Help: DHD Double Shot + DHD Sweet Spot ??

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Re: Help: DHD Double Shot + DHD Sweet Spot ??

Post by Cpt.Caveman » Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:46 am

I'm with shearer, if its going to be your only board just get something with enough volume to catch waves easily, peferably shaped to plane well in the small waves that you normally surf, and just spend some time getting used to it.

If its your only board all you need is it to get enough waves, and you'll get used to it over the years you surf it.

People make surfing too complicated sometimes. Its just you, the wave, and the board, and the state of mind you achieve from surfing. Once you know what type of board you like (HPSB in your case), theres very little to worry about with that simple formula provided the board has enough volume and planing area to catch waves and float you enough. You can't fight physics if you get that wrong.

Unless you're surfing all the time you're probably not going to notice much difference between HPSB's, enough to get nit picky about tiny differences between big brand models. You'll only notice a difference when the wave power seriously increases and you start noticing the limits of control available for a given amount of speed/lift/power.
Davros wrote:Ego saved - surfing experience rubbish.

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