jan 26, 2004 9:08 pm

I have no idea - I'll have to wait until I get dropped in by one (probably within the next day or so, being on the GC).

Unless it's blatant, I'm not normally the guy that gets all abusive on drop-ins though. I'd rather just paddle back out and get the next set. Still, I reckon chicks have the upper hand here (and I reckon some of them definitely use that to their advantage). Especially on suckers like me :)

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Post by Longboarder » Mon Jan 26, 2004 10:01 pm

Newcastle doesn't seem to get the quality girl surfers just the meataxes who weigh like 90kg and are ex clubbies or boaties

hammer time

Post by hammer time » Tue Jan 27, 2004 9:00 am

it depends where you go also. some lineups are full of agro kooks that just wanna get angry cos they can't surf, or cos they think you snaked em. maybe your at the opposite end- type spot.
The girl factor,........ yeh probably helps for u, but ussually its al talk and not much eventuates anyway.
i reckon ya just settle the kettle grettle and have fun. 8)

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Post by theboat » Tue Jan 27, 2004 3:49 pm

I have to admitt that i give girls a pretty easy treatment in the line-up, everybody does... but if we keep doing it then it could cause problems.

I was surfing the point at Crescent not too long ago when was droping in on everyone without too much worries. I then went out the back and waited about 7 minutes for the set. When it came, sure enough she turned to paddle on the outside.

I really wanted this wave so i gave her a smile and asked "Mind if i have this one?" She kept on paddling, then when i got the wave and did a less friendly 'oi' she simply turned, smiled and kept riding, cutting me off from the wall with no apologies.

Im sure she was a nice girl, but she has just been given the impression that we (guys) dont mind when girls take our waves..... gotta be careful cause i would prefer a clean wall no a view of an arse any day!

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Post by streetdaddy » Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:50 pm

about the only good thing about being dropped in on blatently like that is when you catch up to them and give their outside rail a little lift to aid them in their 'exit' from the wave ;) I haven't managed to pull it off many times, but if i do it makes my day... female or male, drop in on me and I will try my best to get you off the wave in a non-violent manner! Failing that I will cry and paddle in...

n.b. Adelaide is fairly devoid of true locals, so you can generally do the above without the risk of copping a jab in the jaw... dunno about other more local spots though, maybe safest just to leave it alone!

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Post by fletch » Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:34 pm

I've done it at Bondi. :)

Was about 4 foot and good conditions. These 4 guys paddle out and one of them is going on and on about his trip to Bali. Next wave he blatantly drops in on me despite my protest. Coming up from the bottom turn I grab his rail and flip.

Figuring he might be a little annoyed I paddled straight back out to him so we could "clear the air", he said "don't touch my board". I said don't drop in. We left it at that.

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Post by marcus » Wed Jan 28, 2004 8:06 am

ive been stoked lately as ive finally found a cool lady to date that surfs and fishes, but im a bit confused as the other day she complained that i love the ocean too much... weird.
anyway, love the girls out in the water.
Oscar Wilde - "I am not young enough to know everything"


Post by Chonie » Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:39 am

Luke & Marcus- thanks for ur opinions. it's good to know what's going on inside the guys heads sometimes.

Fletch- hehehe thanks for the offer mate, if im in need of a big bro figure to bash any dickheads ill give you a buzz. *thumbs up*

theboat- yeah i agree that if guys keep giving girls the best waves they could get that idea, but i guess that comes down to ur own judgement. If they arent that good its a really nice gesture to let them have a go, but if it looks like they can hold their own in the line up, i say treat em like any other surfer.

Well its nice to see guys can still be gentlemen in the water. Cheers.

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Post by terminator » Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:12 pm

The exiStence of an existential medium can reformat itself untill a delutional state takeS hold of it with its encrypted and totally corRupted tentacles.

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Post by g_u_m_b_y » Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:46 am

terminator wrote:The exiStence of an existential medium can reformat itself untill a delutional state takeS hold of it with its encrypted and totally corRupted tentacles.
yeh not funny

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Post by fruitbowls » Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:56 am

get some more hardcore feminists out their who wanted to be treated right.

I never see much rage?

but I do have a go if someone drops in on me, blatantly.

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Post by Shaunm » Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:08 am

There are several female mal riders at Freshie who are quite good. One thinks she is better than everyone else in the water (which she'e not) she gets cut off every time she does the drop-in because people are sick of her and her attitude. If someone drops in by accident once that seems to be OK be they male or female. Do it intentionally or constantly different story. I've had to leave that beach several times because I've felt the blood temp rising due to constant drop-ins and having a line of learners 50 in front of where I'm taking off from.

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Post by Nick Carroll » Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:41 am

I reckon Surf Rage is generally overrated and overhyped and represents a tiny fraction of what happens in the water, whatever your gender.

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