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Nick Carroll
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Post by Nick Carroll » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:07 am

smoothlines wrote:ll you others, dont make comments on this, no matter how informed you are, because what you think and wat actually happened are two different things.
Is it OK if they discuss the general question of violence and intimidation in the water, or is that also not permitted? :roll:

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Post by grazza » Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:26 pm

kreepykrawly wrote:
Hypothitically speaking.... if these forums existed around the time galileo was alive and his topic was "the world is round"...i can just imagine all the tossers calling him a freak.
Oh I've got it now. Here was I thinking this guy was a sociopathic menace when really he is visionary genius who sees a truth that the rest of us are just too dumb to get. Silly me.

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Post by pig champion » Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:34 pm

smnmtl wrote:But there are paedophiles and there are paedophiles
what?? this is probably one of the most stupid things i have ever heard anyone say ... you are dead wrong here ... a paedophile is a paedophile - full stop.
my heaters broke & i'm so tired ...

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Post by Patto10 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:11 pm

Guys, lets face the facts.

JD is a coward and his actions are socially and legally unacceptable.

Let's see how he acts if he is thrown in the big-house, let's see how those "locals" treat him when the tables are turned and he is outnumbered.

I doubt that anything serious will happen to him if found guilty, unfortunately, but he gets fatter and older each day, let nature take its course and he'll get the shit beaten out of him one day, guaranteed, and then we can all stand around and laugh at the sad pathetic individual he is (remember Nat Young).

He obviously hasn't got much else in his life if he acts the way he does and I'm sure he is a lot poorer for the legal fees he'll be stumping up for and will be unable to live any where near the beach in the near term.


Post by reggie » Wed Sep 13, 2006 1:14 pm

smnmntl wrote:Next time you mourn the lost innocence of an abused child, think about one likely trajectory of that child: he's all fked up by the experience and repeats the abuse as he gets older, gets caught as an adult molesting kids, eventually gets chucked into jail and has boiling water thrown over him by a convicted rapist. Explain to me why that's fair?
It's kind of hard avoiding sending a pedo to jail, even if he was once a victim himself. If it was your own kid who'd been molestered, no matter the circumstances behind the attacker's life, your kid has still been molestered. You can't keep them in their own home for sh*t, and to think so is ludacris. Are you forgetting the severity of the crime here? The option to commit again shouldnt be there.

Jail isnt the BEST option, but it sure beats having these blokes living in their own home enjoying luxuries.

I'd much rather a pedo be subject to beatings in prison than an innocent child be molestered.

As for the boiling water, thats not a pedofile issue, thats a problem with our prison system. Sh*t like that goes on all the time. A convicted 22 yr old drug dealer, selling pills and gas and weed, sentenced for 2 years a while back. Brutally raped and bashed, in tears, and the guy couldnt walk for weeks. The prison guards laughed as he walked on by, joking about how hard he took it...... Its bigger than just this treatment for pedo's, although they do have a target on their head, but would you expect any less for such a disgusting crime?

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Post by Patto10 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:03 pm

"My point (if only you'd read just a teeny weeny bit further) was that not all convicted paedophiles are hard cases with no hope of rehabilitation."

Eh? Isn't it a bit like being a bit pregnant, or a bit gay? You fiddle with the kiddies, your a paedophile. End of Story.

But I think this thread has digressed from the topic.

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Post by Patto10 » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:43 pm

Sounds like smnmntl has some issues.
Do you think the impact on the child is any less because the paedophile has regrets or themselves were abused?
Is that the excuse you are going to use when your are finally caught handing out boiled lollies in your clown suit?
It seems pretty black and white to me.

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Post by pig champion » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:45 pm

smnmntl wrote:
Patto10 wrote:"My point (if only you'd read just a teeny weeny bit further) was that not all convicted paedophiles are hard cases with no hope of rehabilitation."

Eh? Isn't it a bit like being a bit pregnant, or a bit gay? You fiddle with the kiddies, your a paedophile. End of Story

Jesus crispy Christ

Have I died and gone to retards hell or something?
of course i read your whole post ... difference between sick & evil?? wtf?? evil?? :shock:

someone else said it here ... it's simple ... you molest a child - you are a paedophile ... you cannot make a distinction as to why they did it ... they did it - end of story ... rehabilitation is another sory altogether that needs to be handled seperately ...
my heaters broke & i'm so tired ...

the shackle
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Post by the shackle » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:49 pm

Squid wrote:How about chemical castration? I know it reeks of Nazi eugenics but the current situation of state-sanctioned prison rape is also barbaric. We should be above seeking only revenge, since as others have said, the problem is one of society's making. Revenge doesn't solve the problem. But I'd only be in favour of castration if it was proven to eliminate the pedophile's horrific drive, not just diminish it.
no you cant do that, coz that would make smantle cry.
u see he cant stand that some people might use an internet forum to mourn the death of a bloke they didnt know, but at the same time sticks up for peadophiles coz some of them were abused when they were young and cant help themselves.

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Post by Lucky Al » Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:01 pm

how's this sexy doll by toys'r'us, targeted at children aged six and above!


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Post by oldman » Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:01 pm

you can't just say that they're all incorrigible predators with no hope of rehabilitation
They're all incorrigible predators with no hope of rehabilitation.

There I said it.

Gotta disagree with you there smnmntl. It is true that most paedophiles were themselves victims of sexual molestation when they were young.

Doesn't matter. I'm with Rockin Ron and others. Gaol would be the best place for someone if they got onto my kiddies. Every rule, every honourable notion I have ever thought or considered would be out the window. Man, I would wait 20 years for them to get out of gaol and then take them to task.

I have heard that a major reason that paedophiles are so hated in gaol is that many of the inmates are themselves victims of molestation.

Paedophiles also have far and away the highest rates of recidivism. In fact, very few even admit to themselves that what they have done is a crime.

By the way, nice response KK, something about me suggesting a beheading. It's hard to see how a human mind can be so delusional in one way, and in complete denial in another.

KK and others seriously seem to be entertaining the idea that nobody knows what happened (except themselves) and that this guy has really only sworn at a few people. All those assault charges, all just for swearing, and all the forum posts about his antics over the last 18 months, but no, all he did was swear at someone. Never paddled after guys, punched them, held them underwater, told them never to surf at a public beach again, threatened, intimidated, stalked. No, didn't happen.

In that case, he doesn't need an expensive lawyer. His innocence will no doubt shine through.

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Post by Lucky Al » Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:06 pm

how sexy's disney's little mermaid!


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Post by savesealrocks » Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:07 pm

^ i'd tap it

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Post by Lucky Al » Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:09 pm

and how's what this woman rosa brooks says in her los angeles times article dated august 25!

In a culture in which the sexualization of childhood is big business - mainstream mega-corporations such as Disney earn billions by marketing sexy products to children too young to understand their significance - is it any wonder that pedophiles feel emboldened to claim that they shouldn't be ostracized for wanting sex with children? On an Internet bulletin board, one self-avowed 'girl lover' offered a critique of this week's New York Times series on pedophilia: 'They fail, of course, to mention the hypocrisy of Hollywood selling little girls to millions of people in a highly sexualized way.' I hate to say it, but the pedophiles have a point here.

There are plenty of good reasons to worry about children and sex. But if we want to get to the heart of the problem, we should obsess a little less about whether the neighbor down the block is a dangerous pedophile - and we should worry a whole lot more about good old-fashioned American capitalism, which is busy serving our children up to pedophiles on a corporate platter.

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Post by Lucky Al » Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:10 pm

what the hell is a corporate platter?!

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Post by Alvin » Wed Sep 13, 2006 5:29 pm

To err away fom the kiddie-fiddling for 5 minutes and back to the cost of sending someone to prison vs alternative punishments...

I've experienced JD's charms first-hand...must be 5 years ago now, if anyone thinks this has only been going on for 5 minutes. It was completely unprovoked...maybe a case of mistaken identity? This random pyscho just starts screaming at me to go in... took a swing (luckily missed), stabbed me in the stomach with his board. Threatened to 1. break my jaw 2. drown me 3. go to the beach to fight and 4. put me in hospital. I paddled in, and he still came looking for me in the carpark with about 6 of his 18yr old hangers-on.

So for my tuppence worth, I didn't go to the cops, only my pride took a battering...just been filthy about the c*nt for the last 5 years and personally I would much rather see my hard-earned tax dollars go to funding a short stint in Long Bay to teach him a lesson and hopefully make him think twice next time, than continue to see my hard-earned tax dollars get spent on funding him sitting around on the dole, surfing uncrowded waves during working hours while the rest of us mugs work our butts off, then get subjected to his horsesh*t at the weekends.

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Post by Hano » Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:21 pm

Doesn't matter. I'm with Rockin Ron and others. Gaol would be the best place for someone if they got onto my kiddies. Every rule, every honourable notion I have ever thought or considered would be out the window. Man, I would wait 20 years for them to get out of gaol and then take them to task

Beat me to the punch oldman

Sounds like Rosa Brooks is packin into the same scrum as Greer.
Anyone more worried about the influence of American capitalism and its effects in OZ rather than the dangerous paedophile down the road is deluded.

This J.D dude doesn’t need a goal sentence.


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