How important is style?

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dj jazzy jeff
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How important is style?

Post by dj jazzy jeff » Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:21 am

This is a serious topic, how important is style to you? Do you know what good style is? If so, tell us what is it? I'd really like to read some serious ideas on the subject, so if you just want to write off, do it somewhere else.

The Dan
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Post by The Dan » Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:38 am

depends if were talking about style or functionality. Style is a culturally constructed / subjective thing. Hence the Aussies love "hardy style" and the brazil nuts ape out on Tamega.

So one persons "style" seems rank from the others viewpoint. However if where talking about having a functional riding style its different I think. All the top guys have a "functional" style for what there trying to achieve on the wave there riding, so tamega, hubb and hardys style is all different, but based on there approach to how they want to ride a wave, there "style" is functional.

To illustrate this I'd sight that young guy Dave Crowley. He tries to do all the moves in the "hardy" style cloned out by most young aussies, but his surfing just looks forced and cheap, because he's trying to ride with a pre-concieved notion of "style" rather than with a functional approach that suits his own body type and ability.

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Post by JaxonB » Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:13 pm

yep that's hit the nail on the head. style is what you make is, its unique

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Post by dammit__01 » Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:28 pm

Style is your own and you can make what you want of it.

To me style is making everything flow and go smooth.

dj jazzy jeff
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Post by dj jazzy jeff » Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:41 pm

I mean can you guys really break down style? Do you believe that this needs to be done? What role does video analysis of your own surfing play in your style? Where do you draw your influences from? e.t.c.

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Post by Roman » Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:05 pm

F&%ck Jazzy Jeffrey! Another Brilliant Topic.
In my personal opinion I believe style is THE most important thing in bodyboarding... If you don't have a nice style whats the point? unless you are in it just for the fun of it, then who cares what ya style looks like..
But if you are a serious bodyboarder then I believe It's the single most important thing you must work on. Your style should come before any thing else, period! This is where videoing yourself and mates comes into play, it can really assist you in improving your style because it gives a real, direct unedited blatent slap in the face answer of what you look like in the water from the beach.
What is Style? : Flowing with the wave.
Drawing smooth lines
Having a relaxed posture.
Not forcing any moves.
Less Is More.
There are very small visual things that can aid in your style also, such as the colour of your board, your flippers, arm rope, your build, even haircut and zinc application.
Most modern day riders who are considered stylish are really direct clone descendents of Stewart, altered slightly of course, of when he was in his prime, wearing churchills and riding moreys. His Claw, His Crossed legs through spins, extremely smooth over inverted inverts, smooth scoop/vertical rolls, his rail to rail surfing, his carving cutbacks and reverses, his wide long legged split leg stalls, his simple coloured boards, black wetsuits, short hair. Everything Stewart did had a tried and proven reason, to make the time riding waves on a bodyboard as functional and visually appealing as possible.
Stylish riders can usually adapt there surfing from small gutless waves to big heavy waves with no trouble at all. Most stylish riders usually perform best in bigger hollow waves while making it look oh so effortless.
In my opinion there is only a handfull of professionals bodyboarding today that have good style. Off the top of my head Mitch Rawlins, Ryan Hardy, Damian King, Toby Player. (Of course there is several more But these guys are the most well known at the top of the pile when it comes to style, Good Style.)
It Is very much a personal thing, But an agreed few by the masses that have been considered the most stylish of all time (an opinion by guys that have been Bodyboarding seriously for atleast 10 years) would agree : Stewart in Churchills and riding for morey was the KING, the original grand master of Style, He basically invented stylish bodyboarding. Percy riding for morey, his riding was so simple yet still many consider his tuberiding the most stylish of all time, Tully Beevor on morey, it is still debated to this day that he had the all time best style, a better version of Stewart? easily the most smoothest bent inverts of all time, Best Claw ever. Skinny wingo with his black cut blades, Stewarts original Prodigy, Allrounder who thrived in big pits, Owned the Island and was the true original Aussie legend in Hawaii. Nugget when he wore churchills and rode Turbos, his style was his own and was so unpredictable that made watching Nugget funny and almost addictive, possibly the best cross legged reverses of all time, sick stylish rolls. Ronk when he rode for morey, Smooth as Silk, First stylish hawaiin after Stewart. And who could forget Chopper when he was on Morey, Best small wave style of all time, His whole act was smooth, in and out of the water.
Now if you want to be a Stylish Bodyboarder Get all the early vids and clone these guys, while still letting your own style evolve.
Another idea of what good style is, Ask a pro over 27 who they believe had the best style of All time, this influence will definately shine through in there bodyboarding and also give you an Idea of why they surf the way they do.

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Post by taucher » Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:38 pm

roman u have no life geees how mch do u want to write


Re: Style

Post by fong » Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:12 pm

dj jazzy jeff wrote:I mean can you guys really break down style? Do you believe that this needs to be done? What role does video analysis of your own surfing play in your style? Where do you draw your influences from? e.t.c.
just trying ad a little :arrow: i don't use vid much at all ...actually at all:)

i listen more too my mates.....sometimes i think i'm ripin....and get it straight....i look like i'm kookin :shock: :oops: :lol:

as far influences.....the pro's for sure....i love the way andy iron surfs :!:

but also ...old guys at my local....good surfers....deep styles :idea:

with boogies i really do believe less is more....u need find lots speed....big tubes .... rolls/air :idea:

spinners are the worst style :cry:

and with drop's sick when guys just trim into a mad section.....i don't like the i've got a worm up me bum wiggle stuff :D

p.s but thatsjust me.....have thread...nice hear u guys developing a appreciation of wat style is and how it effects u movement on a wave

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Post by dammit__01 » Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:37 pm

Roman wrote:If you don't have a nice style whats the point? unless you are in it just for the fun of it
i didnt read all of your post, fucking 3 pages worth :shock:

But i did read this and it worried me, arnt we all in it just for the fun of it?

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Post by Partypooper » Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:47 pm

dammit__01 wrote:
Roman wrote:If you don't have a nice style whats the point? unless you are in it just for the fun of it
i didnt read all of your post, **** 3 pages worth :shock:

But i did read this and it worried me, arnt we all in it just for the fun of it?
i dont go down and have a session to go...ok today im going to be more stylish, i would rather go with my own flow....if i look like a retart, tough luck it is fun!

there is no point trying to change what u do if u will get frustrated and just stop.

i agree with dammit, all fun :D

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Post by dj jazzy jeff » Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:02 pm

Roman the stuff you're speaking of there really defines good surfing from bad. But I guess people should know that. Style can be broken down to the tiniest thing. This is what makes a stylish rider, and unless you happen to be a naturally stylish rider, and to be honest there really haven't been that many in the attention to what is being written. Everything in the last post by Roman is 100% bodyboarding gospel. Look at the most stylish riders of all time, notice what they are doing that is similar and try to bring that into your own surfing. It is what makes you GOOD, anyone can do a backflip...but if it looks shit why do it?
Remember guys, a video camera is your best friend when working on your style...look at what makes your surfing good or bad and change it to the way it should look.

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Re: Style

Post by dammit__01 » Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:29 pm

dj jazzy jeff wrote:Look at the most stylish riders of all time, notice what they are doing that is similar and try to bring that into your own surfing. It is what makes you GOOD, anyone can do a backflip...but if it looks shit why do it?
Remember guys, a video camera is your best friend when working on your style...look at what makes your surfing good or bad and change it to the way it should look.
To clone, or not to clone.

Your style is the way you should have it, i dont see the use in changing your style, unless you want to be a pro your style should be your own unique thing.

p.s. glad to see a topic in the bodyboarders section about the style of surfing and not what clothes, or hair cup youe wearing today...

dj jazzy jeff
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Post by dj jazzy jeff » Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:00 pm

I don't really think it's about cloning, but if that's the way you choose to view it, cool. To all bodyboarders reading this, study the old videos, watch Rawlins surf, check the older vids for Tully, Nugget,Stewart, Perce, Ronk e.t.c. really watch what they are doing, pick their styles apart, take on what you like and disregard the rest. By the way, there is no other options, wear Churchills or Churchill clones, I know this sounds harsh, but if you don't you look shit.

Style is what makes a good rider. I know this sounds lame, but it is so freaking important. You can't underestimate it.

The Dan
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Post by The Dan » Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:57 pm

looks like a few people have internalized the values.

style has exactly zippo to do with "fashion" if you will, l because all fashion from street wear to wearing the "right" fins or having the "right" coloured board is a culturally subjective choice.

Case in point, the previlence of what are called "old school" board colours at the moment, were as prob. 2 years ago a black board was the right "scene" thing to do. Times roll on, and kids choices are driven by the marketing approach of board companies.

Re: the fin thing. Skipper. super style, and up until recently he wore fckn hydros. Stewy with his vipers (all be them custom ones). Its all about utalizing the wave to your own idea of how to want to ride it, and making it flow as you do.

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Post by dj jazzy jeff » Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:14 pm

Look Dan, no offense mate but Skipper looked shit in his Hydros, Mike looks shit in his vipers, and these are two of the most celebrated styles in bodydoarding history. Style is broken down into several areas, your body positioning, cosmetic stuff (fins, boards, suits) and the lines you draw on a wave and don't tell me that it doesn't make a difference because Mike and Skipper proved my point.

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Post by The Dan » Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:05 pm

and you just proved my point. style is a subjective thing, some like somethings, others dont, when a majority in a group or culture agree on a point thats when it becomes "common sense" in the aust. bb scene its "common" sense that churchills look better because weve been socialized to believe it to the point where we have a "churchill hegemony" if you will. i

ts the same functional technique if skipp does a reverse air with hydros or stealths on, its just a value judgement that designates one as stylish, and one as not.

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Post by dj jazzy jeff » Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:28 pm

Look Daniel, I don't want to have a big blow up with you but "good" body boarding style is based directly off Mike Stewart's riding in the early 1990's. Everyone who is considered to have a good style these days owes alot to him. That is why Churchills, Morey copies, short hair etc... are considered stylish. I know I might be sounding fairly close minded on this issue, but your point is simply wrong. This is not a new thing, I have been bobdyboarding for 17 years. Old school Stewart is what style has always been measured against.

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Post by infectious » Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:39 pm

if you know the answer then why the fcuk ask the question? especially if you're not going to listen to other peoples opinions!

besides we all know style is about diesel jeans, trucker hats and industrie t's...

if you want style just copy the "cool" kids!
"I wanna be on you"

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